Living a SPIRITED life filled with wanderlust, emotions and everything in between

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Kievits Kroon for some R & R


On Thursday 6 October, I headed to Kievits Kroon Country Estate and Spa for some much needed R & R… It has been a bit busy in Spiritville and then there were some changes on the work front, not my doing but we Dude and I will manage, we somehow always land on our feet. We have some contingency plans but looking at the bigger picture we are thinking that it might just be in God’s plan for us seeing as how we are also expecting the resident alien soon…

Kievits Kroon Spa, you pampered me beyond my expectations. As an expectant mom I was slightly apprehensive about going to the spa but I was assured that a trained therapist would take care of me…and she definitely took care of me. I actually found myself dozing off and snoring during my therapy session…yes, you know that sleep where you hear yourself snoring and wake up and think shit did I just snore out loud…that was me. I am 22 weeks pregnant and although I feel good I just can’t stay awake past 8pm anymore…no matter what I do I just can’t stay up late.

After my session I was treated to a three course meal in their Signature restaurant…OMG, that food was sooo good.

Starter – Crispy fried duck savoury pancake with peas and soy foam

Main – Prawn fettuccine with aioli and white wine saffron sauce

Dessert – Warm battered banana, coconut and vanilla deep fried ice-cream and caramel sauce


Kievits Kroon I thank you for a lovely day of pampering. I will be back…Let me just monitor my budget….

Spirited Mama

P.S. I am thinking that this is the perfect venue for my resident alien’s baby shower…


I am a WOMAN, and yes that is most certainly my super power.

As women we tend to downplay our lives, our achievements, our dreams/ambitions/goals so that we can help others (whomever these others may be but you know who I am referring to right…others who always miraculously enter our lives just when we think ahhh let me do just this one thing for myself)

Well today there is really no beating around the bush. My blog post is dedicated to me and ALL the WOMEN out there.

I have many ideas but often stagnate and procrastinate. I lose my shit when things don’t go my way. I can have a temper tantrum…aka adult tantrum. I am not perfect but I am ME.

I am not a perfect size 8 10 12 but I have curves and a very unique physique. Oh hell right now I am not sure what my size will be next week as the resident alien is growing at a rapid pace right now. Can’t believe I am 20 weeks already. Halfway. Fck, before we know it he will be here…

I am a women, a girl,  a wife,a lover, a mom, a daughter, a sister, granddaughter, a cousin, a friend, an aunt, a godmother, a colleague and soooo much more…I am phenomenal. I AM WOMAN.

Spirited Mama


I need a new pillow! STAT!!!

So you may have read my post “How to Unlock vertebrae?” and currently I’m still NOT sorted. I’ve had the physiotherapy but tomorrow is D-Day. Tomorrow, I see the chiropractor! And I’m a bit nervous…

Apart from my gloriously wonderful bed that sleeps like a dream but only when I sleep alone or when Dude doesn’t harass me, in a husband-wife matrimonial way of course 😉 or when the resident starfish, aka Dudie doesn’t sneak into our bed in the wee hours of the morning – this happens 3 out of 5 times in the week. Really love the cuddles but OMG I also need a good night’s rest….

I buy pillows like any normal person buys bread and milk. I also buy loads of shoes but funnily Dude doesn’t complain about that anymore… He’s fixated on my pillow purchases. He’s giving the used, which technically are also still new, pillows away as he doesn’t see why we need 6 pillows on our bed and why Dudie needs 3 or even why I have cupboard stashed with pillows in the event of overnight guests…

I need a new pillow. I need advice on what to purchase. I’m not looking for the Ferrari Model more like the Jeep 5.7 L Hemi kind of model. I’m not sure my bank balance can handle anymore random pillow purchases so I desperately seek guidance on what to buy. I don’t need an anti-snore, although Dude says I sometimes snore.

Spirited Mama

Guaranteed to burn Calories Solution. Even for the least motivated….

As 2013 approached, I heard yet again about probably the most used, most over rated  New Year’s Resolution….. Weight LOss!!!! Really, I scrapped that resolution many many moons ago and I’ve been so much happier ever since.

But now my inbox is flooded with best wishes for 2013 and countless lists of people’s New Year’s Resolutions… And guess what tops it …Yep, WEIGHTLOSS.

So I found a Guaranteed “to Burn Calories” Solution. This is how Women in France burn Calories.

Click here to watch it.

Spirited Mama


P.S. I actually don’t make any New Year’s Resolutions. I generally just spend some quiet time thinking about how and where I’d like my life/my family life to be or go for the year….

I got my Ipad 4!!!!!!

So Christmas came early, for me 🙂

I di some research, and by chance a gentleman mentioned yesterday that the stock of the Ipad 4 will be arriving next week as they only have two units left. So in a mad rush to get home, the boys and I were off to Menlyn to hunt down this Ipad 4.  And luck was on my side. They had received stock earlier and was ready to sell them.

So my Dude got me one. Isn’t she a beauty? I love it.


To say that I am happy is an understatement. I am beside myself! ANd thank you to the lovely ladies for giving me their comments when I was still unsure…. This morning Dudie and I had a tussle over MY Ipad. I calmly reminded him that it was in fact MINE and that he is allowed to used it under my or Dude’s supervision.

Next stop, buy Leappad 2 for Dudie so that he can leave my Ipad alone. I have convinced Dude that Dudie NEEDS a Leappad 🙂

Happy Friday Folks.

