Starting 2017
I’m amazed at how calm and accepting I am of my current situation, being hospitalised at #35weekspregnant. My doctor has been monitoring me closely, as I’ve had traces of protein in my urine since 29weeks of my pregnancy. I’ve had more than average swelling but my blood pressure has been stable. Just last week, on 1 January 2017 to be exact at 3am Dude and I were discussing the possibility of taking a drive to Durban just because… well We went to bed just after 4am and I woke up with a very strong conviction that I should stay close to my doctor as well as my hospital of choice. It was something that couldn’t be explained but I knew that I had to believe in my sixth sense.
Dude: Why you worried about who catches the baby, if he decides to come? There should be good doctors and hospitals in Durban.
Me: Not wanting to sound rude but the next time you carry the baby/are pregnant we can take that drive. All I can think about is that horrid episode on Carte Blanche about the lack of service delivery in the hospitals on the N3….
We chilled at home, and I burnt myself to a crisp in the swimming pool. No amount of sunscreen of playing in the shade helped. I am still peeling, face, arms, shoulders, back etc….but it was sooo worth it. I don’t think I have swam this much when I was pregnant with Dudie, 7 years ago. And it helped that Dudie loved being in the pool with me.
The 2nd of January, I decided that we needed to get out of the house. I rallied the troops, even though I had no idea what we would do for the day. I eventually got them all out the house at 1pm. We headed out to Hartebeespoort dam for an ice-cream, cos man alive I was wishing for that bubblegum ice-cream at the Chameleon village. It was so worth the drive.
I ended up buying some lovely trinkets and just stuff because I was in the mood. We ended the afternoon with the most deliciously early supper at Woody’s family grill. Omg, my burger was to die for.
Back to hospital, not a fun way to start 2017
I went back to work on 4 January as I wanted to sort out the last couple of things in my office before I go on maternity leave. That first day was soooo incredibly hard. I managed to get through the 4 days. On route home on Friday, my doctor calls with some test results which we did the day before, and says “You need to be admitted ASAP”. Me, ok….I am on my way home now so let me get my bags and stuff and I will be at the hospital later.
Well thank goodness i had packed our hospital bags 2days prior, albeit not entirely complete but at least it was packed. I informed my family and we had a late lunch/very early supper at home one last time as a family of 3 + my Great Aunt. (thankfully she is still visiting and can assist Dude and Dudie with keeping our home fires burning).
I was admitted on Friday, 6 January. Diagnosis is Pre-eclampsia. This is all new to me, never had this before. But I’m taking it in my stride and doing what I need to do for this littlest member of of family to have a better chance at a quality life. My doctor has informed me that I will remain in hospital until the baby is born, as she is just not willing to take any chances. I am constantly bring monitored. I love the fact that we are on the same page, and in no way do I feel pressurised, as we want to wait as long as possible so that this boy can stay in utero a bit longer. For now our aim is to get to 37 weeks perhaps even 38, but thats more me than the dr….I guess that technically I am on leave now until Winter 2017
I am sad that I will be missing Dudie’s first day of Gr.2 this week but Dude will be making his day special for him. Just the thought of being away from one another, we are a close Spirited family, rocked our boat a bit. 2-3weeks in hospital, them visiting everyday -thankfully the hospital allows a spouse and own kids to visit any time of the day. I can see my Dude and Dudie is tkaing strain but doing the best they can. They are very independent but I think its just knowing that we are not together at home which is taking its toll on them.
How my hospital stays are affecting my older child
Last night Dude and I discussed how this situation is affecting Dudie. Even though he knows it is necessary for my and his brother’s health and well-being to be in hospital, we can see that it has affected his stability, his environment, his life. He even said that his brother shouldn’t come looking for attention, he should just sort himself out. Smart kid this one, baby listen to your brother…
I am on day 4 of my extended hospital stay. I won’t lie-it’s not easy just lying in this bed. But I’m being forced to take it easy and just rest for my and my baby’s well-being. From my previous post, Goodbye 2016, I decided that I was going to live my best life. Well if this is how I have to start off to get to my best life, so be it. I am ready and willing and able to bring my part.
Cheers for now from my hospital bed. Here’s to #roomservice
How’s your Monday?
Spirited Mama
P.S. I made Dude bring my hairdryer and GHD as I can at least look presentable whilst lying here Just need to get him to buy me some more pjamas as I really think I need some more right now. What would we do without modern technology. He video calls from home/shop so that I can decide what I need. Love this Dude.
Ah, so sorry to hear you’re in the Hospital. You are however in the best hands at the moment, so enjoy the rest and time to yourself before Baba arrives.
Not long to go, you’ll be home before you know it!
Thanks, I’m surprisingly calm about being here. Maybe cos I know its for the best right now. Just can’t help counting the days…
High Heels And Fairy Tales
Sorry you have the start the year this way. All the best with the next few days until baby arrives.
Thanks so much. #36weekspregnant today so not long to go anymore…