Living a SPIRITED life filled with wanderlust, emotions and everything in between

Tag: personality disorders

Ronald McDonald I suggest you find another job…

FILE - In this file photo released by McDonald's Corp., a familiar Ronald McDonald in his trademark yellow jumpsuit is shown. Some branding experts think the McDonald’s Corp. clowns’ floppy red shoes and flaming-red hair are too hackneyed for iPod-savvy kids. (AP Photo/McDonald's Corp., file)

Image courtesy of Huffington post.

Ronald McDonald things are not looking good for you. It would seem your JOB is in danger. You might soon be a statistic….

Seriously, hands up if you are scared of clowns! Clowns give me the creeps. I don’t think I will ever have a clown at one of my kids birthday parties… I totally get why kids get freaked out. Have you seen a clown lately?

I have nothing against anyone who chooses to be a clown as a profession but it surely would NOT be my choice. Last night, when I had a million other important things to do, Dude and I were chatting and catching up on the News24 feed for the day. Did you read the Creepy Clown Madness article?

Firstly, click here if you have not read the article.

Secondly, it scared the bejeesus out of me and both Dude and I were reminded of the movie “It” that we saw when we were kids.

Thirdly, Did you know “Coulrophobia – the fear of clowns – may affect as many as one in 10 people, said Matthew Lorber, director of the child and adolescent psychiatry department at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York” scary statistic but is in fact real and not your imagination.

After getting over the initial shock and fear I found so much humour in this as it reminded me of Ronald McDonald. Now, I am not the biggest Mcdonalds fan but can I just say that McDonalds Hong Kong ROCKS! Also, Ronald McDonald I am worried about you as I doubt whether after people see the Creepy Clown article you will have a bad rep….and quite possible be unemployed. I also found this article online

McDonald’s Is Scaling Back Ronald McDonald Appearances Due to Creepy Clown Sightings

Now let me stop clowning around and get to work. Ronald, I don’t know what the fcuk you are gonna do…

Spirited Mama

Versatile Blogger Award!

Wow, wow, whoa!!!!!!!!!!!! justbetweencousins has nominated me for the Versatile Blogger Award! NOw, I too am relatively new to blogging and all things related but what an honour. Thank you so much. It is an honour. And so amazing that there are actual people reading my blog…

I was going to do the whole speech but didn’t find time to do hair & makeup this morning. Hehehe! He admits he thinks so to. But don’t fret, it’s all good in the Spirited Household..>





Share 7 Facts about me:

1. I too love Coffee (I’m busy writing a post on coffee)

2. I am a Wife, Mother to a 2 yr old, friend

3. I value my friends, albeit they’re few

4. I am a softy but when my patience has run out you will encounter a whole new breed bitch of me

5. I love shoes & shopping

6. I take a day off at work, maybe to frequently for my boss’ liking – but I don’t care My Family comes First!, to spend some one on one time with either Dude or Dudie

7. I became an Aunt on April 24th, my niece Leah was born.


Nominate 15 Blogs/Bloggers that I follow?

1. Reluctantmom

2. Remember when we were young

3. Raising Men

4. Harassed Mom

5. I Believe in Miracles

6. Scaredmom’s Blog

7. ZA to CH

8. Miss Preggy

9. Enjoying the Small Things

10. There’s a Lionheart in our Bathtub

11. Life or Something Like it!

12. Motherhood, WTF?

13. MomAgain@40

14. The Fat Diaries

15. Dear Max


Well, who knew I would be able to nominate 15 blogs that I stalk read. I might not be subscribing or commenting regularly but I read your blogs daily.

P.S. I work 8 hours a day but after reading blogs, chatting on the forums, having breakfast and lunch I’m too scared to say how much time I actually spend working, PRO.Duc.TivelY! Hahaha…

P.P.S. Note to self – Never divulge identity – it may will count against me for future jobs….



I need me back…

I have a sign <when I saw it I had to get it> outside the front door that reads:

I can only please one person per day and today is not your day. Tomorrow doesn’t look good either.

Currently, I’m finding it extremely difficult to please me. Maybe it’s because I’m not sure what me wants now…

I feel as if the life is being sucked out of me probably by me as everyone else seems seemingly happy and care-free. It feels as if everyone is out to get me. Bombard me with their opinions/choices.

When faced with confrontation – I run! No wait, I don’t face confrontation. I go into a paralytic state. I kid you not. I’m good with work and all but matters of the heart is another story. I can’t face anyone who’s emotionally involved with me. I work myself into a frenzy and really want the earth to swallow me temporarily and spit me back up when the confrontations are over.

Why? I don’t know. I’ve lived like this forever.

Spirited Mama

P.S. And then I married a man who faces confrontation before it even surfaces…

I call it multi-skilling

My husband has reminded me that I have conversations in my head and then proceed to finish these conversations with him all whilst he was not included from the start. I’d say something and he’d be like… What? and I’d be like but I told you this. And then the debate <read: argument> commences. He said she said, you know how it goes.

My question is: Do you think that your behaviour rubs off onto your spouse and vice versa?

<I realised that my husband internalised certain conversations too>

Nevertheless, I always defend myself when accused of having internal conversations. And then this morning I realised, Fck! I’m having a full-blown conversation with myself. Like I’m talking aloud to myself. Asking questions and then answering and then disagreeing with myself…

Then, I wondered if this would be classified as having multiple personalities? I haven’t googled it yet but probably will later. I just decided that for now: I CALL IT MULTI-SKILLING!

Spirited Mama

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