Living a SPIRITED life filled with wanderlust, emotions and everything in between

Category: Blog links

So I know who’s Secret Santa I am….

SO I got my name of the person that I’m suppose to buy a gift  from Charlotte aka The Stiletto Mum last week. I could not contain my excitement… So I immediately started “researching” the recipient.

Christmas is fast approaching and I actually can’t wait anymore. We started a few of our own traditions and we’ve decided to put the Christmas tree up on 1 December… honestly, I can’t wait anymore…

It might very well go up this weekend! But I’ll try to contain myself. I get more and more excited every year – maybe it’s because Dudie is starting to comprehend what we are doing….

I will be doing some Christmas shopping this weekend and your gift(s) will definitely be on my list.

I’m so excited!!!!!!!

Spirited Mama

P.S. Yes, we are back in the rat race. But keeping my eye on the goal – only 3 weeks until we’re on leave!!!!!! Whoop Whoop!

I would love to win this!!!!!!

So I saw the competition on The Real Jenty and I’m so entering….

Now who wouldn’t want to wing a prize???? Especially one as cool as this?

Hop over to her blog or just view the post here and get entering! Entries close tomorrow at 12 noon!

Good luck all!

Spirited Mama

Whoa!!!! I get a gift? Thank you

Ok so I’m way behind in blogging but let’s leave the updates for another post.

This post is suppose to be all Fairies and Unicorns 🙂

So I pledged allegiance to Charlotte over at The Stiletto Mum and vowed to take part in this year’s  Blogger Secret Santa  and OMG!!!! has this project kicked off well. So if you’re not on the list, you can still pledge allegiance and take part in all fun.

Now who doesn’t want a gift from a Secret Santa??????

I’ve been playing with the idea of “What I would like for Christmas” and seriously I can’t say that I’ve had an *Ah ha * moment yet! So whoever my secret santa is – you’re welcome to surprise me.

Guide to buying gifts for Spirited people:

1. I am a girl but not “that girly” girl.  

2. Even though I live with Dude and Dudie, I sometimes wear pink….

3. I heart costume jewellery, especially the rings(well, for how ever many hours I get to wear it with Dudie destroying it)

4. I like funky hats

6. I heart shoes

7. I heart whatever makes your heart flutter when you think you would like to buy an item for me. Seriously, I appreciate the time and effort you take into choosing whatever gift for me.


So Secret Santa – Go wild!

Happy waiting for your notice from the Post Office…. I know I’ll be checking

P.S. Secret Santa, if we not toooooo far apart, maybe we’ll do a coffee and cake for Christmas too 🙂




Secret Santa for Bloggers

So Charlotte over at The StilettoMum has started her own little initiative for a Secret Santa for Bloggers. I think this is great as who on earth wouldn’t like to get a surprise gift!!!! So I’m in and I urge all of you to join in the fun. It is not exclusive for bloggers, so if you are interested hop on over to The StilettoMum to sign up.

Looking forward to being part of the Secret Santa for bloggers


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