Living a SPIRITED life filled with wanderlust, emotions and everything in between

Category: About me Page 8 of 12

Look who’s working today?

Yes, I’m back at work but I’m not going to exert myself with tedious processes. I’m still recovering from sick leave and guess what I walk in here at 8:30 and I find 2, yes only 2, colleagues in the office…

It seems some colleagues decided that they needed time out so these were the reasons given below:

1. Sick

2. Kid is sick

3. Still sick

4. Running late

Now, after you’ve stopped giggling and after you’ve secretly conspired which excuse you can use to take “time-out” for yourself…. I’m going to catch up on my “private email, harass the financial planner, blog, read blogs, relax, have coffee, go have a scone, play some games, etc etc  etc…



Happy Monday!!!!

Spirited Mama

P.S It’s festive Season. Go on take a “time-out”…. You know you want to 🙂


I … I will surive!!!!!!!!!

I literally broke out in song as I walked out of that exam venue yesterday!!!!!! The exams are finally done!

I got results for a course I did at work and I passed 🙂 And as an added bonus I can get credits fo it towards my degree programme… So without further ado, I’m back in the land of the living. The Psycho/stressed out manic biatch is gone…. phew!

I can now start counting the days until my annual leave starts…. Even though we have no formal plans for December(I do not do holiday getaways with the masses) we have Dude’s sister, husband and kids with us for a week before Christmas. Think that it might just be the three of us again this Christmas. Last year was special, our first Christmas alone, starting our own tradition….

In other non-related news – I’m packing because we’ll be down in Cape Town this weekend:-)

I’m hoping the weather is good so that we can finally catch that Red Bus Tour!!!!!

Ciao for now

P.S. I’m looking fo ra versatile yet sexy little black dress for a function this weekend. I’ve had a quick look around and I can’t find anything under R600. Any ideas where I can find a little black dress that won’t break my budget????



I read a post over on Raising Men’s blog. Read it here.

I couldn’t have said it better myself. I can and do love doing shopping on my own. Things have been so busy with studies, work, life….

Everyone deserves a time-out. Go on treat yourself.

P.S I don’t make excuses to have time-outs. I say it out loud that I need some “me time” or retail therapy ALONE.

After all the studying, which is far from over, I’m now sitting at work, googling holiday destinations where South African Citizens DO NOT require visas… I’m thinking of a quick getaway…. Even local, doesn’t matter.

I’m also in two minds about getting that second tattoo… Really want it but scared beyond *insert suitable word/phrase here*

I’m so going shopping on Friday, after Dude leaves for work, and I drop Dudie at school *insert evil laugh* This is a win win situation as they get on with their normal routines whilst I have a “time-out” without disrupting their free time. See I’m being considerate!

For now, I have to keep my head down and do some work! I’m off on Friday and Monday again! Jealous?? Don’t be! I’m writing on Monday!

Happy Wednesday


P.S. I’ve got family visiting over the weekend, so I have to cramm as much as possible before they get here… And hopefully on Saturday morning/Sunday morning/Evening…. But after my exam, we are going SHOPPINGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!! 3 Girls and a Dudie style!

Dear Blog… I’ve missed you

Dear Blog

I’ve missed you! I’ve been longing to be here. My head was buzzing with topics but now that I’m finally able to blog, I can’t remember anything….

I’ve managed to submit my last assignment and wrote my first exam on Monday. It wasn’t bad at all, considering I was having sleepless nights worrying about it.

I now have two weeks to prep for the next exam and then another two weeks before I’m done for 2012. Did I mention that I will be taking additional study leave to maximise my time! <But as I typed that I remembered that I wanted to get another tattoo, my birthday gift from me to me – and was hoping to do that on a quiet weekday morning>

I will blog soon. About proper topics. And some ramblings about how I lose my marbles when I’m stressed about being a wife/mom/friend/employee/student/sister/an aunt/and so much more…


P.S. I find that when I’m under pressure I perform very very well. But that’s also when I feel like I’m drowning. I can’t pay attention to everyone and everything around me. Dude and I were not in a good space as he felt that I was neglecting him…. My argument was lame, as I justified how I won’t study forever…. And that I’m stressed, blah blah blah… We are in a better place right now.


