Have you ever had a brain EEG?
No, not a brain egg…but a brain EEG.
An electroencephalogram (EEG) is a test used to detect abnormalities related to electrical activity of the brain. This procedure tracks and records brain wave patterns. Small metal discs with thin wires (electrodes) are placed on the scalp, and then send signals to a computer to record the results. Normal electrical activity in the brain makes a recognizable pattern. Through an EEG, doctors can look for abnormal patterns that indicate seizures and other problems. http://kidshealth.org/en/parents/eeg.html
A few weeks ago I had one. I had the weirdest symptoms, we put it down to being pregnancy related, and my doctor decided to schedule an EEG. This was my first time and I had absolutely no idea what to expect, I didn’t have time to google prior to having the EEG. (I know that I shouldn’t google medical procedures BUT I just can’t help myself. I like to be prepared…Someday I will tell you about other medical procedures I had done – thankfully I only googled it AFTER the surgery otherwise they would have had to put me in a straight jacket to perform that surgery)
Do you remember that scene from the movie Hannibal – where the guy eats his own brain?
Well, that was the only thought I had whilst this EEG was performed. I wondered if the doctor could detect what I was thinking or feeling. Perhaps he did cos he just kept looking at me strangely. I felt as if the doctor was about to serve me a slice of my brain on a side plate. But alas, it is a painless exercise. All I felt was the cold gel in my hair and on my scalp and having dozens of electrodes stuck to my head everywhere.
It is quite fascinating and scary at the same time. What if they detect abnormalities? What if they find that I have lost some of my marbles? BUT I am happy to report that all is well and normal with my brain function. Albeit that it might not always seem that way, I can assure you my brain is functioning normally. Medical technology is so advanced, thankfully. So many conditions can be treated way before they become too serious.
Have you ever had a Brain EEG? What was the weirdest medical procedure you have ever had? If they could detect your thoughts – what would they find?
It’s Friday! Let’s take a moment to breathe and go bonkers ‘cos it’s the WEEKEND BABY!!!! Being 31 weeks pregnant just the thought of sleeping late, or rather lying in bed without getting up for work gets me excited.
Spirited Mama
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