Living a SPIRITED life filled with wanderlust, emotions and everything in between

Category: Birthdays


Cancer was the reason I never ate birthday cake yet

Cancer took over

Little did I know the magnitude of emotions that the past few weeks had in store. Dude planned a getaway to Cape Town for us. Among all the schedules, we had planned on visiting my aunt, she was more like my big sister though. She was diagnosed with Cancer in 2104. She underwent a mastectomy and received aggressive treatment and was given the all clear in 2015. As a family, we exhaled. She was in remission. Then… earlier this year, the cancer was back and even more aggressive than before. The plan was to spend part of my birthday, 19 October, with her…

Cancer is not new to us But it’s not something one can ever get used to. I wrote about When Cancer happens in our family. In September, I hopped on a plane to spend the day with my big sister/aunt. Although very few words were said, in her fragile state, I still had the best time with her.

I never ate birthday cake yet

On my birthday, I got a call from my cousins, aunt’s kids… you need to come see mom… we got there and I was so numb seeing her like that. She knew I was there, she even held my hand. No words were spoken as I just had NOTHING… My heart was broken as I knew what was inevitable.

Sadly, she passed away on Saturday, 20 October. The day after my birthday. My heart is shattered. The past few days have been a roller coaster of emotions. But Wednesday, after she had passed, was hard. As I left my office, I had Mamma on my mind. I wrote about her here and a few other places too. When I turned on the ignition in the car, at that exact moment the radio played “Home” by Michael Bublé.

In that moment, I couldn’t hold it together, I broke. But my heart was also filled with JOY. When Mamma passed it was this song, but sung by Ruben Studdard, that ripped through me. So when I heard the original song by Michael Bublé, I knew Esmé had gone home to be with Mamma…

She was laid to rest on Saturday, 27 October. Only 3 rows behind Mamma…

Rest in Peace my Esmé ❤ I miss you more than words could ever say. I miss our late night chats and our hour long conversations in the afternoons as I cooked/went out to run errands/run after the kids at home. I miss waking up to your messages as I fell asleep during our chats.

You put up one helluva fight!


Spirited Mama


Uncommon goods you never knew you needed…


Are you looking for uncommon goods?

Did you know Christmas is only 110 days away?

There are only 16 Mondays left for 2017.

Last year, granted I was pregnant and in and out of the hospital. I was not prepared for Christmas at all. I dragged my pregnant self through Menlyn Mall right up to 24 December to get the last gifts…

Well, this year I’m working smarter. I am doing most of my shopping online. And I’m getting a head start. I like buying 2/3 gifts per person in my household. If you are lucky enough to make it to my gift list, I’m very selective 😂, you will get 1 gift. Gifts are expensive yoh. And right now I think it would be wiser to invest in buying diapers😳 rather.

This is where Uncommongoods come and make your gift buying easier and simpler. You will find LOADS of goods from generic to personalized gifts, suited for any occasion. Right now, I’m focusing on these three categories:

Check out some Birthday Gifts for Her

Of course, I would be trawling this page as my birthday is only 42 days away and I need to get my wish list ready… There is SO much to choose from but I think these are my favourites right now:

Sign of the Zodiac necklace

Trinity Wooden cuff

Links of Love necklace

Find Cool Gadgets here

I can.not get enough of this link…Thinking of getting that Bioluminescent Dino Pet for Dudie’s big boy room makeover…This makeover is LONGGGGG overdue.

Left Brain Right Brain Bookends

F bomb paperweight


Bioluminescent Dino Pet

LED Lightbulb

Some Personalized Gifts to suit any person

Birth announcement pillows


Momma Bird Cuff






Mother nestling birds








Our Uncommon Mission

At UncommonGoods, we’re working to change the way business is done by making sustainability a part of every decision we make. We’re steadily working to make UncommonGoods more environmentally friendly, socially responsible and an ever-more rewarding place to work.

Handmade, Recycled and Organic Products

We’re committed to offering you a creative and exciting merchandise assortment and are working with our suppliers – from artists to small manufacturers – to make their products in a more socially and environmentally responsible manner. Since our founding, we’ve featured products that contain recycled components and have not sold products containing leather, feathers or fur – we’re committed to selling products that do no harm to people or animals.

We make it easy to shop from South Africa with:
  • All prices in South African Rand
  • Duties and taxes calculated at checkout
  • Low international shipping rates
  • Guaranteed landed costs (no additional charges at delivery)

If you do nothing else today go visit I bet you WILL find something you like 🙂 One other thing, they actually give you the story behind the product. Once you view an item, you will find a blurb about the author/creator on the right-hand side. Giving credit where it is due…

Happy shopping! I can’t believe I’m counting down the days until Christmas already!

