**Disclaimer: This is a sponsored post. However, the views and opinions expressed are my own. Some information was supplied by HomemakersOnline to give the reader an better understanding of what to expect.  All images supplied by HomemakersOnline**

Create your LifeStyle space

If you are looking for some inspiration to create YOUR happy space, you need to visit the Homemakers Expo. It’s sort of a one stop shop for you to channel you inner creative or be a little “Martha Stewart” ish 🙂

The theme for the Johannesburg expo is “Raw Comfort”. Just saying that makes me want to strip the walls of paint and expose some brick. Goodness knows what is actually underneath all the layers as I highly doubt it’ll be the pretty red brick finishes you see in magazines. Nevertheless, the expo is there to help people like me find creative ways to bring your living spaces to life with fresh/funky/classic/vintage/trendy ideas.

My husband is always looking for innovative ways to liven up our living spaces at home and ways to create a family space to get us to spend more quality time together. Me, well… I google what I think would work in our home and the husband makes it happen.

Google will have to wait as the time has arrived where we literally get to ooh and ahh over beautifully created lifestyle spaces all under one roof. Whether you are looking to improve and/or upgrade your home for yourself or the buyers market, the Homemakers Expo is happening in Johannesburg and you don’t want to miss out on this.

Homemakers Expo guidance for a room makeover

The timing for this expo couldn’t have been any better. We’re at the point now where we need to convert Joshua’s room into a more “tween” friendly and possibly a bit further into the teens room. He’s quite easy going and knows what he likes and dislikes. I am very interested to hear his opinion and get an idea of what he would like for his room makeover. This expo is going to be an interesting one. Let’s just hope we can agree on some ideas.

Product transparency is also a growing trend; we shop with a higher conscience focusing on wellness and sustainability, wanting to know the person or story behind our purchase.

In keeping up with trends, I see more and more consumers moving towards a “this works for me and my lifestyle” in their lives and homes. I’ve never liked to be confined to societal norms and I don’t believe that there is a “one size fits all” mould. I thoroughly enjoy these types of expos as they incorporate a whole range of lifestyle ideas. There IS something for everyone. I am yet to meet someone who didn’t connect with anything at the expo.

So if you are stuck for ideas, they have their own ideas setup about what could work in a particular living space. What I enjoy most is having the experts right there to guide you and advise you on what to do/try/use.



Johannesburg HOMEMAKERS Expo

28 Feb – 3 March 2019 | Ticketpro Dome, Johannesburg

Show times:        Thurs & Fri 10:00 – 19:00 | Sat & Sun 09:00 – 18:00
Entrance:             R100 Adults, R60 Pensioners, R20 Scholars, Children under 12 – free

This year the Johannesburg HOMEMAKERS Expo brings you the stories and the best products in home improvement.  The Expo is where you can come face-to-face with the craftspeople or knowledgeable experts who provide visitors with the best understanding of the product.

The show helps to expand dialogue between homeowners and suppliers also offering ways for you to see, touch, feel and compare products and services.

The 2019 theme of Raw Comfort, embraces perfect imperfections, and through various talks and demonstrations we will show you how to get in touch with a more organic world.

Here’s what you can look forward to when visiting the Homemakers Expo:

The Tuis|Home Theatre
The ever popular tuis|home theatre is back with food, wine and DIY demonstrations.  Join us for a fun filled programme that will leave you skilled and inspired!

Books and Banter Theatre
A first ever and exclusive to Johannesburg, HOMEMAKERS Expo will host a Wordsmith Theatre where Editor’s will gather in forum, where book publishers will sit amongst the writer and where we can comfortably look deeper into the lives and stories of everyday bloggers.  Meet these book / digital heroes that we so often meet inside the books/tablets sitting on our bedsides.

Raw Workshops
The Raw workshop will bring a wealth of interesting demonstrations where craftsmen show off the beginnings of their product of trade.  Find yourself at the heart of the development of manufacturing lines of products that we dream and plan to have in our homes.

Some of the raw products that you will get to know better in this theatre involve the making of steel creations, glass, wool and weaving and of course the ever popular medium of cement.  Meet us in the Raw workshop where we will bring a refreshing showcase of how to work with concrete and how to use it in your décor. Proudly brought to you by World of Decorative Concrete.

For the Love of Concrete Art & Design Competition
Hosted in collaboration with World of Decorative Concrete

See big ideas brought to life in this selected exhibition of the top entries in For the Love of Concrete Art & Design Competition. Help raise funds for the charities supported by HOMEMAKERScare and take your favourite artwork home with you by placing a bid in the auction box on any of the four show days.

Young Designers Challenge
This challenge is made possible by Vermont Sales
The creative geniuses at the University of Johannesburg accepted the challenge to turn an existing power tool into a dual purpose machine.  Their new hybrid tools could see a drill turn into a food processor.  Visit the expo to experience the evolved multipurpose tools of the future.

Truly Artisan and Pets
Truly Artisan will once again not disappoint with the latest styles and buys for your home and pawesome family members.

D’Vine Life
Families, friends and food-loving fanatics can whet their appetites to their hearts’ content at the HOMEMAKERS Food Market. Delightful delicacies await those with a passion for varying cuisine!

Where to find Homemakers online #hmexpo
Twitter – @SAHomemakers                 

Facebook – www.facebook.com/HOMEMAKERSonline

Instagram – HOMEMAKERS_Expo

Want to WIN tickets to visit the HomeMakers Expo?

I have x10 double tickets up for grabs. You can enter via:

  1. Instagram @spiritedmamablog
  2. FaceBook @spiritedmama1
  3. Twitter @spirited_mama1

Good luck!

Spirited Mama


T’s & C’s

**Competition closes Sunday 17 February 2019 at 23:59. Winners will be announced on my social media accounts by 22 February 2019.
Open to South African residents only.
Winners will be randomly selected. 
No correspondence will be entered into once a winner is selected. I reserve the right to disqualify invalid entries. **