Living a SPIRITED life filled with wanderlust, emotions and everything in between

Cape Town. Here we come

I just looked at my calendar and realised that in 17/18 days we’re getting on a train to Cape Town. It’s so exciting!!!! Dudie who’s excited but I needed to remember this feeling that I have now before I see my mother and mother in law! Before they do what they do best and fck up my happy mood!>

We’ll be departing Park station on Friday 27 April at midday to arrive in Cape Town on Saturday, early afternoon.  We’ll be taking the Red topless tour bus in Cape Town on Sunday to the Waterfront and hopefully ending it off with a sunset cruise in Hout Bay. Then we get to make memories with some family we haven’t seen in a while! And on Monday evening we’ll fly back to Gauteng. Dudie we planned this for you. We’re indulging You!>

P.S. I had a dream about confronting my mother and mother in law for disrespecting my parenting style with Dudie. They do this all the time and I’ve decided enough is enough. I don’t need to be liked by either of them!

Does your mother and or mother in law respect you as a parent? Or do they know best seeing as how they’ve raised grown kids.




Today, I am deaf to the world ( I choose to be)


i’ve EaRned mY StripeS


  1. Wow Dudie your one lucky boy! As for the respect good luck with that!
    P.S have a fab holiday and maybe rub it in a bit the respect and love you get from your friends when you return I find its a dish my mother hates.

    • Thanks, I’m really looking forward to this trip. My son asked me this morning to go in the train and I said we just have a couple of sleeps then we’re going in the train/bus/boat & areoplane. My heart melted when I saw how his little face lit up. As for the mothers, well they hate the fact that my son calls one of my best friends parents Granma & Grandpa, this famikly actually encourages it as they love my son like their own flesh & blood. OUr mothers will have to watch their steps this time as I’m going in “prepared”. Just keeping calm is a bit tricky, as I’m pre-empting the situation already. Oh well, alls well that ends well.

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