Spirited Mama

I only got to work at 12:45 today. I’m not kidding. I will not tell you why but it was time well spent with Dudie, impromptu cake shopping, dashing into Woolworths food market amongst other adventures… Let me go spread out the cake on the tables as I am so ready to lick that chocolate frosting off the cake.

I will be on leave from today and I can’t promise that I will blog over this festive season as it is also holiday for me too. But if there is blogworthy material you will definitely read about it here.

If anyone knows where I can find accessories for the Ipad 4 please let me know. I couldn’t even find a case….


I read a post over on Raising Men’s blog. Read it here.

I couldn’t have said it better myself. I can and do love doing shopping on my own. Things have been so busy with studies, work, life….

Everyone deserves a time-out. Go on treat yourself.

P.S I don’t make excuses to have time-outs. I say it out loud that I need some “me time” or retail therapy ALONE.

After all the studying, which is far from over, I’m now sitting at work, googling holiday destinations where South African Citizens DO NOT require visas… I’m thinking of a quick getaway…. Even local, doesn’t matter.

I’m also in two minds about getting that second tattoo… Really want it but scared beyond *insert suitable word/phrase here*

I’m so going shopping on Friday, after Dude leaves for work, and I drop Dudie at school *insert evil laugh* This is a win win situation as they get on with their normal routines whilst I have a “time-out” without disrupting their free time. See I’m being considerate!

For now, I have to keep my head down and do some work! I’m off on Friday and Monday again! Jealous?? Don’t be! I’m writing on Monday!

Happy Wednesday


P.S. I’ve got family visiting over the weekend, so I have to cramm as much as possible before they get here… And hopefully on Saturday morning/Sunday morning/Evening…. But after my exam, we are going SHOPPINGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!! 3 Girls and a Dudie style!

Any takers…..

I need a bank account makeover. Like seriously! If I want to get my hands onto a few beauties, I need a volunteer to contribute to my bank account….. I’ve been oohing and ahhing over these but I can’t decide what takes preference right now. I really can’t justify spending a small fortune when I could and really should be making some wise better financial decisions….

But really how gorgeous are these:

Tip: You can find them over at ZANDO













P.S. Are there any tech savvy people out there who can assist with ads and wordpress compatability? I am just NOT that person. And it’s nerve wrecking….

Are your Skies Blue?

Mine’s always blue. <Sometimes I just need to look a little harder to find it J>

I am the first-born of my parents and their only daughter too. I can totally see why my mother wanted to give me a girly girl room, with pink and frilly things. This did not go down well. I was not into pink! I loved still love BLUE! All shades of blue.

Here’s a few of my Blue Habits Obsessions:

1. Blue smarties – I believe they taste better

2. Blue fizzers – see point 1

3. Sweet/confectionery addiction

4. Candy floss – you guessed it – blue

5. Steri stumpie– bubblegum flavor

6. Bubblegum ice-cream

7. Blue jeans – x pairs stone washed, faded,

8. Opalt birth stone – blue

9. Blue lunch bag – coincidental as Dude gave it to me –

10. Storage bowls – all have blue lids

11. My son looks adorable in all shades of blue

12. Check my blog colour? Need I say more?

13. I heart the Smurfs – Do you think I can have a 29yr old Smurf Party?

14. Blue Pen holder

15. Blue eyeshadow I’ve never worn it but I bought it cos it was 3 pretty shades of blue

 I’m sure most of you know the saying about “Monday Blues”? Well Blue makes me happy and it gives me that warm fuzzy feeling…. Happy Weekend!!!!

P.S. I also heart Black wine gums – they just taste better

P.P.S Not that I’m a bit older and I have a son that I can shower with all things BLUE, I’m a bit easier around pink things. I even have 2 different T-Shirts in pink!

And then I won! A real prize, this time

Stacey at There’s a lionheart in our Bath tub! has made me a winner wena! (I’m not sure what it means but that’s what is said in South Africa).

When I saw my email yesterday it read “Hey there, You’ve won!” I was doing a happy dance and was bouncing up and down on my chair and then I thought “What if she made a mistake and the email was not for me”. “What if I’m not the winner?” Immediately, I emailed her to say thank you and just to put my heart at ease that I did in fact win the prize.

Stacey, thank you so much. I’ve embarked on a “Loving me Journey”. I’ve detoxed. Now I’m going to tone. And hopefully come end of April, I will be rocking my size 32 Levi’s down in Cape Town.

<Yes, last month I could wear them and then something happened. Not sure what. I keep reminding my Dude to not put my Levi’s in the tumble dryer, but he never listens…>


This is what I’ve won. Mama MioToning Serum!!!!!  I’m so excited to try this. I feel like a 2yr old child who was just told that they could do something that they were always told not to do.

Update on Detoxing…

So the detoxing has been going strong since Tuesday and I finish on Sunday, 1 April.

BWAHAHAHA! I’ll be lighter on April fool’s day>

Quick update:

I’ve followed my diet and on Sunday morning I got on the scale… I was 6kg’s lighter. I shit you not. 6kg’s. One thing that I did differently this time was increase my water intake from 2 – 3L per day. I’m currently on 4 – 5l per day and I don’t even realise it.

My clothes fit better. My skin feels and looks better. And I feel better. Nothing like getting on the scale and it stops before the mark that you’ve anticipated.

So, in essence, I need to lose 4kg’s this week. Remember I said that I’d be happy to lose 10kg’s instead of the 16kg’s that that specialist cow told me about! Enough said. Let me eat my lunch!Steak and salad!!!!

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