Spirited Mama

Living a SPIRITED life filled with wanderlust, emotions and everything in between

Month: May 2013

I need a new pillow! STAT!!!

So you may have read my post “How to Unlock vertebrae?” and currently I’m still NOT sorted. I’ve had the physiotherapy but tomorrow is D-Day. Tomorrow, I see the chiropractor! And I’m a bit nervous…

Apart from my gloriously wonderful bed that sleeps like a dream but only when I sleep alone or when Dude doesn’t harass me, in a husband-wife matrimonial way of course 😉 or when the resident starfish, aka Dudie doesn’t sneak into our bed in the wee hours of the morning – this happens 3 out of 5 times in the week. Really love the cuddles but OMG I also need a good night’s rest….

I buy pillows like any normal person buys bread and milk. I also buy loads of shoes but funnily Dude doesn’t complain about that anymore… He’s fixated on my pillow purchases. He’s giving the used, which technically are also still new, pillows away as he doesn’t see why we need 6 pillows on our bed and why Dudie needs 3 or even why I have cupboard stashed with pillows in the event of overnight guests…

I need a new pillow. I need advice on what to purchase. I’m not looking for the Ferrari Model more like the Jeep 5.7 L Hemi kind of model. I’m not sure my bank balance can handle anymore random pillow purchases so I desperately seek guidance on what to buy. I don’t need an anti-snore, although Dude says I sometimes snore.

Spirited Mama

When My 3yr old says “Mom, you’re boring!”

I had to stop myself from responding with WTF. I know I’m a paranoid parent. I’m the one who worries that he’s get hurt. Dad is the cool fun playful one. They play and I thank the Lord that I have a son ‘cos OMG a girl child would’ve been beyond tomboy… And besides I don’t have a sister. And my mother never did any mother/daughter things with me so I really wouldn’t know what to do with a girl child… When I watch them “play” my Dude says, all whilst rolling his eyes at me and with a not so subtle tone in his voice, what does Mommy say – Just remember – someone always gets hurt…

<I just spent 10minutes explaining to our executive home assistant, aka Maria our helper, that I would really appreciate it if she could handwash 1 of Dudie’s polonecks as it is soiled, looks like he swam in the sand! She was ok with this instruction when I left for work but she’s been frantically searching for this grey sweater that I specifically left on Dudie’s Bed in plain sight. And I did mention that its on his bed. She’s called me 5 times and after I tried to explain its the fck grey poloneck on the bed, I do not swear at her -promise- I may curse under my breath but not directly at her. She calls me back to say she’s found it so she’ll wash the blue jacket. BLUE? WTF? I said it’s ok just leave it I’ll sort it out tonight. I think she picked up on my irritability and called me back again and said she’s found the grey sweater. Swell – let’s see shich item she’s washed when I get home>

Anyway, I try to do fun things with Dudie. For example on Saturday I told him let’s paint. So I drag out the paint stuff and whilst Dude was braaing (barbeque-ing) we painted or lets just say Dudie painted over my pretty blue sky and green grass.. sigh. I let him be cos that’s how he paints. So after reading Tanya’s post on Cool “kid” things that adults should do, I was wondering what other parents out there are doing with their kids. These are the things we do, I took these from Tanya’s list:

Pop the bubbles in bubble wrap – I looovvve this. We have a massive roll of bubblewrap in the office and every now and then I take some home 🙂

Jump on a bed – Dudie and I cannot resist. Especially when we go on holiday! We recently spent a small fortune on our new bed so I’m definitely not jumping on that bed.

Jump on a jumping castle – Errr, we kinda broke Dudie’s Jumpolene….Maybe that’s why they say for kids under 6 yrs only.

Have a water fight – Errr, every night at bath time. Water guns, jugs, cups whatever is available will be used to scoop water and throw at any human or animal form passing by

Jump in puddles – Dudie says I need Wellies but this Mam wants some Hunter Boots

Run through sprinklers (clothed might be more appropriate) – we did this the other day. Bad idea cos its cold in Gauteng. Winter is coming

Blow bubbles – Love this. We do it all the time. We even did it on the beach in George…

Enjoy an ice cream cone with sprinkles and sauce, or even a soda float – Late night Ice-cream treats. On Sunday we started with ice-cream and chocolate ice-cap. And we’ve had it 3 times this week too

Finger paint – We don’t do this often enough

Have a midnight feast – This is reserved for Dude and I 🙂

Camp out in the garden – We set up Dudie’s tent in the lounge so we camp in the house

Make biscuits in animal shapes – Oooh this is a hit with Dudie. My Dude’s colleagues have requested that I make those animal biscuits again. Dude always take s treats to work so his workforce knows what I’m capable of…

So what “fun” things do you do?

Spirited Mama

Are you a BLIEBER?


For all of you Justin Bieber fans out there – enjoy your Cape Town concert.

And the Bliebers in Gauteng  – you’re probably waiting with baited breath for the weekend….

Really, I don’t get what the hype is about. Maybe it’s because I grew up in a different era? Each to his own I suppose. Th epic above was just to funny NOT to share 🙂


Baby baby baby baby ooohhhhh!!!

Spirited Mama

P.S. I have no idea who to credit for the images above. My bad. If it’s you – well thanks for letting me borrow it without your permission but now you know where to find it

P.P.S Reluctant Mom – This post is dedicated to YOU!!!!

What THIS Mother wants for Mother’s Day!

Cotton pyjamas would be nice – off white or any colour as the white only looks white until the first wash! What is it with the water in Gauteng?

