So tomorrow is Human Right’s Day in South Africa. And as a citizen I get the day off. Yep, it’s an official H.o.l.i.d.a.y!

I’m not going to give you a lecture about the history of South Africa and how we got to a public holiday. Most us don’t know the history/don’t care/just want the day off! <Use what’s relevant to you to justify your day off>

I’m exercising my Human Right tomorrow and will be doing my hair at a real salon and then doing some shopping at the Woolies Quality Sale.

<Tomorrow, it’s 75% off>

P.S. The kids get the day off from school too. I think that we need to change that ruling. The kids and the teachers get so many holidays. Why do they need a day off when th erest of the working class get a day off. Just saying…

P.P.S Daddy Dude is on child duty!


Enjoy your day off. I’m already starting to go slow at work!!!!!

Hip Hip Human Right’s Day!!!