I’ve been meaning to take Dudie to the Pretoria Zoo for a while now but the weather has been rather iffy. It’s chilly in the morning but gloriously wonderful in the afternoon. We used to do the Funwalk in the Zoo monthly, even whilst I was pregnant. Then I gave birth, and in between surviving a new born and trying to be civil in my marriage(think that sleep deprivation does not suit either myself or Dude), and Winter approaching I decided to hold off on the funwalks.
Well, we did pick it up again but then somehow it fell through the cracks again. Generally we have a “wing it attitude” over most weekends. But our special moment, every Saturday(or only if Mommy can really fall out of bed) is visiting the Pretoria Boeremark.
They start at 5am, and no there is no way in hell that I will be there at 5am. Albeit, I have been there at 6am on occasion. Lately, we get there anytime from 8am. They generally pack up after 10am. It’s fun. It’s great. And it’s refreshing.
Our ritual could be either:
1. Mommy buys the weeks fresh produce. Dudie gets to pull/push the rented trolley thing. Or he just happily sits in it and I have to pull/push him, shove a dozen things into my shopper bag and walk through a really crowded space. We buy 4-5 pancakes and a can of coke, then we proceed to the pond area to feed the ducks/geese/turkey/chicken/doves all the left over bread of the week.
2. We buy 4-5 pancakes and a can of coke, then we proceed to the pond area to feed the ducks/geese/turkey/chicken/doves all the left over bread of the week.
This is my Happy Space! And I indulge in it a bit longer every Saturday. Because the weather is good and the Dudie loves just being there. Even the Dude loves being there, on the weekends that he is home.
Oh, did I mention that I live 10 steps away from this market
Back to the Zoo, with warmer days approaching, I think it’s time for a trip to the Zoo again. Last time we went on the skytrain. I think I had more fun than Dudie….
P.S. Last week Sunday we visited the Mclaren Circus and Dude mentioned that it’s as if we came to the circus for me. I was that excited
Happy Friday Folks! Have an awesome weekend.