Living a SPIRITED life filled with wanderlust, emotions and everything in between

52 lessons for 52 weeks: Week 8 – FORGIVE

Here is a round up of my series thus far:

Week 1 – Living with intent

Week 2 – Be an example

Week 3 – Be YOU

Week 4 – Treasure people NOT possessions

Week 5 – Change is inevitable

Week 6 – Let it go

Week 7 – Love YOURSELF

Week 8 – FORGIVE

Well, this certainly is NO easy task for me… Although it shouldn’t be as hard as I think it is. It just doesn’t come easily to me. I am all for receiving what you put out to the universe and I sincerely hope that if I have offended anyone in the past, present or future that they would be able to forgive me. But in that same breath, I wouldn’t hold it against you either if you can’t forgive me.

There is no hard and fast rule here. In my opinion, you should do what makes you happy and comfortable. If you forgive someone based on the fact that someone told you to, well that’s a recipe for disaster right there. It will creep up on you and it will probably cross your mind time and time again once you have a disagreement with the person in question.

When you forgive, you forgive with everything within you. You move on. You let go of whatever it was that was causing you grief. You are free from the effects causing you grief…Spirited Mama

Forgiveness is two fold

By forgiving someone you are not only taking away the power, that YOU bestowed upon them to have over you, but you are setting YOURSELF free. Free from the guilt, perhaps you feel you were to blame, free from hatred, ok maybe hatred is a strong word, free from begrudging others, free from judging others. Why hold YOURSELF prisoner in YOUR own life? More than often, the wrongdoer carries on living his/her life unbeknown to them that they have wronged you. And YOU? You live as a prisoner in your own life. Set yourself free. Take back your power! Use your energy wisely. Redirect your negative emotions to positivism.


I wish you all the patience in the world ‘cos I know how hard it is too forgive.

Do you forgive easily?

Spirited Mama



52 lessons for 52 weeks: Week 7 – Love Yourself


How to get a degree in 3 years, DO NOT attempt this MY way


  1. MrsFF

    Forgive and forget I think is the hardest. Forgiveness is hard. And it takes a special grace to be able to genuinely forgive. I always say forgive but don’t forget the lessons learnt because once bitten twice shy.

    • spiritedmama1

      So true. We tend to remember what we are suppose to forget….But if I forget, how will I know NOT to make the same mistake? And yes, it definitely takes a special grace to genuinely forgive. You have the same philosophy as us 🙂

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