Living a SPIRITED life filled with wanderlust, emotions and everything in between

Category: Games


Bored? Teach your kids some skills with board games with #PrimaGamesFest + Win

Board games are still a part of me

Board games reminds me of so many childhood memories with my extended family. And to this day, a family gathering is NOT complete without at least one night of playing board games. We live in Gauteng and most of our family live in the Western Cape. So whenever we visit the family, you can bet on it that we will squeeze in a board game or two. In fact, it’s sort of become our tradition and Dudie, 8 years old, loves it!

I have one brother, 9 years younger than me. So growing up I felt like an only child. Don’t despair because I have loads of cousins and if you saw us together you would think that we were siblings. The endless fights BUT the closeness so surreal. Board games was also our escape from the madness of busy days and the boredom during school holidays. I don’t remember being BORED growing up!

Board games also kept us out of mischief as one time we burnt down Mamma’s beloved tree, but that is a story for another day…. I only told Mamma almost 20 years later what actually happened to her tree.

Competitive much? Try board games

Personality is linked to genetics, go google it… I’ll wait.

That being said both Dude and I are competitive by nature! And Dudie inherited THAT gene two fold. Holy moly, this child DOES NOT WANT TO LOSE! Be that as it may, we have subtle ways of reminding him that you WON’T always win in life, so you need to know how to handle that loss. Board games is one of the methods we use to get this point across.

When we play boardgames, we don’t LET him win. He has to win fair and square. We, rather I, won’t throw the game so that he can win. The lesson is sinking in and I see that he is much better at managing his competitive nature.

Parents should take advantage of board games

Growing up, the parents were always busy working so kids were left to entertain themselves. I was fortunate that Mamma was home to take care of us after school. My favourite after school activity, as you know it pours in Cape Town during Winter, was playing Rummikub with Mamma. Hours of endless fun and bonus learning!

Now being a parent myself, I see the  learning opportunity and take full advantage of games in general.

Preparing this generation for Life to come

Workplace situations – perseverance, tolerance, team work, communication, conflict  resolution, negotiation skills… Are these not SKILLS that employers are trying to hone in on?

Why are YOU not instilling these skills into the next generation? They are the FUTURE!

It need not be so complicated. It starts with baby steps, and by that I mean, start with a game. PLAY with YOUR kids. Learn from one another AND teach/build/enhance their skills whilst brushing up on YOUR OWN SKILLS. Inevitably, these skills become their coping mechanisms through life. And the BONUS is that YOU are BONDING with your family x.

Communicate with each other – I mean like talk to each other IN PERSON! No technology involved other than actual people talking face to face, in person. Yes, we live in a technologically driven world BUT sometimes you need to step back, switch off those devices AND just talk to the person. No text, no whatsapp, no facetime, no snapchat – Just talk like we used to in the “olden days”…

We tested some games for the #PrimaGamesFest

I consider these games, tabletop games BUT in our case, BEST played on the floor.

#PrimaGamesFest review


This game is FUN for adult and child alike! It’s easy to understand and once you get the hang of it, you and your kid(s) won’t want to stop. Hours of endless fun to curb some cabin fever this winter. Once you have mastered Rummikub, try Rummikub with a twist to spice things up a bit! Make sure you get a little helper to clear up AFTER you’re done playing 🙂


Little sibling, aka Troll, clearing up after the game is done

Boomblast stix

Now this game is something you MUST try with your family and friends. It’s listed as a “teen” game BUT even my 1 year old cracks his belly laugh when we play Boomblast stix. *we don’t let Troll play with it! He is our spectator cheering us on 🙂 I’m going to do a proper video of this one soon!

King Pong

It’s all about your accuracy and speed. I’ll show you OUR version, we still need loads of practise AND then I’ll show you what it actually needs to look like 🙂

World’s smallest Doodletop

For the doodlers – You MUST try this one! I am NOT a doodler but I thoroughly enjoyed this doodletop. Probably because it requires minimal input from MY side… My Dudie thinks everyone can be an artist with a doodletop 🙂



Boardgames and games are a wonderful form of entertainment and this year, to showcase Prima Toys’ amazing products, we are very proud to be launching the first ever Games Festival. The festival highlights all our hottest game and boardgame products from the traditional ones like Rummikub and Snakes & Ladders to the brand new King Pong, Boomblast and Flipside!

The hottest #PrimaGamesFest products:

For Toddlers and Children

  • Twist & Turn
  • Disney 4 in 1 Game
  • Frozen Matching Game
  • Frozen Activity Packs
  • Lion Guard Surprise Slides
  • Lion Guard Matching Game
  • Peppa Pig Dominoes
  • Disney junior Surprise Slides
  • Minnie Play & learn educational game
  • Disney Princess Brainstorm
  • Sofia the First my nail studio
  • L.O.L. Surprise Game
  • L.O.L. Puzzle


For Teenagers

  • Flipside
  • Boomblast
  • Kingpong
  • Rubik’s Cube


Family Games

  • Wikipedia
  • 20 Questions
  • Rummikub
  • Hotel Tycoon
  • Anti-Monopoly


For more information go to or

WIN the King Pong Game!!!

