Living a SPIRITED life filled with wanderlust, emotions and everything in between

Category: Education

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Remote learning and schooling whilst working from home during the COVID-19 Pandemic days

It is Day 59 of our lock down, we opted to stay home before the national lock down was instituted. We’ve been out here and there to get some supplies at the shop. Even that was a “treat” just to do something that resembled some “normality” to the life as we know it, well used to know. But when life as you know it ceases to exist… The COVID-19 PANDEMIC days has brought about many changes for the world but for us as a family we have adapted remote learning and schooling to suit our needs.

Remote learning and schooling

How many hours a day do you school your kid(s)?

Are you a teacher? By definition I probably am but it’s definitely not my profession.  Joshua, the eldest who is currently in Grade 5, has joined his google classroom sessions. It has taken weeks to find a rhythm that works but he is a champ and taking the reigns. Although we have daily “schooling” sessions, we are very relaxed about the timing of these sessions. Some days he starts at 9am other days he starts a 3pm. We are letting him take the lead… with a little guidance from us 🙂 Some days he will have one schooling session whilst other days he will have up to three sessions.

I commend his independent school for their plan of action they have taken thus far. Initially, I did get extremely frustrated with them because it’s as if they thought that we would have the kid sit and do “school” from 8am-2pm. Are you serious? How am I suppose to work from home and school my kid for a full “school day”? I was livid that they could comprehend that parents who are working from home should now suddenly set aside 6 hours in their day and follow the timetable, period by period.

The husband and I discussed this new way of schooling and came up with our own plan during the COVID-19 pandemic days. We tag team, assist and guide each other as a family, kids included. We prioritized the work. Those required for assessment purposes were bumped up and tackled first. Joshua is good with hitting his deadlines, even though he is only 10 years old. The work that needed to be completed in workbooks were and are still done on a more relaxed approach. We even use some time on the weekend to catch up on some exercises in his workbooks.

Noah is 3 years old. He just colours outside the lines and we let him! He is learning through play. We leave out some puzzles and we are definitely adapting screen time more efficiently. During this lockdown period, we have had more screen time than the last year. I dusted off my iPad and Noah is happily “playing” educational games.

We try and incorporate the whole family into the “schooling and learning” phase. With Joshua doing Art, we are all suddenly making clay pots and painting with acrylic paints. This gets the schooling session done but it was a combined effort to get some family time too. For us, remote learning is beneficial to the whole family during the COVID-19 pandemic days.

COVID-19 Pandemic days

As this is our new normal, well for now at least, we are adapting and changing with the times. We have found our routine for remote learning and schooling during the pandemic days. We have no idea how long this situation will prevail and honestly I am not too phased about finding an end to our lockdown days either.

Life as we know it has changed due the COVID-19 pandemic. Nothing will be the same. Are you ready for a “new” normal? Whatever it may be… I wish you well in your adventures. We are all in this together. We are all trying to navigate a new normal.

There is no one size fit all solution here. You need to find what works for you and YOUR family. I know of many who are trying to find their “happy” in these trying times. Without a doubt,  the pandemic days are stressful. But let me leave you with some food for thought… What are you doing to find your happy?

Are you incorporating your family into your remote learning/schooling/working situations?

Stay Home and Be Safe!

Spirited Mama



Worksheet Cloud can help you to help your child to study better + WIN


Worksheet Cloud can help YOU

Everyone is busy. We would all like more time during the day. We are fortunate that I work half day. By the time school is done, I’m outside that door waiting to collect my kids. I just can’t see it working any other way. On a normal day, homework is done by 4pm and by 5pm dinner is halfway ready if not done. The kids are running around and just playing, unless they’re at each other’s throats or just in each other’s space. read sibling rivalry.

I don’t know how parents, who work a full 8/9 hour shift each day, manage everything. It’s extra murals/homework/projects/cook dinner/eat dinner/bath/sleep… I take my hat off to you. We tried this but sadly it didn’t work for us. We just made it work, as best we could!

Help your child to study better

Joshua needs to be reminded and reminded and reminded that it’s time to study. Although, he is a fast learner also, he needs some solid practice sessions.

I draw up rosters/study timetables so that we have some sort of study routine. For now, I think 30 minute sessions works best. It’s just long enough to keep him focused and before he gets agitated and bored with sitting with his books, he is ready to take a break. I prefer that we have shorter study periods over long sessions trying to cram information into a 9 year old brain. But this is also tricky as with frequent breaks you need to get that 9 year old brain to focus again…

It’s quite interesting to see what they have covered in their syllabus thus far. On the one hand it’s great knowing that he is comfortable and familiar with the curriculum. On the other hand, it’s making me anxious when I see the term worksheets, Worksheet Cloud, and my child says, “we haven’t done that” OMG! is this where I email the teacher and ask for her curriculum plan?

Worksheet Cloud helps to cut the study time

As parents, Dude and I, are notorious for challenging the school and school system. We don’t follow the pack. We question. We suggest. We inform. We check on them. My kids are the future generation and I’m not going to stand by idle and waste a pretty awesome young mind. Worksheet Cloud has your back. All worksheets for grades 1 – 9 based on the South African CAPS curriculum system now in one place. A learner, your child, can choose to work online or just use the printable worksheet. The best part is that the learner can work at his/her OWN pace. And, they can toggle between subjects as they choose. Learners can go back and review their tests. They also receive an explanation in the case of an incorrect answer! It’s like having the teacher there WITH your child.


Joshua sees it as a game. And at this stage is very eager to “play” his game to earn some coins. Be warned, the kids might go bonkers wanting to earns reward coins 🙂  It’s a perfect add on to help revise for cycle tests but more importantly help you help your child to study for the Exams.

What I like is the “Parent Login” option so that you can track your child’s progress and see where he/she might need some extra help. 

No more setting mock tests as you will find all the tests and exam prep already done for you. You can literally grab a cup of coffee and “watch” your child study with printable and interactive practice tests and exams.

Now that we are in Term 3, we are trying to gear up for the final Exam too. Why not try Worksheet Cloud to help you help your child to study better?

I have 10 subscriptions to give away to Worksheet Cloud. Want one? Enter below.


a Rafflecopter giveaway

Happy studying!

Spirited Mama


Disclaimer: We received a subscription to try out and review. However, the views and opinions stated are my own. 

T’s & C’s

*Giveaway closes 1 September 2019 at 23:59. Winner will be announced on my social media accounts by 4 September 2019.
Open to South African residents only.
Winners will be randomly selected.
No correspondence will be entered into once a winner is selected.
I reserve the right to disqualify invalid entries. **

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