Spirited Mama

Living a SPIRITED life filled with wanderlust, emotions and everything in between

Category: Tablets

I got my Ipad 4!!!!!!

So Christmas came early, for me 🙂

I di some research, and by chance a gentleman mentioned yesterday that the stock of the Ipad 4 will be arriving next week as they only have two units left. So in a mad rush to get home, the boys and I were off to Menlyn to hunt down this Ipad 4.  And luck was on my side. They had received stock earlier and was ready to sell them.

So my Dude got me one. Isn’t she a beauty? I love it.


To say that I am happy is an understatement. I am beside myself! ANd thank you to the lovely ladies for giving me their comments when I was still unsure…. This morning Dudie and I had a tussle over MY Ipad. I calmly reminded him that it was in fact MINE and that he is allowed to used it under my or Dude’s supervision.

Next stop, buy Leappad 2 for Dudie so that he can leave my Ipad alone. I have convinced Dude that Dudie NEEDS a Leappad 🙂

Happy Friday Folks.

Spirited Mama

I only got to work at 12:45 today. I’m not kidding. I will not tell you why but it was time well spent with Dudie, impromptu cake shopping, dashing into Woolworths food market amongst other adventures… Let me go spread out the cake on the tables as I am so ready to lick that chocolate frosting off the cake.

I will be on leave from today and I can’t promise that I will blog over this festive season as it is also holiday for me too. But if there is blogworthy material you will definitely read about it here.

If anyone knows where I can find accessories for the Ipad 4 please let me know. I couldn’t even find a case….

IPAD or Samsung Note ???? Help Please

 Ok, so I need some guidance, actually I want your personal experiences, please…..

I’m in two minds about this. On the one hand there’s the hype of “IPAD” and on the other there’s the cost factor of having to “buy” apps for the IPAD. Now apparently, there are many “free” apps available. With Samsung, you can connect to your “normal” devices whereas with IPAD you can only connect with APPLE devices?????

Any technical gurus out there, please help. It is more or less in the same price bracket….

Spirited Mama

P.S. I really don’t want to be stuck with something that’ll just become a “white elephant”….


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