It’s Friday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TGIF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I need this weekend!
So I’ve been having a very productive & extremely busy week. Last night I get home and Dude & Dudie were at the swimming lesson. So I drop all my stuff and prepare an awesome “moer by” pasta… (sausage/mushrooms/carrots/baby marrows/onions/peppers/pasta & cream – Delish!)
That took all of 25 mins. By the time the boys walked in, I was dishing pasta into their bowls. So we sit for Dinner. The Dudie goes apeshit as he took a serving of only carrots – and refused to swallow. Eventually, he ate but all around the carrots. Dude get his bath ready and off I skip to go bath my son. After asking/raising my voice/begging/bribing with custard he eventually gets in the bath. Generally, I would wash him immediately, and then he plays until I’ve read his communication book/newsletter/bbm’d/ or check mail on my phone.Last night was no different, so I read book and newsletter. Make mental notes and then Dudie offers me “tea”. He put bath water into small little caps and containers, you know the ones that are thrown into the bath along with all the squeaky bath toys!
Immediately, I thought, there’s no way I’m drinking that! What if he pee’d in the water. Even if he didn’t, the water is filled with soap and bubbles/dead skin cells as I had just washed him…. So I thought – distraction! He was so happy that we were having a “tea party”. Everytime I had to drink my “tea” I’d say look and point in any direction and chuck the water over my shoulder… Well he was happy that we had “tea” and the bathroom floor was soaked as I kept throwing water on the floor.
After the whole bed time ritual – he asked instructed Dude to go put Dudie to bed as I have to work on my assignments. That worked well. I did end up working until past midnight but I did reward myself with proper teas and this………..
Amarula…. met ys……..Ja!
It was cold and I figured that I could just enjoy the drink without having my hand freeze. So I used my mug:-)
This morning conversation was about rules…He asked to take something to school and I explained that the school has rules about bringing stuff… Usually after I explain something, I ask him to repeat it so that I know how he comprehends my messages… Well, let just say that this was a complete miss as clearly he wasn’t listening…
Me: So what are rules?
Dudie: Cock a doo dle doo….
Me: Baby that’s a rooster. We’re talking about rules.
Dudie: Mama, the light is green. Go go go
And that’s where I left it.
Happy friday folks.
Now that’s a great cup of tea

LOL about the tea drinking experience while bathing
Oh everyday I get a few cups of tea/milo or whatever he feels like having… We’ve even dragged Dude into it to come have his tea too…
So I guess you saw the mud coffee I showed on Monday in m post? It was actual mud offered to me by my kids. Luckily pretend drinking works
Mrs FF
No Cat that was not real mud. I was wondering what coffee shop makes such messy coffee
I did and ws baffled at where or who would serve a cuppa like that…. Now I know it’s not the real deal
I did and was baffled at where or who would serve a cuppa like that…. Now I know it’s not the real deal
Mrs FF
I like his escape out of answering the question. Yes the light is green, move mama
Smart kid hey