To FaceBook or Not????

So I have reluctantly created a FaceBook page for my BloG…. Do with it what you may…. No really it’s your choice.

But this is where you can stalk me too

Happy and fairy dust to you all….


So I’ve worked my a$$ off to get great marks for my assignments and knowing that they count towards my year mark, I knew I had to do well. So the results are in:




Last result – still pending – but I have a good feeling about it.

So I’ve patted myself on the back and rewarded myself

So now I keep my head down in my books. Exams are fast approaching. So if I’m not here often, please note that I will be buried under my books.

Ciao for now….

Random thoughts. Heart, Mind & Soul

I was never one to have very very close relationships with anyone now that I think about it. I had a select few that I really connected with but alas I admit that “life happened” and we have some how lost touch… It’s sad really. Everyone needs a person. And as life progressed I moved through it so fast that I forgot to stop and connect with my person. My person moved away to another country almost 2 years ago…. I miss her terribly…. And I hope that sometime soon I’ll be able to pay her a surprise visit…

I’ve done some digging in my heart, mind & soul and I’ve realised that the disconnect from family life might also be why I disconnect from friends… I’m the person that would walk up to you and just talk you because I felt like, thought you were interesting, or just whatever. I’ve been classified as a “people’s person” but I think it’s more me wanting to please everyone that makes me seem like a people’s person. Dudie has this same personality of just talking to random strangers 🙂 As much as I enjoy him being a sociable child, I’m unsure how to clarify “stranger danger“. You lead by example and if Mom is talking to strangers why can’t he. Oi, we’ll cross that bridge when we get there.

The crux of the matter is “how can I teach my child to value his friendships or family relationships” when I am not valuing/nurturing mine? I would love to say that it is not intentional but I’m confused and to a degree I think that I am intentionally NOT nurturing relationships. It’s not that I don’t care. It’s that I think I don’t have the time. And that it’ll all work itself out. Much like I think/hope/pray that my marriage works with minimal effort from my side. Bad attitude – I know. Work in progress.  This might be the actual reason why I smother Dudie 🙂

Enough of my thoughts. I wish I was a punk rocker with flowers in my hair, still on of my all time favourites… Click here if you haven’t heard it before or even if you need a feel good song for Friday

P.S. Did I mention that Dudie is learning sign language? It’s an added extra from the school, thanks. My child conversed with me in sign language at 6am this morning…. Needless to say that I need to brush up on my signing… Oh, and he also seems to know some Sotho/Portuguese and French… Class mates, we guess…

If only…..

Have you watched the movie If Only ?I have, several times and I ball my eyes out EVERYTIME! What gets to me is that death is inevitable… At some point, we’re all going to leave this earth. I’m relatively ok with that but the problem/fear that I battle with is the “how” you going to exit this world. Now I realise that this is beyond our control and there is no use in fussing over it but I still have this gnawing feeling about it. My grandfather and I had many many discussions about it. He passed away very peacefully in his sleep in 1997… And I still miss him dearly. I can still hear his voice and I can still see his smile….

This morning, I had a brief yet pulling-my-heart-strings conversation with one of my Aunts., on my Mom’s side of the family. My Mom is one of six children, 5 girls and the youngest a son. She is the second born. Now, both my mom and the eldest daughter, I don’t really have much of a bond with but the other three daughters (my Aunts) – well let’s just say that when you see us together you will know that we are family. Aunt T is so excited ‘cos her eldest and only daughter is getting married in April 2013. They are going dress shopping. And basically, she can’t wait for her own grankids. She treats Dudie like he’s her grandchild. Love her for that. Well, now that I think about it, all three Aunts treat Dudie like he’s their grandchild. Love you all.

