Living a SPIRITED life filled with wanderlust, emotions and everything in between

The Struggle…

Today was one of those day s where I needed motivation, and to just keep calm, etc etc. Briefly, Dudie decided to pee in my bed… of course this happened after Dude left for work. I felt the warm sensation against my leg. I got up, showered and then woke the sleeping child who was not in the least disturbed by sleeping on his pee????

I bath child, ask 100 times that he please brush his front teeth! This is my daily battle. I proceed to put sheets and jammies, mind you I just put fresh linen on the bed yesterday!!!!, in the washing machine. Eventually, Dudie gets going and I try to get dressed. Well first pants I put on, too big, second pants hugs in all the areas I DID not want it too, third time lucky I choose my normal black pants and grey top.

I hurriedly look for the car keys only to realise that my darling husband had them yesterday and drove off this morning with car keys in his bakkie! Thank Gloria we have spare keys. I locate them and proceed to pack car. I get the Dudie out of the house and TA DA!!!! The freaking fuel reserve is on! WTF! I swear that thing is faulty. Saturday I had a 1/4 tank but this morning it was empty? We did not drive the car yesterday?(Note to self – get car checked)

I decided that I’m late as it is… MIght as well stop now for fuel. Garage 1 – the queue stretches into the main road. Garage 2 – success. We get helped almost immediately. One guy fuels us up and one starts cleaning the windscreen. Only the guy was done with fuel, swiped my card, only to have his colleague dash off to help someone else and leaving me with a half washed windscreen. I left with a half washed windscreen!

I drive 200m and I’m stuck in gridlocked traffic. Up until now, I don’t know why! BUT my 7km drive took 55 mins this morning!!!!! I get to school, only to confront the Vice-Principal about a bullying incident. (I’ll post on that later) My Dudie is soft spoken and loveable, he will not fight just because! So we wait to hear the outcome on Thursday after all the meetings!!!!

Thank Gloria Dudie was happy and merry and a pleasant fellow passenger. I get to the Gautrain station. Now, I’ve missed 3 trains and I’ve made peace that I’m running late…. But our train made an unscheduled stop outside a station and there we sat on the tracks.  So apart from my brother’s shocking news that he’ll be getting married in 4 weeks and my Dude’s sister being a biatch…. my day was rather eventful.

Upon getting to work, I decided enough already… We always try and solve the world’s problems, ok mainly family but you get the point. And it ALWAYS impacts US as a couple/family. We stress and fret and worry and they carry on. Happily living their lives. Well I’ve had enough. I will NOT bend over backwards for my brother and his girlfriend, who just told me that she insisted that they get married!!!! WTF! They have a child who’s turning 1 in April. So why rush into a wedding? I told my Dude that his sister is a mental biatch!

And then I remembered this….

The struggle you are in today is developing the strength you need for tomorrow. Don’t give up!

So I keep my head high. I’m going home to MY Dude and Dudie. And I will bask in the magic of MY family! We are a spirited family but we LOVE hard!

Spirited Mama





Out of town as well as mind. Thanks MIL…..


  1. alittlelessfluff

    You go girl!!
    You are right, bask in the goodness that is your family and don’t let the others drag you into their insanity. Hugs and Strongs. xxx

  2. Right spirit for a Blue Monday! Hope the rest of your week goes uneventful!

  3. Ai, what a morning. But yes, it is your little family in our home that matters – well, and bugger the rest. They can fight their own fights

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