Spirited Mama


This is a sponsored post. The words and opinions expressed are my own except the part “About Uncommongoods” 🙂

1 Year Blog-aversary….

Sooooooooo, it’s been 1 year to the day that I wrote my first blogpost. I’m sort of in disbelief that I’ve been blogging for a year. Where did the time go?

Although it’s Saturday and believe me I would’ve  loved to lie in…(Thanks Murphy – just today the Dudie decided to sleep past his normal waking time(6-6:30am…) he was actually still asleep when I left at 7:25am. I am at WORK!!!! I have to work today. And next Saturday too! We work from 8am – 1pm. As I left home, I made a U-TURN back to KFC for a “Eggs Benedict and cappuccino” breakfast, the drive through cost me an extra 15 minutes, so  I was late for work. BooHoo. I enjoyed my breakfast. I enjoyed the morning drive. Open highway, I could really drive. Fast. And I did. And I loved it. (I am a speed junkie. I have to constantly remind myself that I need to obey the speed limit. I do, when I have my family or fellow passengers BUT when I am alone… My music is blaring, and I’m exhilarated by the thrill of the open roads…)

Within 30minutes of getting to work, we got Latte’s and croissants…And 10minutes later more coffee and muffins… Let me just say that I’ve overdosed on coffee, half of the muffin s still staring at me and my croissant well I think I’ll give it to Dudie… Way to much food for my liking! Even though I love food, it just too much right now.

So on that note, I’m patting myself on the back for my official 1st Anniversary! My blog started off with a very negative spin but with some humour, I hope… And it has transformed into my happy, ok sometimes not so happy but it’s filled with life and real emotions blog an I’m loving it…


I’m off to go get some water!

Happy weekend folks

Spirited Mama


P.S. We are going out with our Quadbikes tomorrow. This will be Dudie’s first “Official” quadbike outing. My nerves are shot. But I cross my fingers and my toes that all will be well and safe tomorrow….

P.P.S This will be the first time I get on my quad in almost 4years…. I hope I still remember how to ride. I have a manual bike…. Why is it so difficult to find tracks in Gauteng. Any riders out there please do tell about “happening spots”. The place we used to frequent closed down…

It’s my Day!!!!

Today is my Day! It’s all about me in my world.

It’s my Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It’s a big deal for me as this is the first time in a very very long time that I’ve been excited about MY day!

So here’s to me! Happy Birthday ME!!!!!!!

After Parties and fairies

So Dudie turned 3! We did a small intimate lunch on Sunday at home. The weather was awesome and we had the jumpolene out too. Thank Gloria, no one requested to swim ‘cos Dudie still has a post nasal drip cough thing going on… Anyone know what I can give a 3yr old who suffers with Sinusitis… ( I really don’t want him on long term meds but even I have to take antihistamine daily…)

After everyone left, we hurriedly gave an overstimulated and exhausted but very happy Dudie a bath. He fell asleep whilst I was dressing him. He truly was sound asleep as the dogs kept barking at his window but he didn’t even bat an eyelash.

On Monday, we slept a tad later… Dudie and I had breakfast together and I took him to school for his official party. We took cupcakes, chips, juice and fruit squares…. He loved it. They even made him a special birthday crown. On Monday afternoon, he got  to open his gifts and we had left over cake AND ice-cream. Together. For Dinner. Not as we had hotdogs too…………. We really over did it. And I can feel that my black pants had to stretch over my thighs this morning. Our baker, my friend’s 11yr old daughter, made us a delicious chocolate cake decorated as a soccer field. And 24 matching cupcakes. What an awesome cake… And yummy too. I will have to download some pictures to post.

On Fairies:

I have a fairy tattoo. Although, Dudie always asks to see my “Dragon”. So I’ve decided to get another tattoo and I wanted it to be my birthday gift from me to me… Well my birthday is the 19th.  Even though I have a general idea of what I want I’m still unsure. I’ve used the Tattoo parlour in Menlyn but since they no longer exist I need to know if anyone can recommend a reputable shop? In Pretoria. Preferably, the EAST. Please.


P.S. Yesterday’s morning conversation with Dudie:

Dudie: Me a boy, Mamma a girl, Daddy….. I don’t know

Me: Daddy is a boy.

Dudie: No. Daddy not a boy.

Me: Daddy is a Big Boy.

Dudie: No, Daddy NOT a boy. Oh, there’s a Cement mixer….


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