Living a SPIRITED life filled with wanderlust, emotions and everything in between

Month: October 2016

Confessions of a Spirited mommy…


Image borrowed from

So who can say that they have NEVER judged another parent on the way that they parent their kid(s)?

Don’t you just love how people who have never had kids are on the forefront to dish out advice??? FYI, shut up and have your own kids then come talk to me! Oh, it’s looks easier than it actually is hey?

We all have those moments:

  1. I would never do this/that…
  2. I would never let my kid(s) do this/that…
  3. How could that parent do xyz…
  4. I would never judge another parent…(I know I am guilty of this albeit in my own little world I still have my mind telling me those first three lines and sometimes more. I cringe as I know it’s wrong and I really try not to be judgemental. I humbly apologise if I have offended you in any way.)

I came across this, Shocking Confessions only moms will understand, article in Essentials awhile ago and then reread it a few times. Naturally, I found it totally hilarious and then the reality sets in and I think “Whoa, some of what is said here could in fact just be about me.

Right now I am battling with the idea of what constitutes a “Good” parent. Well, in Spiritville that means that I shower you will love and nurture you will all my being to the best of my ability. I am only human and I am learning as much as what my kid(and resident alien – who is kicking the daylights out of me as I write this) is learning too. We are in this together. And if we make it through another day unscathed, happy, healthy and safe – well then that’s how we roll. There is NO manual/book. We learn by trial and error. What works for one family might not work for another.

So let’s give one another a break. After all we are all just trying to be “Good” parents.

Spirited Mama

P.S. Only 5 sleeps until my BIRTHDAY!

Ronald McDonald I suggest you find another job…

FILE - In this file photo released by McDonald's Corp., a familiar Ronald McDonald in his trademark yellow jumpsuit is shown. Some branding experts think the McDonald’s Corp. clowns’ floppy red shoes and flaming-red hair are too hackneyed for iPod-savvy kids. (AP Photo/McDonald's Corp., file)

Image courtesy of Huffington post.

Ronald McDonald things are not looking good for you. It would seem your JOB is in danger. You might soon be a statistic….

Seriously, hands up if you are scared of clowns! Clowns give me the creeps. I don’t think I will ever have a clown at one of my kids birthday parties… I totally get why kids get freaked out. Have you seen a clown lately?

I have nothing against anyone who chooses to be a clown as a profession but it surely would NOT be my choice. Last night, when I had a million other important things to do, Dude and I were chatting and catching up on the News24 feed for the day. Did you read the Creepy Clown Madness article?

Firstly, click here if you have not read the article.

Secondly, it scared the bejeesus out of me and both Dude and I were reminded of the movie “It” that we saw when we were kids.

Thirdly, Did you know “Coulrophobia – the fear of clowns – may affect as many as one in 10 people, said Matthew Lorber, director of the child and adolescent psychiatry department at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York” scary statistic but is in fact real and not your imagination.

After getting over the initial shock and fear I found so much humour in this as it reminded me of Ronald McDonald. Now, I am not the biggest Mcdonalds fan but can I just say that McDonalds Hong Kong ROCKS! Also, Ronald McDonald I am worried about you as I doubt whether after people see the Creepy Clown article you will have a bad rep….and quite possible be unemployed. I also found this article online

McDonald’s Is Scaling Back Ronald McDonald Appearances Due to Creepy Clown Sightings

Now let me stop clowning around and get to work. Ronald, I don’t know what the fcuk you are gonna do…

Spirited Mama

Happiness vs my full time salary…


Money is not everything BUT it sure does make everything a bit easier!

I am battling with a huge decision to go back to working half day. Working half day = half the salary

Now, this is not a new venture as I had this same debacle when I changed jobs in 2013… It was very beneficial to my family as Dudie got the best of his mom. Now here I sit at the crossroads again

The resident alien is due in February 2017. Of course I can justify taking the half day job to give the resident alien the best of me too. I am just scared shitless as I would again take half a salary. Only difference this time – I have another person to take care of. Yes my Dude is AMAZING. And happily supports our family but I have this huge chip on my shoulder called “Independence”!

In January this year, I started working full time again and boy oh boy did my extra salary come in handy…SHit we even acquired another property…

What kills me is that for me my family comes first. I have a flexible work environment but I do feel that I am doing the resident alien an injustice by working full time. In more ways than one, I have technically made my decision already but I just can’t help but worry about balance sheets and bank statements.

