Rihanna’s “Work, work, work, work…” could literally be my meme today…
Work…enough said
It has been a really challenging Monday. From the time I walked into my office at 7:45 right up until I left now. I have barely had time to pee, that’s how intense it has been in my office. I was planning on working a little longer but my NEED for food right now has been so excruciating that I just packed up and left. I have eaten all my snack bires, fruit and cranberries. There is literally nothing left in my drawer (Note to self-replace snacks at work).
I am beyond tired. I really want to catch up on series but also read my book. Never,ind the fact that I have draft blog posts hanging in mid air and another exam on friday.
I am waiting for Dudie to finish his Golf lesson so that we can literally just go veg out at home. The bonus is Dude is home already and busy cooking supper.
It’s going to be an early night for the Spirited household. Let’s hope Tuesday is kinder to me… can the holidays come already…..
Spirited Mama
P.S. I could eat supper now and just go to bed already.