I’m up to my eyeballs in work but I’m mellow and chilled in the office as the only thing that I can think of right now is working on a playlist for our Road trip…
Dudie has told me what he wants and thank goodness it’s not anything nursery rhyme related/the wheels on the bus (my wheels might come off if that’s on my playlist…) instead my child has a very open mind to all genres of music. JUST like ME And I love that he loves music so much.
He wakes to blaring (yes, sometimes we are blasting the music early in the morning) and it really get us me into the mood for the day ahead. I put the music on just before I get into the shower so by the time I get out, he’s rolling around on his bed or dancing in front of the mirror in my room. Sneaky sneaky but it gets him out of bed without me having to moan about it constantly.
<On Sunday – Dude turned the music down in the room as he was still sleeping when I put it on. LOL But I just went to put it back on in the living room LOUD!!!>
Right now some favourites for both Dudie & I (in no particular order except maybe Maroon 5, are:
Maroon 5
Cee Lo Gree
Lighthouse Family(Classic)
Deseree – Life – I have forgotten how much I like it until it played on Trace the other day and Dudie, who is way too young to know it, pipes up “Mommy, I like that music”
Justin Timberlake – Suit & Tie
Daughtry – No surprise (classic)
Alicia Keys – Girl is on Fire
These are just a few that I can think of off the cuff but I can assure you our list is endless. Just for teh record I will pack 1 sing along nursery rhyme book. But that’s where I draw the line.
What are your favourite road trip songs?
Spirited Mama
P.S. I’ve been extremely bloated teh last few days and the other day I let a fart slide…. Dudie says “Mama your peop says hello” LOL – where did I ever get this precious child.
Mrs FF
Abba (which drives my hubby batty), some westlife and some mixed gospel songs.
Your boy is so funny and is turning out to be a real charmer
Thanks:-) that he is…. and that’s got me worried for the teen years…
The Princess is a big Lira fan and we love Mroon 5 too!
Karen du Toit (@karentoittoit)
My little one also sings along, although she does not understand the words, and then asks “What is a broken heart?”, and I have to explain>
Love the Dudie joke! So sweet!
This kid definitely got his Dad’s humour. They know how to not to take life too serious