Well it’s one of mine. Bullying! It happens everywhere. At any age from very young to the very mature – bullying is bullying. I worry about how I could teach my son life skills/coping strategies to get through LIFE. Life in itself is unfair. It’s not easy. And society sure as hell doesn’t make it any easier. As a parent, you hope and pray that your child, if ever in any situation, will be able to fend for themselves. And even if he/she does, they still come and share their experience with you. At least, I hope and think that my Dudie knows that we have “that” type of relationship.

Initially, it was difficult for me to stand up to others, including our parents, about how we will raise Dudie. Or anything related to Dudie. I was so disappointed in myself that I felt I wasn’t worthy of raising this precious child.

I did learn to stand my ground. And believe me that I will forever stand up for my Dudie. Recently, it emerged that my cousin’s son, who’s about to start High School, is being bullied. He’s a soft spoken gentle soul. I don’t know how they will solve this but at least they know it’s happening and they are taking steps to rectify this!

I read about Amanda Todd’s story on The Blessed Barrenness’ blog. Hop over and go read it here. It NOT just directed at parents! Or even parents with tweens and teens! I have seen bullying in a toddler class. Thankfully, not in Dudie’s school. Everyone should read this. I can bet on it that there is someone in YOUR family that feels victimised!

A good friend of mine lost her daughter in 2009, also suicide. It’s real. When someone is crying out for help – take note. You may just save that person…