Phew, to say that this festive season flew by is an understatement. Where did the time go??? For part of my festive season I do wish I can “rewind” and just relive that moment. Some moments were priceless and they are etched in my soul so deep that no can remove them. Family time is important but nothing comes close to “Quality Family Time”.  The love, laughter, joy and happiness that comes along with it is truly magical.

This Christmas I truly had a magical Christmas! We just soaked up one another. It wasn’t all rosy but the good definitely out weighed the bad.

Yesterday, I started working again. It’s was horrible yet liberating at the same time. As much as I adore Dudie, we all need that “alone ” time form one another. So when I announced that it’s school time he wasn’t overjoyed but wasn’t exactly sad about it either. This morning he had a skip in his step as we walked to his class. He was happy, singing and bare feet ‘cos his Teacher said that he can leave his shoes off….

SO for now, I’m catching up to 400 emails. Trying to snack on healthy stuff and keep myself well hydrated ‘cos damn it’s HOT in Gauteng!!!!!

Happy 2013 All!!!!!

Spirited Mama

Be happy