This morning I came across this post, Being a stay at home parent is a luxury, on Harassed Mom’s facebook page and people the lights went on! This describes how I have been feeling. How I am currently feeling. Why do I need to prove anything to anyone? I had my cushy fancy job at Wits Univeristy and I traded it for a half day job. I must admit I felt worthless. Some days I still feel as if I am wasting my talents in this job BUT if I look at what it means for my family the benefits outweigh the title

Why do I need to prove anything to anyone? I had my cushy fancy job at Wits Univeristy and I traded it for a half day job. I must admit I felt worthless. Some days I still feel as if I am wasting my talents in this job BUT if I look at what it means for my family the benefits outweigh the title any day!  I am there for every match, practise, knee scrape and concert! Dudie is sooo flabbergasted if I say I  won’t be able to come watch something that fo him it is incomprehensible…how can Mom NOT be there? I just can’t imagine having the crazy full-time job and 2 kids at home, homework, supper, bath time and hope and pray that the husband and I can squeeze in some “us” time too.

The resident alien is coming. I think I need to give him the best of me too. Who knows perhaps I can find alternative income sources soon. At this point, my brain is fried but I need to take stock and perhaps sit in a quiet spot somewhere and figure out what is out there/ what I can bring to the “proverbial” table in the world.

I have been doing some research and perhaps I am looking in all the wrong places. I found the workingmothersexpo. Think I need to get myself there to find some inspiration!

Why is it so hard to be a working mom???? Change is inevitable. CHANGE is coming! I am scared BUT I am excited!

Spirited Mama

My favourites right now…


These are just some of my favourites right now….And you can definitely see it’s beginning to show on my ass to…I know it aint the resident alien that showing on my ass…

Have you tasted the double cream strawberries and cream yoghurt from Woolworths? It is divine…

Have you seen and experienced the Lindt shop at The Mall of Africa? YOU MUST! They give you chocolates whilst you browse…And package your goodies in a pretty brown Lindt paper bag… Be prepared to spend a small fortune….I wonder if I can trade a piece of my liver….

Always loved lime/lemon in my lemonade…only this time my drinks are sans alcohol as I am carrying the resident alien…We have 17 weeks to go. Eek!!! Can’t believe how quickly it’s going.

Our new purple rose plant…

How pretty are the 50 year anniversary Appletiser and Grapetiser cans…collectable? I already hoard way too much….

Spirited Mama

Kievits Kroon for some R & R


On Thursday 6 October, I headed to Kievits Kroon Country Estate and Spa for some much needed R & R… It has been a bit busy in Spiritville and then there were some changes on the work front, not my doing but we Dude and I will manage, we somehow always land on our feet. We have some contingency plans but looking at the bigger picture we are thinking that it might just be in God’s plan for us seeing as how we are also expecting the resident alien soon…

Kievits Kroon Spa, you pampered me beyond my expectations. As an expectant mom I was slightly apprehensive about going to the spa but I was assured that a trained therapist would take care of me…and she definitely took care of me. I actually found myself dozing off and snoring during my therapy session…yes, you know that sleep where you hear yourself snoring and wake up and think shit did I just snore out loud…that was me. I am 22 weeks pregnant and although I feel good I just can’t stay awake past 8pm anymore…no matter what I do I just can’t stay up late.

After my session I was treated to a three course meal in their Signature restaurant…OMG, that food was sooo good.

Starter – Crispy fried duck savoury pancake with peas and soy foam

Main – Prawn fettuccine with aioli and white wine saffron sauce

Dessert – Warm battered banana, coconut and vanilla deep fried ice-cream and caramel sauce


Kievits Kroon I thank you for a lovely day of pampering. I will be back…Let me just monitor my budget….

