Living a SPIRITED life filled with wanderlust, emotions and everything in between

Category: Dude’s Ideas

Paint me like a….


So yesterday the Dude gets home and is now ready to paint the resident alien’s, aka new baby’s, room. Granted we bought paint a few weeks ago. We even have new paint for our bedroom. Baby room Plascon Double velvet – a soft powdery blue, our room Dulux Colours of the World – Soulful Kenya.

Dude starts painting whilst I’m starting dinner. Something nudges me to go check if the stuff is covered in the room. I get there….and I say as calm as possible uhm what are you doing?”

Granted when I have “that” calm voice you should run because that is when I actually want to use some profanity but I digress and keep calm. Ironically, Dude chose the paint for the baby room. I had a general idea of the color but he chose the final product.

What did he do? He painted the baby room with our paint, the Soulful Kenya colour. Thankfully it was only half of the one wall.

I walked away and laughed it off as I continued in the kitchen.

He did fix it. And now the resident alien’s room is looking very nice. He also started painting our room. I would say with touch ups and finishes here and there we should have two newly painted rooms before the end of this week.

I am excited because frankly a fresh coat of paint is like a whole new room all together. Now to get some decor for the baby room.

Yes, you may laugh out loud. I told you before these things really happen in Spiritville. I do not make these things up.

Spirited Mama

P.S. So the USA got TRUMPED! I am gobsmacked.

Tooth fairies are overrated and freaking expensive!!!!


(Image from Getty images…)

So on Wednesday Dudie jumps in the car after soccer practise and announces that his big tooth, central incisor (did you know that it actually had a real name), is loose. I inspect, now bare in mind that teeth pulling is not my thing. I will wipe your arse and clean up after you. Hell I will even clean up blood spills and wounds BUT DO NOT ASK ME TO PULL YOUR TOOTH. It freaks me out! Just the thought of it gives me the hibbejeebees… That is Dude’s job. So I say don’t worry you can ask Dad later to pull it for you.

Fast forward all other extra mural activities and this is how it went down at home…I say can you guys not pull that tooth before we have supper then that way Dudie can eat properly without having to worry about this loose tooth…So Dude and Dudie go off to the bathroom, with Dudie yelling Come on Mom come see…

No thank you Mom is happily setting the table for dinner. I hear the moaning and arguing because now the tooth seems to be tight and slipping and now they are looking for a pliers. I STAY AWAY! Next minute Dude comes out of the bathroom, looking like a surgeon who just completed a 12hour surgery and Dudie comes racing to the table, blood dripping from his mouth I kid you not, but so ecstatic that his tooth is out. I am just elated that shit is over and I did not have to witness any of it. Oh my greatness, I am beyond scared that if anything happens to Dude what the fuck am I going to do??? And the resident alien will also have to go through this process. I am not scared of a dentist, not at all. In fact I have very good teeth. Up to today, I still have my own teeth and NO fillings  whatsoever. I will religiously brush my teeth, to point where Dude has told me I am going to brush the  enamel off.

During our dinner conversation, Dude says wow that tooth is so big maybe the tooth fairy will bring you R50. I choked a little but thought, Fuck am I glad it’s not my turn to be the tooth fairy! Later I say to Dude, don’t you think it’s a bit much? But he feels the kid deserved a royal treat. Then I say, well does the tooth fairy even have cash? Now, please note that I never carry cash, like never. The money that you do find in my possession is probably just the daily aftercare fee that I have to withdraw else my kid and teachers get confused about when he has casual aftercare days…(Tried paying upfront but they fucked up my system so now I withdraw the exact amount and ensure that I have the exact denominations per day for casual aftercare) Anyway, so I had to borrow Dude, aka Tooth fairy dad, R50.

You may have read about our mishap with the tooth fairy last time, if not you can read it here

This time I was so not going to mess this up. When I went to bed Dudie was most likely having his 3rd or 4th dream, so I carefully removed the tooth from under his pillow and placed the R50 there instead.

Can I just say that this kid was so chuffed when he woke up the next morning. Why? Because Daddy was right. The tooth fairy also thought that that was a big tooth and that he deserved R50.

Let’s just hope the next tooth he loses is a smaller one, else I am fucked….just saying…

Happy Friday!

Spirited Mama

P.S. My Tooth Fairy will be standing at the traffic light with a cardboard sign…


( I randomly sourced this image on the net and just inserted my own words…)




You want what??????

So last night Dude throws me a HUGE curve ball!!!!!!

He would like another baby! No not a property or a new car BUT a BABY! I’m caught off guard.  I still am.  I have no reason to NOT have another baby other than I always thought since Dudie came along he would be my only child. I know that Dudie will LOVE the idea of a sibling but I’m just confused.