I mentioned to her how I’ve always envied the relationship she had with her daughter. And then she reiterated that I have and always will hold a special place in her heart. (Total snotty cry moment on the train and I forgot my sunglasses in the car) Fact of the matter is that she makes no secret of it that “HER KIDS, all 3 of them, are her LIFE” and I relate ‘cos that’s just how I feel about Dudie. What gets to me though is that that i snot the message that I got from my Mom. We have a touch and go relationship. The entire family knows the situation. I’m not angry or upset…. I’m disappointed. How do you not want to ensure that your child knows that he/she is loved, protected, cared for, etc.

I miss my family. We don’t see each other often. We live in Pretoria. They live in Cape Town. Solution would be to move to Cape Town but that brings on a whole other can of worms…. As Dude stated earlier this week, we’re just settling in to GP now, after we’ve been here for 10 and 9 yrs respectively…

This brings me to my dilemma that I’ve been facing for almost 4 yrs years now(I’m including my pregnancy) – How to balance everything. Being a successful career woman and having a happy fulfilling family life.

NB! This is MY opinion.

Something’s gotta give. You can not do both. At some stage one or the other will take a back seat. Even if it’s temporary. I guess what I’m trying to say is that we all make our choices. And we really don’t need to justify them to anyone. It is YOUR choice afterall.

Since I knew I was to become a mother, I did some serious soul searching. Dude was of the notion that I stay at home with baby until he goes to school(roughly 7yrs). Now, as much as I enjoy my home time with Dudie, I am NOT stay at home mom material (SAHM). I will lose my shit! I enjoy working and interacting with my colleagues. I need to feel like I’m making a difference and that I’m worth something. Hats off to all SAHM but it’s just not me. But, I don’t think that I need to spend 8 hours a day away from my Dudie either. I was of the notion that Dudie will need me more when he starts “big” school. So I’ll have to work my way to a more flexi/part time JOB later.

Well, this thought has been hovering again. As Dudie approaches 3yrs, I’m more inclined to look at alternate options of employment. I have no idea where to start looking? Or what I’m looking for? But I do know that currently, I’m too attached too my salary…. The thought of giving up my financial independence scares the hibbygeebees out of me! So if anyone has any ideas on how I can free up some time, please feel free to share…

So, I’m playing the lotto this weekend. I just might have a blog post next week that’ll blow you away.

Happy Friday

Spirited Mama

This too shall pass…………………..

I hope it passes quickly. At least I’m seeing the humour again. So slowly but surely I’m coming back….

I am keeping my head above water. I’m dreaming of our mini getaway this weekend all whilst I’m running my “To Do” List in my head. My list is freaking me out. And I need to submit an assignment on Monday too. I’m hoping to submit before we leave so that I can have worry/stress free break. I have reports/list/memos/etc that I need to get done and here I’m blogging. I’m blogging about being swamped when in fact I should really just put my head down and get on with it.

Looks like I’m pulling an all nighter tonight. And possibly Friday!!!!

In other news my frog, aka Dudie, has advanced to level 3 at his Swimming school. We’re so proud of the frog.

We going to the Oktoberfest on Friday night. Yay! This will be our first as every year we say we’re going but never go.

Saturday morning we fly out to George. I’m dreaming of sitting at the beach, having seafood and an ice-cold savanna. Savanna goes down well with Seafood 🙂

On that note, I bid you farewell. Donations of positive energy will be much appreciated.

Spirited Mama

Who’s eating who?

Recently, I have read a few blogs that I found rather disturbing. Some people were thrashing bloggers. Some were feeling sorry for themselves (re: I’m currently in that groove too) and some were just not there optimistic selfs….

Why do we seek approval from others? We are our own worst enemies. Society dictates what a real:

1. Mom is

2. Wife is

3. Friend

4. Blogger

Etc etc etc…. My list is endless. When I only have one point to make, “I can only do my best!” It might not be ideal or conform to the “norms” of society but it’s what I can give. If you like me, then like me. If you don’t then so be it.

So as I sit here and try and pull myself towards myself, I say keep your head high! You matter to someone! Smile and breathe…..

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