Spirited Mama

P.S. I am thinking that this is the perfect venue for my resident alien’s baby shower…

Tattooed Mommy

A few years ago I had Dudie’s name tattooed on my right wrist…So when we found out that I had a resident alien growing inside me, Dudie randomly asked whether I would get the baby’s name on my arm too…

Now, initially I knew that if I had another child this particular exercise was inevitable…So yes I am hoping to get the resident alien, aka our baby boy’s, name tattooed after his birth.


images (3)


I came across an article in the MamaMagic Milestones magazine There is nothing wrong with being a little different, you know the one you get at Baby City. Here I discovered Maz from Caffeineandfairydust. I loved the article. And of course checked out her blog too. It is fresh and witty and very entertaining. I also stumbled upon her blog post Being a mom with tattoos – It does not make me a bad parent. This article and post resonated with me as I am a mom with two tattoos. Yes, it might not be as obvious and in your face tattoos but in 2016 I am shocked that some people still attach a stigma, mostly negative, to tattoos. Just because I have tattoos doesn’t mean that I love my Dudie and resident alien any less than a non-tattooed person would love and care for their offspring. I am not negligent in fact I am OCD about my offspring. I also just want the best for my kids. It is MY choice just as it is YOUR choice to get a tattoo or not. Can we just not be so damn judgemental about it?

Dude also has a tattoo. So naturally Dudie is intrigued by tattoos because both his parents have it. Dudie has asked on numerous occasions if he could please get a tattoo. I have explained that once he is older I will happily take him myself but for now we use stick on tattoos and mommy uses a marker to draw his tattoos on his arm. (I remember how pissed he was when I came home with his name on my wrist but he didn’t get to have a tattoo. So I just wrote his name on his wrist with a marker…)

Spirited Mama

P.S. Isn’t this heart pendant just pretty??? Random image found on google…


Mabalingwe…is why I was off the radar for a while



I was beside myself… I was literally trying to sit still as I typed this. I have anticipated this holiday for months. Along with the excitement it also brings great sadness that Mamma isn’t here to share it with us, well physically that is… She was the one who called me up in January and said “I really enjoyed spending my birthday with you guys (Dudie is on the 1st of October and Mamma on the 2nd) so I was thinking I want to spend my birthday with you guys again”. I said cool I will find a place for us… And I did. Mabalingwe it was. I booked and confirmed that we would the last week of September at Mabalingwe in anticipation of their respective birthdays…We arrived 26 September to beautiful chalet surrounded by the bushveld and nature. We did send Dude into the chalet to check that there were unwanted pets/wildlife/snakes in the chalet…Yes, we waited in the bakkie until he came back out to give us an all clear…One day I will tell you about how my Guess watch saved me from a Mozambiquan spitting cobra…I shit you not. True story but for another day.

Well you may or may not know that Mamma is sadly no longer with us as she was lost a very short, well from the time of diagnosis for the family, we really don’t know how long she knew about it, 8 day battle with CANCER! you can read about it here. I miss her dearly. I wish she was here.

We haven’t been to Mabalingwe since I was 7 months pregnant with Dudie, which was more than 7 years ago… I am really not sure why though but I do know that we had loads of fun the last time we were there. Like Dudie’s godparents probably conceived their first child there. LOL. We went up Vodacom hill, yes with me being 7 months pregnant and I even went on a game drive to the Lion Camp, all whilst I used most of the Chalet’s cushions to pack all around my pregnant self….However, this past week I was very lazy and very cautious NOT to have extreme activities….We spent the week just lazing around and enjoying the heat. Cooling off at the pool with some refreshing drinks and too much ice-cream…

It was a happy but also sad and emotional week as there were many moments where I caught myself staring out blankly and just having a quiet cry for Mamma…we saw lots of animals, loads of birds (OMg I am so impressed with Dudie who knows how to navigate through the bird book. This kid is damn good at spotting birds, and finding the correct bird in the book).

It is sad that Mabalingwe, like many places not just in Limpopo Province is suffering due to a lack of rain…the water levels are so low. The dams actually look empty.

Do you remember the old Castrol(Boet & Swaer) Ad? They made this ad at the Kalahari Oasis aka Bush Pub at Mabalingwe.

We discovered the BushPub on a previous visit and it is definitely a MuST stopover every time we are at Mabalingwe. This time however, we etched our names into the walls and forever left a little piece of ourselves there. They have scheduled game drives but you can and really should drive yourself through the bush as well. I find it very exhilarating….except I shouldn’t be the actual driver…

God willing we will be back to soak up some Mabalingwe again…

Spirited Mama

P.S. Some elephants went roque trying to break the water pump or filter or something to get some fresh water. They actually also broke into a private home to steal some food… The sound of these elephants approaching is insanely scary and yes it was pitch black outside as they decided it would be best to do the deed at night. SO we’re sitting on the porch and Dude is about to braai when we here the commotion…Dude says “It sure beats the hell out of PnP animal cards and sound readers…this shit is real….this is what the actual sounds are.


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