All you have to do is share this giveaway post on Facebook + tag a friend!

*Make sure that you share publicly and tag me so that I know you have entered*

And GO!!!

Spirited Mama


T’s & C’s

**Competition closes 31 July 2018. Winner will be announced on 3 August 2018.
Open to South African residents only.
Winner will be randomly selected. 
No correspondence will be entered into once a winner is selected.
Winner will be announced on my social media accounts and notified via email.
I reserve the right to disqualify invalid entries.

***Disclaimer – The games were sent to us for review but the views and opinions expressed are my own.***


It’s Play “Let them play”

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Let them play…Those words still hover in my mind since the #PrimaTopToys event where the top toys were revealed for the Festive Season 2017! What a fun time the adults had playing with the toys. We got to let loose our inner child without worrying about what others would think of us oohing and aahing over kids’ toys. Let’s be honest, as a parent if you are not convinced will you really buy your child a particular toy?

Prima Toys is one of Southern Africa’s leading importers and distributor of toys and games; bringing the world’s most famous toy brands and characters to children across various African countries

I remember one of my first dolls was a Prima Toys doll, a gift from my father’s friend who I think at the time worked for Prima Toys….I wish I had a picture of her.
I’m not a typical girl who played with dolls but I do remember that doll…
Being at the event evoked an emotion, at the time I couldn’t put my finger on it. Whilst playing with the toys in the goodie bag, I remembered the doll and how that doll was a Prima Toys product.

Funny how destiny or fate works…who knew that many many years later I will cross paths with Prima Toys again.

I’m definitely a boy mom and I love the toys as much as Dudie. Troll at this stage is too little to comprehend what is happening. But, he is besotted with his Teletubbie, PO. He giggles and even has a soundbyte of the actual Teletubbies music.

Dudie, obviously, raided the goodie bag I received. He loved the toys BUT that Ben10 Omnitrix was his favourite….until I showed him the hamper that I won…Gracious, that child’s eyes were ready to pop out his head. Why? Because there was a Ben10 Omnitrix Deluxe in there. He wears an Omnitrix on each arm…

And he had just seen the TV ad a few days prior to teh event and really really wanted one. Well, that was me getting the Mom of the Year award from Dudie. Granted, my status might not last long, as any parent knows you can go from hero to zero in 2 seconds flat, but I’ll revel in it for now.

The phrase, “Let them play” has constantly been on my mind. As parents, we are so busy with life/work/kids/etc/etc and sometimes we forget to stop and just be present. Similarly, we forget to just let our kids play. And to play with our kids. Dude and I have had the discussion that it seems lately we have been in “survival mode”. We have consciously made a decision to stop and have at least one “play” session per week night. Weekends are more chilled and we all get to have down time. It’s the weekdays with school/work/extra murals that consume our time.

So Thursdays are reserved for “play” in the evening. Tonight we will play 🙂

Happy Play day!

Mom’s favourite, even though I have NEVER managed to get all the colours in the right order! But I will keep trying 🙂

Spirited Mama


This is not a sponsored post. Opinions and views shared my own.

How I wish I was a child again

Oh, how I wish I could be a child today. It is wet and cold in Gauteng. Yesterday, my Dude made our first fire in the fireplace for 2012! In March? It seems that it’s too early…. Anyhow, we loved it. We ate veggie burgers and chocolate and custard slices, Yum Yum. 

Today is Friday and the weather is looking more glum than yesterday. I realised that if I could have one wish for today, I’d like to be child again and this is what we would do:

  1.  Make a fire in the fireplace (in my Gran’s house)
  2. Drink hot chocolate
  3. Eat warm home-made bread
  4. Play monopoly

Now for me the most exciting part would be playing monopoly. But the old version(like when I grew up). The old version comprised of R1 upto R5000 notes not the recent R50 000 that I’ve seen. We all wanted to buy Musgrave and I can’t remember the other street name now, but the brown ones that were right after the begin sign… That would score you the most money for sure. I always bought President Street, I think it wa sin Bloemfontein? Not sure why, maybe I just like the sound of it. PRESIDENT Street. I loved being able to buy Eloff street, I think this was the most expensive street? Also, it was blue and Blue is my favourite colour.  I could so be a child today.

I’m searching for the old version, so if anyone knows where I can find one, please please please let me know…

<Completely off the topic, I bought a baby sense sling when I was 10 weeks pregnant. At the time I did not know that I was carrying a boy but I wanted a blue sling as it’s my favourite colour. To my surprise, my package coincided with his blue sling :-)>

P.S. I was almost always the car or boat. I could not stomach the thought of being an IRON. Maybe that’s why I hate ironing.

Have yourself a great weekend.


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