Living a SPIRITED life filled with wanderlust, emotions and everything in between

Thankful Thursday

I thought instead of a normal blog post I would do a roundup of what I am thankful for today….


Thankful Thursday Roundup

My Dude, Dudie, resident alien.
The family and friends in my life right now.
The cooler weather in Pretoria today.
Electricity because whilst I should be studying I made an omelet and I’m watching Lucifer on catch up.
My health, wealth and prosperity (I think I am very blessed).
My home, my bed, food and all my creature comforts.
We only have 6 school days left for 2016.

The little bouts of rain making our garden come alive again.
I have little over 10 weeks left before the resident alien joins us in this realm, well that’s if he stucks to his due date. (I am hoping I can have a natural birth again)

Sometimes life gets very busy and very often I forget to just reflect and be thankful for my blessings. So before I get too lazy, let me get off this couch because I have quite a busy day….
I want to check out the new revamped @MenlynMall and of course @H&M and @KrispyKreme all before I go for my 4D scan of my resident alien.
I also need to factor in study time, so I still need to inform Dude that he is on supper duty, I have an exam tomorrow morning.

Be thankful for what you have…I have so much but I am afraid I could go on writing until infinity if I really set my mind to it.

Spirited Mama


My hips don’t lie




  1. Ah – seem to be a day for thankful posts! I am thankful my boys did so well this year. And for the lovely weather.

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