Living a SPIRITED life filled with wanderlust, emotions and everything in between

Month: May 2020

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Remote learning and schooling whilst working from home during the COVID-19 Pandemic days

It is Day 59 of our lock down, we opted to stay home before the national lock down was instituted. We’ve been out here and there to get some supplies at the shop. Even that was a “treat” just to do something that resembled some “normality” to the life as we know it, well used to know. But when life as you know it ceases to exist… The COVID-19 PANDEMIC days has brought about many changes for the world but for us as a family we have adapted remote learning and schooling to suit our needs.

Remote learning and schooling

How many hours a day do you school your kid(s)?

Are you a teacher? By definition I probably am but it’s definitely not my profession.  Joshua, the eldest who is currently in Grade 5, has joined his google classroom sessions. It has taken weeks to find a rhythm that works but he is a champ and taking the reigns. Although we have daily “schooling” sessions, we are very relaxed about the timing of these sessions. Some days he starts at 9am other days he starts a 3pm. We are letting him take the lead… with a little guidance from us 🙂 Some days he will have one schooling session whilst other days he will have up to three sessions.

I commend his independent school for their plan of action they have taken thus far. Initially, I did get extremely frustrated with them because it’s as if they thought that we would have the kid sit and do “school” from 8am-2pm. Are you serious? How am I suppose to work from home and school my kid for a full “school day”? I was livid that they could comprehend that parents who are working from home should now suddenly set aside 6 hours in their day and follow the timetable, period by period.

The husband and I discussed this new way of schooling and came up with our own plan during the COVID-19 pandemic days. We tag team, assist and guide each other as a family, kids included. We prioritized the work. Those required for assessment purposes were bumped up and tackled first. Joshua is good with hitting his deadlines, even though he is only 10 years old. The work that needed to be completed in workbooks were and are still done on a more relaxed approach. We even use some time on the weekend to catch up on some exercises in his workbooks.

Noah is 3 years old. He just colours outside the lines and we let him! He is learning through play. We leave out some puzzles and we are definitely adapting screen time more efficiently. During this lockdown period, we have had more screen time than the last year. I dusted off my iPad and Noah is happily “playing” educational games.

We try and incorporate the whole family into the “schooling and learning” phase. With Joshua doing Art, we are all suddenly making clay pots and painting with acrylic paints. This gets the schooling session done but it was a combined effort to get some family time too. For us, remote learning is beneficial to the whole family during the COVID-19 pandemic days.

COVID-19 Pandemic days

As this is our new normal, well for now at least, we are adapting and changing with the times. We have found our routine for remote learning and schooling during the pandemic days. We have no idea how long this situation will prevail and honestly I am not too phased about finding an end to our lockdown days either.

Life as we know it has changed due the COVID-19 pandemic. Nothing will be the same. Are you ready for a “new” normal? Whatever it may be… I wish you well in your adventures. We are all in this together. We are all trying to navigate a new normal.

There is no one size fit all solution here. You need to find what works for you and YOUR family. I know of many who are trying to find their “happy” in these trying times. Without a doubt,  the pandemic days are stressful. But let me leave you with some food for thought… What are you doing to find your happy?

Are you incorporating your family into your remote learning/schooling/working situations?

Stay Home and Be Safe!

Spirited Mama


My homemade pecan nut rusks, it’s easier than you think.

I love homemade anything! And right now I need to feed my savages as they are hungry all the time. They love an on the go snack; so I leave a huge jar of homemade pecan nut rusks on the table and everyone can just grab some on the go. This is actually my Great Aunt Josy’s recipe which I adapted for my family.

Here’s my homemade pecan nut rusk recipe:


1kg self-raising flour

5 cups of wheat bran

500g butter (melted)

1 cup of sugar [if you want to “taste” the sugar you’ll need to add a whole lot more 🙂 ]

5ml salt

10 baking powder

2 eggs (beaten)

600ml of milk (you can use buttermilk too)

50g pecan nuts

*Variations: you can add oats, coconut, seeds, dried fruit or berries and even chocolate. Be adventurous. I use pecans as this is what my kids like.


Preheat oven to 180 degrees C.

Mix flour, wheat bran, sugar, salt, baking powder and pecan nuts in a large bowl. Add the melted butter, beaten eggs and milk and mix well with a wooden spoon. Spoon into a large oven proof dish and bake for 1 hour. I was lazy and only used one dish but you can make two batches from this. Allow to cool before cutting. I wait about 10 minutes, so it’s still warm and easy to slice.

*Patience is required here. You need to dry out the rusks in the oven for 8 hours or so. Set the oven to 60-80 degrees C. Pack your sliced rusks on a baking tray and leave to dry out in the *lukewarm* oven. If I don’t get it done in one day, I just carry on the next morning. The rusks are still perfectly fine to dry out the next day too.

Some say you can do this overnight but I’ve never done it this way. Not sure if it’s just me being paranoid but I don’t like the idea of the oven being on whilst we are sleeping.

And that’s it. Store rusks in an airtight container. I prefer the glass “cookie” jar on the table.


I’m off to have another cup of coffee and a rusk.

What’s your go to snack?

Spirited Mama



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