Living a SPIRITED life filled with wanderlust, emotions and everything in between

So I know who’s Secret Santa I am….

SO I got my name of the person that I’m suppose to buy a gift  from Charlotte aka The Stiletto Mum last week. I could not contain my excitement… So I immediately started “researching” the recipient.

Christmas is fast approaching and I actually can’t wait anymore. We started a few of our own traditions and we’ve decided to put the Christmas tree up on 1 December… honestly, I can’t wait anymore…

It might very well go up this weekend! But I’ll try to contain myself. I get more and more excited every year – maybe it’s because Dudie is starting to comprehend what we are doing….

I will be doing some Christmas shopping this weekend and your gift(s) will definitely be on my list.

I’m so excited!!!!!!!

Spirited Mama

P.S. Yes, we are back in the rat race. But keeping my eye on the goal – only 3 weeks until we’re on leave!!!!!! Whoop Whoop!


And we are out of here….


Middle ear infection, tattoos and lazy days


  1. Nicole

    I also cant wait for all the Christmas fun to begin. My son is turning 4 on Sunday, and he has been talking about Christmas since the beginning of this month, its amazing how excited he is. I will also be putting the christmas decor up next weekend!! I will also be going on leave in 3 weeks time, so have been researching different christmas crafts to do with him, and will be writting the letter to Santa at the same time

    • Ooh I must remember to write a letter to Santa 🙂
      I just love the raw happiness of the little ones this time of the year. I think I’ll give Dudie a canvas again. He did one last year… Messy but fun.

  2. We also do 1 Dec date for our tree . I am loving the shopping for my Secret santa recipient

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