Living a SPIRITED life filled with wanderlust, emotions and everything in between

*Win* an Eau Thermale Avene hamper

At the #jozimeetup bloggers event a few weeks ago, I won a spot prize, the Eau Thermale Avéne Hamper. What an incredible spoil! The prize was sponsored by AutographPR and some of you may remember Nicole Sparrow’s post “Please iron the sheets”. So for my pic, I used a towel because I’m a wife/mom/home exec/doctor/nurse/friend/lover/disciplinarian, etc, etc and frankly don’t have time to iron the sheets…

I have sensitive skin and don’t dare chop and change my skincare regime, just willy nilly… If I find one that works and use it forever. Until I tried Avéne…The hamper included the following:

  • Micellar Lotion
  • Mattifying Fluid
  • Soothing Moisture Mask
  • Cicalfate Restorative Skin Cream
  • Cold Cream Shower Gel
  • Sunscreen SPF 50+
  • Thermal Spring Water (If there is one product you MUST try, this is it! So many uses. Some miracle water…)

The products are easy to use. I hardly have 5mins to perform a skincare routine in the morning. It’s slightly easier at night when everyone has gone to bed but then the chores are waiting. I use the mask and do some chores whilst I wait for it to perform its magic on my face.

The result is that my skin is as soft and smooth as Troll’s bottom. The cold cream gel wash is excellent in the shower as my skin feels moisturised just by washing it. The Thermale Water is apparently great for nappy rash. I can’t attest for that as thankfully we have had no issues thus far. But it is great for nicks and cuts as well as razor burn. During Winter my skin gets super dry and itchy, thanks to the Gauteng climate, but I sprayed my legs with the Thermale Water and Voila! No more itchy skin. Dudie seems to suffer from eczema and this water also soothes and calms his skin…I can see the difference.

I am sensitive to sunscreen so I always use a sunscreen separately from my moisturiser. As soon as it is included in the moisturiser – my skin suffers a breakout. On Dudie’s match days I like to add a little extra protection. The Avéne sunscreen is a fabulous add on as my family doesn’t look all pale and ashy as with other sunscreens.

I am very happy with the results thus far. My skin is definitely happy too…

Now, who would like to WIN this hamper??? The hamper is worth R2000 and you will receive exactly what I received, courtesy from AutographPR

Here’s what you need to do to enter this giveaway:

  1. Subscribe to my blog
  2. Leave a comment on this post
  3. Like my Facebook page, click here
  4. Follow me on Twitter @spirited_mama1

For an extra entry: Tweet about the giveaway and remember to add a link to this blogpost giveaway in your tweet.


Good luck! Winner will be announced on Friday 28 July 2017.


T’s & C’s

**Competition closes Friday 21 July 2017.
Open to South African residents only.
Winner will be randomly selected.
No correspondence will be entered into once a winner is selected.
Winner will be announced on my social media accounts and notified via email.
I reserve the right to disqualify invalid entries.

Spirited Mama


The hours in my day


Comfortable in my own skin and body image


  1. Lesley

    Lovely hamper! I’m between products at the moment and trying to find something that suits my needs. Also, completely ignoring the fact that I’m getting OLD and should probably be looking for something age appropriate…

  2. Simone (SimmyBunz)

    Hi SM! Pick me pick me – I need a bit of pampering with this velcro baby of mine 🙂

  3. I’ve been seeing amazing reviews on their thermal spring water, so I’d love to try it for myself! 🙂

  4. Bianca Balutto

    I suffer from eczema and its so frustrating im trying so many products but nothing seems to be working my skin is constantly itchy and dry I would really love to win this hamper and try out the range.

  5. Oh wow! Would looooove to try this for myself eeeeecccckkkk! Pick me pick me!

  6. Tracy Jacobs

    Oooh this hamper looks amazing and sounds like it’s worked well 🙂

  7. Jackie K

    Wow, these look like fab products!!
    @JaxxLisa on Twitter

  8. Carolyn Augustus

    I absolutely love Avene products and use it for the whole family

  9. flutterbymegs

    Honestly I have never used these products before , after reading your enlightening review , which was interesting and informative I would love the opportunity to use these products , I delight in the fact that’s it all natural , no preservatives . So many more reasons to want to try this range of products ….thank you for this giveaway.❤❤❤

  10. Leanne Alford

    I love Avene products, have tried the body cream only and would LOVE to stand a chance to win this hamper!

  11. Sharleen

    Always hear good reviews about Avene products so i would love to try it

  12. I would love to win this AMAZING hamper! My skin needs it!

  13. Rehana Seedat

    I have subscribed to your blog, liked your facebook page and following you via twitter @rehanaseedat All steps done

  14. Rehana Seedat

    I have tweeted as well for an extra entry @rehanaseedat

  15. I don’t know if it me or the food that I’m currently eating but my face is becoming dry and I have small pimples maybe I’m not drinking enough water…
    But since I’ve never used this products before maybe it will do wonders to my skin..
    *crossing fingers*
    Followed on all social media platforms❤

  16. Roxanne Chutthergoon

    Fantastic give-away!
    Roxanne Chutthergoon on Facebook and @Roxi_23 on Twitter

  17. Riétte

    With very sensitive skin I am always on the lookout for suitable products. Would love to try these as everyone gives them glowing reviews! Tweeted @het_het1

  18. What an amazing prize! 😍🙌 I’ve heard so many good things about this fabulous range! Can’t wait to try it! Sounds as if it will treat my dry winter skin beautifully!! ❤️

  19. thea lennox

    wow would be so awesome. Great prize.Thanks for the opportunity

  20. I would love this prize I have very sensitive skin and in winter it’s also dry. crossing fingers.

  21. Natalie

    This range sounds fantastic and it’s not super pricey!

  22. Chantal Tonkin

    Wow sounds great! Loved reading your feed back on it 😊

  23. Anusha Naidoo

    An interesting and informative review, thank you. Will be a absolute pleasure to win and use these products.
    As a busy single mommy I could really do with pampering for my skin and taking pride and feeling confident and great again.

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