An abundance of Lindt chocolate…

A morning of sleeping in… even if just until 9am – as much as I like waking up to Dudie’s soft voice stating “it’s wake up time guys at 6 sometimes 5 even 4am!!!! (thankfully this happens more than the shrieking noisy wake up call/sometimes a cry – I think he has bad dreams…/poking at my eyes/ears/nose/moth/tummy/etc)

A warm breakfast. Uninterupted, without having to feed anyone.

Sweet treats. Cake and Pringles for breakfast and maybe an ice-cold coca cola for BREAKFAST without having to feel like I need to set an example for Dudie. I want a fck coke for breakfast! And chocolate cake! Ice-cream! Pringles – the Original flavour! I DON’T want to share MY Pringles!!!!! MINE mine mine!

A shopping spree would be great. Pity my bank manager won’t allow it. sigh… I so need a new wardrobe..

Oh and a new kitchen would be nice and whilst they making dust we may as well extend the house too.

And some bubblegum steri stumpies would be awesome!

I really can’t complain ‘cos my boys spoil me ALL the time. Fortunately, I do not have to wait for Mother’s Day. What is is with making people feel guilty and telling them YOU have to spoil/appreciate YOUR Mother on Mother’s Day??? You should be thankful EVERYDAY! You should Appreciate YOUR Mother everyday.

Now, some of you might know that I don’t exactly have a blissful Mother/Daughter relationships… ours is more like ‘wtf? were you thinking? doing? going to do? it’s like a business transaction. It’s not filled with hugs and emotions. It’s kinda of emotionless… Let’s not even go into my Mother in law, whom I haven’t spoken to in a few months. Let’s just leave it at that.

But that being said, I have a Gran whom I love to bits and who loves my family to bits. I have Aunts – my mom’s sisters – who treat me like I am their daughter and I love them for it! So let’s not wait for Mother’s Day to show appreciation to whomever it may be that is close to your heart. Let’s appreciate them NOW.

Happy Mother’s Day to all the Moms on Sunday 12 May 2013. Hope you are appreciated, even if just on Mother’s Day.

Spirited Mama

P.S. I defend Mother’s Day the same way my Dude defends “16 Days of Activism for NO violence against Women and Children. <This is only my and his opinion. In no way am I condoning any violence against any human form or even animals>In short he says it just fcked up ‘cos technically what they saying is for 16 days lets ‘Love” each other but what about the rest of the year? Is it ok to fck each other up then?  Guys let’s appreciate. And let’s give credit where it’s due.

Interesting Blog award from Reluctant Mom

***Happy Dance*** Someone thinks I’m awesome and I’m loving the attention.  Things have been hectic in Spiritville. Great things are happening but I’ll have to keep things on the down low for now…

Thanks Reluctant Mom!!! (((Virtual Hug))) And we did meet via The Moomie Forum. I still owe you wine and chuckles… I need to visit Cape Town sometime… Like your award button better. Nimbus 2000 Model courtesy of Reluctant Mom below:


Reluctant Mom was bestowed the “Interesting blog award by the Blurred Line” and then bestowed it on yours truly. I take this as a pat on the back ‘cos honestly I sometimes wonder “who reads my crap?” who would be interested in me? I’m ordinary and not a “cool” blogger. I blog just because I need an outlet from time to time. Ok sometimes its more frequent but hey like I said it’s cheaper than therapy.

The New Rules are:

  1. Thank the person who nominated you
  2. List 5 random facts about yourself
  1. Nominate a MAXIMUM of 3 blogs for the award – I know sometimes trying to find 5 is a challenge and it also dilutes the “play it forward idea”
  2. Ask the nominees 5 questions of your choice
  3. And finally, let them know you have nominated them
  4. But I really think we should keep this one – promise to never listen to Justin Bieber again

Thank you Reluctant Mom *curtsy*

Q’s from Reluctant Mom and A’s from Spirited Mama1:

One | What would you buy with five rand? If you figure that out let me know too ‘cos you can’t get bread/milk ? If I were still smoking I would buy loose draws 🙂 But considering that I’m a non-smoker I’d buy Wilson toffees – fck the shop at work charges so much I think I might only get 3 maybe 4.
Two | When was the last time you told a lie? And what was it? This morning as I’m trying to score a day’s leave this week… watch this space. Technically I need 2 hours off but come on why would I just take two hours when I can take a full day.

Three | When was the last time you went for a mammogram?  Was it as bad as you thought it was going to be? Never ever… Sigh – maybe it’s time to make an appointment. Oh and maybe get a once over from my v-jay jay doctor as I know I’m over due with my annual check up.

Four | What was the worst baby/child name you have ever heard? Le-A. Do you know how to pronounce it? Le-dasha-A ! That’s what her Mama gave her. I’ll be like WTF Mama????Ok it’s not that bad but my brain is on a go slow .

Five | What is the phrase you swore you would never use, and now you are sounding just like your mother and screaming it down the passage? Do you want me to give you a reason to cry? *sigh* i can’t stop it…Parenting is hardcore

3 Interesting Bloggers according to Spirited Standards:

Juggling act of life

Memoirs 4 my munchkins


My questions to the 3 bloggers:

1. Does Social Media control you?

2. If given a Personal Assistant for a week, what would you ask your PA to do for you?

3. What do you make of the Guptas using Waterkloof to land their plane? <SERIOUSLY, class=hiddenSpellError pre=”OR ” Tambo to board a plane. Would never have to miss a flight cos it’s half way 🙂 >

4. Shoes or handbags? Any please list the total you have.

5. Who would you choose as the next President of South Africa?


I really can’t making any promises about the Bieber cos I have family members who drool over this boychild and I have found myself humming to some of his tunes… But I’ll try my hardest.

Fingers crossed for a great week ahead.

Spirited Mama

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