Spirited Mama

Living a SPIRITED life filled with wanderlust, emotions and everything in between

Tag: Rants


So whilst I am trying not to lose my mind at work…. This is my snack of choice… but only because I can’t have alcoholic beverages whilst on duty and in public!!!!

I’m so not happy about work right now. And this madness continues until the end of next week!!!!!!

afternoon snack

Cheers for now. Catch you on the sane side…

Spirited Mama

My Child, My Rules!

I decided to do a quick update on my MIL (mother in law).

Does your child play by the rules?

A few weeks ago we were in Cape Town. Dudie was getting a bit out of hand unruly so I calmly remind him that he will have a time-out soon, should he not change his behaviour for the better. Well, if you know my parenting style I only give three warnings and that’s that! No negotiating.

I will not be embarrassed by a tantrum throwing toddler anywhere. I’ve put Dudie in time-out in a restaurant, at friend’s homes, etc… My Dudie knows that I don’t make idle threats! Period!

If it’s not my house, does my rules not apply?

So at Ouma’s (Grandma) house, it seems that my child thinks that I will miraculously just let him free…. As the time passed, Dudie started pushing boundaries. Coincidentally, my friend who was visiting, was telling us (me, Ouma, My mom) about how her mom let’s her daughter(she’s 7 months younger than Dudie) do whatever she wants in her house. Her mom tells her *ahem* ‘My house, My Rules! With my jaw on the floor – OMG! My response “WTF”?

I put Dudie in time-out. And of course he has that ugly snot cry calling Ouma come fetch me… Blah Blah Blah. This has happened before and Ouma and an Aunt actually went to his aid. From now on I stand guard when Dudie is in time-out. 🙂 <They cringe when they see me standing there>

My child, my rules

So my MIL jumped on board saying that she doesn’t like that Dudie gets time-outs in her house. This is her house. I respond with; “Well, I’m not letting this child run wild then I have to discipline him when I get home”. And that was the end of it! No negotiating. Dudie gets his time-outs when he deserves them and everyone knows NOT to interfere with my discipline…..

Spirited Mama

How do you handle your Mother and MIL?

P.S. My mother just looked away when I responded. She knows not to interfere.

P.P.S When I told my Dude what happened, he cracked himself. Bear in mind this is his mother we’re talking about. He said that I should’ve told her “My Child, My Rules!!!!



Wednesday 15 Feb – post v-day

So hubby and I had a few drinks at home, after the kid went to bed, on Tuesday and we eventually fell into bed at 12:30am… I still had a half an hour shower just so that I wouldn’t have that hungover feeling in a few hours…

We slept a very peaceful sleep, and woke up just because of that feeling that soemthing is amiss… again! My hubby was suppose to have left 20 mins ago. BWAHAHHA. HE raced to get ready and I decided Fuck it! I’m so not going to stress! I’ll get there when I’m done!

Hubby leaves and I get myself and the kid ready, simultaneously. This is when I realised that my boy CAN multi-task!

He was on the toilet, brushing his teeth whilst I was brushing his hair. BY the time we got back to his room, I just needed to dress him and pray with him. We did then he remided me that I didn’t thank God for the fish. So I did and off we went on our journey.

I got to work 90 minutes late – granted that today was also a day where the traffic came to a grinding halt around Gilloly’s interchange – and it didn’t amtter which direction you were coming from.

Why I want to be a race car driver

I should’ve been a race car driver in another life

I am convinced that I was a rally/F1/Emergency services driver in a former life. True, I kid you not. I sometimes scare the crap out of me with my driving skills.

I like speeding. No, I love speeding. There is someting unexplainable about the pleasure/thrill/adrenaline rush I get when I speed.

<In one session with the therapist she mentioned that growing up in a dysfunctional household you get a certain “high” in certain situations and for me, currently, driving <read: speeding> is my fix>

I only speed <sometimes drive like a hooligan or “padvarK” when I’m alone in the car. Really. I do not speed when I have my son or any passengers with me.

But I do need to ask – Why is it that people insist on:

Driver habits that gets to me

1. Changing lanes without indicating? YOU have indicators for a reason other than them being ornamental!

2. Holding up traffic? yes, who made you the damn traffic police to govern my speed limit? If I’m moving faster than you, get out the way! Please!

3. Why do people all drive next to each other when there’s a moerse gap between you and the car ahead of you? Do you like to frustrate other drivers?

4. Why oh why do we have to constantly have to step on the brake? When there’s really no reason to. You know when you’re now on cruise control and the traffic comes to a grinding halt and you’re left wondering WTF? “cos there’s absolutely nothing out of the ordinary?

5. When there is an accident scene, please proceed as normal ‘cos most of time, due to curiosty, people ‘cos accidents by just looking at other accident scenes.

<You know in GP, it is almost guaranteed that the traffic will conme to a halt when there’s an accident. Then when you drive by the scene you realise that the accident is on the O.T.H.E.R SiDe of the Fckn Highway??? Really? WTF?

6. Now, I’ve worked myself into a frenzy and have no clue where I was going with this post.

Anyway, there are many drivers,like me,  out there who share my sentiments (And if no one is willing to stand by me that’s OK too) about driving. Let us be please.

Spirited Mama

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