Living a SPIRITED life filled with wanderlust, emotions and everything in between

Laryngitis and Lindt Chocolate Bunnies

Ok, so after we attended my brother’s wedding in Cape Town we got back and I was still feeling under the weather… Ok ok, that’s an understatement. I was “vrot siek”!!!!

I got back to work on Tuesday, I was supposed to be at work on Monday but due us not being able to get seats on a flight home we spent and extra day in Cape Town. We did nothing but behave like tourists. We went up Table Mountain. We went to Lagoon Beach in Milnerton. Had drinks at Wang Tong… Then off to Canal Walk where somehow we ended up at Cape Town Fishmarket and had the yummiest food…. Yes we were hungry but the food was glorious!

We headed back to my Aunt’s place and laughed and chatted and repacked and got ready for bed… (we were to be at the airport at 4:30am — SERIOUSLY— as we were on standby and we didn’t want to miss a seat to get home).  We I fell into bed just after midnight and when my alarm went off at 4am I was dead on my feet.

We left a little late but got there just after 5am waited and eventually was told that we will be put on the next available flight. Now bear in mind that it was Post Cape Argus Cycle Tour weekend and getting a seat on a aeroplane is well almost impossible  – even to those who paid the full airfare… So I took Dudie t the side, we played in the terminal building a bit, the boys went to get coffee and we ended up flat on the floor very close to the standby counter drooling over our weekend pictures.

Dudie eventually drifted off to sleep on my lap.  <Why do we always need to pee at the most in opportune times? Murphy!!!> Luckily, we were checked onto the 7am flight so it wasnt too long of a wait. When we left on Friday morning it was raining in Pretoria. When we landed in Johannesburg it was raining! WTF! We got home. Unpacked like SPeedy Gonzalez, and all fell into bed for a nap!!!! We woke late afternoon and teh boys went to get takeout whilst I tidied up a bit.  We packed and got ready for work and school and just had hot baths and back to bed.

It was a tiring yet amazing time spent with family. We created memories that we will treasure forever. And my Dudie is strengthen his  with the family more and more…. <We’ll be back in April guys>

But back to the point. I managed to get through my work day, without a voice on Tuesday. On Wednesday, I headed to the Doctor, as a precaution because the voice was just not coming back. And I lost it the previous Friday already….Well, turns out my vocal chords were badly swollen and with all the bugs, colds and flus going around I was not doing myself a favour by going to work. I was booked off for the rest of the week with strict instruction to stay in bed and rest. As Dudie was also suffering with post nasal drip for 2weeks things in the Spirited Household was not all fun. interrupted sleep. Snot. Coughs. Aches and pains… And just when you think you’re on the mend someone gets the sniffles again…. I was about ready to put us all into a freakin bubble.

I had intended to do the 21km “Old Mutual Om die Dam” race at Hartebeespoort Dam on Saturday but was given a very firm “NO Racing” instruction by the GP too. So what do you do when you are booked off sick???? I absolutely can not stay in bed for more than 24hours unless I’m hospitalised and they force me to. I have too many other things that I want to do than lie in bed all day 🙂

This is what I did:


Drop Dudie at school, late of course. Off to the GP. Get home. Administer meds. straight to bed. Fetch Dudie as the guilt just get s to me that I can’t fetch him everyday cos I get home too late.


Drop Dudie, even later than yesterday. Off to shops to pick up few thing. Off to Makro, for a road trip must have – another cooler box just smaller cos we need a plug in “inside” too. It’s just no fun having to stop to grab stuff from the back. LOL. Fetch Dudie early again….


Drop Dudie midway through his music lesson – total mommy fail….LMAO! STraight to the shops. Hunt for that perfect bikini 🙂 I found one. Just not convinced it’s  “that” one. Off to other shops for a jacket that I made the store assistant locate on the system for me. Fetch Dudie and veg out in the lounge. We even set up the tent in the LOUNGE! That’s how we roll…

Amongst all of this Dudie was loving the fact that I couldn’t talk…I couldnt say NO or reprimand him. I raised my voice a few times out if frustration for the boys but they obviously didn’t even realise that I was upset…. I consumed copious amounts of Lindt chocolate Bunnies, this is in preparation for EASTER! Of course. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it. LOrd knows you can go into shock when you consume too much chocolate. So I was not about to take a chance.

I’m still a bit croaky but on teh mend. I’m at work but ready to dash out of here to gp pack for our Road Trip.

We’re road trippin tomorrow!!!!!!! Happy Dance!


P.S. I need to do soem work but will post soem pics from our Cape Town trip soon.




Getting my Sudwala on…

1 Comment

  1. Enjoy the weekend trip!

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