The week that we survived
This delivery of four family dinners which was delivered at my office was what saved us from eating really badly this past week. The week that was but we survived! Yes, survived. Dude was unexpectedly called for shift duty for the entire week. Dudie had a project, oral and autobiography that needed to be completed. This is besides the normal daily homework. And I felt like I was drowning at work. Now add a sick baby, aka Troll, to this and somewhere something was bound to be neglected.
Daily Dish ensured that we were had healthy dinners
How resourceful – they minimise waste and send you only what is required for your meal. Every spice/sauce is accurately measured according to the recipe.
Our aim is to provide our customers with ingredients that are highest quality, fresh, seasonal, local, and sustainably produced. We get our food directly from the Fairview farm and other local fresh produce and free range farms to ensure that we deliver only the very best produce… Daily Dish
Fresh produce straight from the farm. I tried as best as I could to get Dudie to help prepare the vegetables but my attempts fell on deaf ears. Granted, I could’ve tried harder but I decided to let him be and just allow the control freak in me to do it the way I wanted to. Here is what we ate this past week:
I did manage to post on my instagram feed on despite all the madness during the week
Troll is still on the mend. However, Dudie has now also caught whatever is currently doing the rounds in our house. Both kids are SICK!
Daily dish is convenient and saves YOU time
You don’t have to set foot in a store to buy ingredients. They do the shopping for you Convenient much? Talk about time management.
Each dinner comes with a beautifully printed recipe card, outlining the method and preparation time required. I find it difficult to follow a recipe as the rebel in me doesn’t want to play by those rules. I cook with emotion so you can be sure that you will taste my emotion in my food. Even on the days that my emotions were drained out of me, dinner still tasted good Let’s just say that the recipes are fool proof!
What you get when you order a box from Daily Dish
Your 4 dinners will be delivered to you at home or work – you decide. The ingredients are kept in a refrigerated box to ensure that it stays fresh. You just need to refrigerate it at home, within 12 hours of delivery. Each ingredient is labelled for the meal it is intended to be used for and it boasts a best before date.
Familiar BUT healthy and innovative meals
Looking for healthy dinner recipes? Menus change weekly to ensure that you don’t eat the same boring mundane meal at dinner time every.single.week. The meals are innovative in using ingredients that you normally might not use in your daily cooking routine. Daily dish offers a variety of dinner boxes to suit YOUR dietary requirements. You can choose a box for 2-4 people or a solo box for 1 person. Dinner boxes range from a family box/classic box/ banting box/vegan box/goodie box or a pork free box.
As a family, or rather I made the decision on behalf of them, to make healthy food choices so these easy to cook dinners rings true to my strategy.
As a side note – they also have a WINE box option, if you’re interested
My Dude, aka the husband, was skeptical about these dinners as he feels our or rather his portion size compared to someone else’s portion size might not correspond. The proof was in the pudding when even Dude agreed that the portion sizes were very generous indeed.
So here’s something for YOU from Daily Dish & Spirited Mama!
For every NEW subscriber to Daily Dish, you will get R250 off your first box AND a Fairview Farmstead cheese box, valued at R350. Just click on the link below. It takes you directly to the order page and will automatically apply my code at checkout. This offer is valid until 30 October 2018.
It’s pay week. Go on treat yourself and your family to Daily Dish’s convenient healthy dinner boxes.
Happy cooking!
Spirited Mama
**Disclaimer – We were sent the Daily Dish products to review. However, all views and opinions expressed are my own**