Living a SPIRITED life filled with wanderlust, emotions and everything in between

After Parties and fairies

So Dudie turned 3! We did a small intimate lunch on Sunday at home. The weather was awesome and we had the jumpolene out too. Thank Gloria, no one requested to swim ‘cos Dudie still has a post nasal drip cough thing going on… Anyone know what I can give a 3yr old who suffers with Sinusitis… ( I really don’t want him on long term meds but even I have to take antihistamine daily…)

After everyone left, we hurriedly gave an overstimulated and exhausted but very happy Dudie a bath. He fell asleep whilst I was dressing him. He truly was sound asleep as the dogs kept barking at his window but he didn’t even bat an eyelash.

On Monday, we slept a tad later… Dudie and I had breakfast together and I took him to school for his official party. We took cupcakes, chips, juice and fruit squares…. He loved it. They even made him a special birthday crown. On Monday afternoon, he got  to open his gifts and we had left over cake AND ice-cream. Together. For Dinner. Not as we had hotdogs too…………. We really over did it. And I can feel that my black pants had to stretch over my thighs this morning. Our baker, my friend’s 11yr old daughter, made us a delicious chocolate cake decorated as a soccer field. And 24 matching cupcakes. What an awesome cake… And yummy too. I will have to download some pictures to post.

On Fairies:

I have a fairy tattoo. Although, Dudie always asks to see my “Dragon”. So I’ve decided to get another tattoo and I wanted it to be my birthday gift from me to me… Well my birthday is the 19th.  Even though I have a general idea of what I want I’m still unsure. I’ve used the Tattoo parlour in Menlyn but since they no longer exist I need to know if anyone can recommend a reputable shop? In Pretoria. Preferably, the EAST. Please.


P.S. Yesterday’s morning conversation with Dudie:

Dudie: Me a boy, Mamma a girl, Daddy….. I don’t know

Me: Daddy is a boy.

Dudie: No. Daddy not a boy.

Me: Daddy is a Big Boy.

Dudie: No, Daddy NOT a boy. Oh, there’s a Cement mixer….



Random thoughts. Heart, Mind & Soul


Any takers…..


  1. Huge congrats to you all. Sounds like a great birthday

  2. Have your tried Allercet as a daily remedy? My kids and I have chronic sinusitis and as its actually an allergy I have found that giving them Allercet every night actually helps. It does not keep them awake (If it keeps dudie awake give in mornings) Amandalynn now 6 does not get it at all any more after being on it for 3 years straight (been off for about a year) she now only gets it when she looks like she is getting sick. Lorelai still gets it daily.

    Good luck.

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