In fact I would like a cabriolet and I guess we can fit two car seats in the back but this is another person we are talking about. Another life to protect for as long as we both shall live! I like the idea of having another child but I’m just not so sure about the execution.

Dudie is 5 going on 15. And he in himself is 100 in 1 kids to manage.  I love him to bits but some days are just exhausting! How will I manage another child who needs to get into a routine and fit into our lifestyle.

My biggest fear is sharing myself between 2 kids….And juggling work and being in Spiritville and being a wife, a lover, a friend, a mom, a person…. Not sure how to juggle ALL those balls with a new baby in the mix.

The more I think about it, the more confused I become! It’s like a huge ape sitting on my shoulder pestering me to make a decision and quite frankly I don’t know which one to make.

This is how we currently sleep…Dudie starts off well in his own bed but 4 out of 7 night she sneaks into our bed….and well every so often I go and have my back re-aligned…professionally.

Where would a baby lie?

dudieSometimes Dude complains of his nightmares…it’s generally about falling off the bed but it is in fact no nightmare…it is real…Dudie will push me towards Dude’s side of the bed and so I push Dude to the edge. LOL

Decisions decisions decisions…


Spirited Mama

P.S this was a random image that I found on my hard drive so I have no idea where it originated.  The persons in the picture couldn’t care less about credits they just NEED sleep. So let them.

P.P.S Did I mention that I’m now getting back into shape and Dudie wants me to grow a person..again!

Swimming with the fishes

A few years back, Dude decided that he wanted a fish tank. And if you know about fish tanks, you need to have an established stable eco system before you can add fish. Technically, you set up your tank with everything except fish. Let it run/stand for a few days then add fish. Well, my dude didn’t listen. And he added almost 30 fish instantly. And needless to say they started dying… That was an expensive exercise but a lesson well learnt.

Fast forward a few years and in November/December last year he decided to get another fish tank. He got an established tank with fish from a friend who was relocating. Well, those fish died. (I think they were neglected ‘cos they looked pretty sad when they arrived) Dude tried everything but they didn’t make it. So he decided that he’ll breed snails until he knows what he wants to do with the new tank. Then last weekend, some of the bigger fish picked and nipped a Bala shark and Dudie noticed that the shark was stuck.

Half his tail was gone. They literally bit it off. So we run to start operation shark rescue. After we all tried to catch this shark in the net, this bugger was fast, Dude eventually got him and ran to the other tank to deposit him safely into his new home. (This looked like a scene straight from ER – I kid you not)

So now Mr Bala Shark lives in peace and harmony with snails.

Last night, Dudie starts crying. So we follow the sound ‘cos you can hear that this is a seriously sad cry with snot…. We find him at the tank and he’s crying because that sharks wants to go swim with the other fish. He doesn’t want to be alone. He’s unhappy and distraught and we are trying to explain that his tail was bitten and he needs to recuperate on his own blah blah blah… Then my Dude says, Look! Do you see that his back tail is broken. “Back tail”. Really , I cracked myself and asked so how many tails does a fish have? He just smiled. Don’t you just love how silly one can get when you’re trying to explain something?  I must admit, it’s not as funny when I make the mistake…. I’m don’t want to  be wrong and I take things way too seriously. But hey, maybe that’s how we balance each other. Or complement one another.

So Dude promised Dudie that they’ll go buy a fish friend for the shark tomorrow. And Dudie was happy tat Mr Shark will have a friend. Alls well that ends well.

Happy Friday Folks.

P.S. This morning Dudie sounded like he was chanting a spell of some sort… When I asked him what he was saying, he responded “Daddy, please can I have my puppy? I want to play with my puppy” I promise I had nothing to do with it and I did not in any way indicate to this child that he will get a puppy today. (We have discussed it way way way before but Dude wa snot keen as we already have dogs.)  He practised how he was going to ask his Dad for a puppy???

I alerted Dude, after I dropped Dudie, and Dude responded with a ‘Maybe we get a rabbit for now”????  We’ll see how that goes down with Dudie…

What do you do with 15kg’s Sausage?

What the F@Ck do I do with 15kg’s Blou Wildebees Sausage????

My Dude bought 15kg’s. Luckily he decided not to get the 60kg’s that were on offer. Yes 60 kg’s!!!! Should I give him a seriously sign? Hehehehe

He’s reasoning we can make lots of meals. Do you know that my 2yr old and I hardly eat red meat?

So if you have any ideas for me, please feel free to comment. Otherwise, he’ll eat worsrolls until that sausage is done….



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