Living a SPIRITED life filled with wanderlust, emotions and everything in between

Category: Physique

How to Unlock vertebrae?

Somebody? Anybody? Body?

I’m not sure how I did it but somehow I managed to lock to vertebrae in my neck… I woke up on Friday thinking I must have not slept properly hence the stiff neck… Well, Saturday wasn’t any better. Sunday morning wa seven worse. Now I considered a trip to ER but really wasn’t in the mood for drma…and I really wish I knew some medical staff as I thought I just needed some injection of some sort…

This morning I decided I needed to sort this neck issue as I can’t turn my head to the left… As I walked into the office I made an appointment with the physiotherapist. Well let’s just say that she couldn’t unlock my vertebrae and that  have to go back in the morning… And that I now take anti-inflammatory medication and I use a heat pack all day long…

I have never experienced this before but apparently it can be caused by previous incidents like whiplash Any how, let’s see what tomorrow brings.

This morning I couldn’t put my chin on my chest after physiotherapy I could BUT now I can’t look up because then my left side pulls stiff??? Can’t wait for tomorrow…

Spirited Mama




Guaranteed to burn Calories Solution. Even for the least motivated….

As 2013 approached, I heard yet again about probably the most used, most over rated  New Year’s Resolution….. Weight LOss!!!! Really, I scrapped that resolution many many moons ago and I’ve been so much happier ever since.

But now my inbox is flooded with best wishes for 2013 and countless lists of people’s New Year’s Resolutions… And guess what tops it …Yep, WEIGHTLOSS.

So I found a Guaranteed “to Burn Calories” Solution. This is how Women in France burn Calories.

Click here to watch it.

Spirited Mama


P.S. I actually don’t make any New Year’s Resolutions. I generally just spend some quiet time thinking about how and where I’d like my life/my family life to be or go for the year….

And then I won! A real prize, this time

Stacey at There’s a lionheart in our Bath tub! has made me a winner wena! (I’m not sure what it means but that’s what is said in South Africa).

When I saw my email yesterday it read “Hey there, You’ve won!” I was doing a happy dance and was bouncing up and down on my chair and then I thought “What if she made a mistake and the email was not for me”. “What if I’m not the winner?” Immediately, I emailed her to say thank you and just to put my heart at ease that I did in fact win the prize.

Stacey, thank you so much. I’ve embarked on a “Loving me Journey”. I’ve detoxed. Now I’m going to tone. And hopefully come end of April, I will be rocking my size 32 Levi’s down in Cape Town.

<Yes, last month I could wear them and then something happened. Not sure what. I keep reminding my Dude to not put my Levi’s in the tumble dryer, but he never listens…>


This is what I’ve won. Mama MioToning Serum!!!!!  I’m so excited to try this. I feel like a 2yr old child who was just told that they could do something that they were always told not to do.

i’ve EaRned mY StripeS

I absolutely love this quote! I’m happy to report that I embrace my mommy tattoos, as I like to call them, with all most of my heart. And not too long ago I was rocking my bikini, mommy tattoos and all, whilst on holiday. I think that my Dude found my confidence SeXy!

Update on Detoxing…

So the detoxing has been going strong since Tuesday and I finish on Sunday, 1 April.

BWAHAHAHA! I’ll be lighter on April fool’s day>

Quick update:

I’ve followed my diet and on Sunday morning I got on the scale… I was 6kg’s lighter. I shit you not. 6kg’s. One thing that I did differently this time was increase my water intake from 2 – 3L per day. I’m currently on 4 – 5l per day and I don’t even realise it.

My clothes fit better. My skin feels and looks better. And I feel better. Nothing like getting on the scale and it stops before the mark that you’ve anticipated.

So, in essence, I need to lose 4kg’s this week. Remember I said that I’d be happy to lose 10kg’s instead of the 16kg’s that that specialist cow told me about! Enough said. Let me eat my lunch!Steak and salad!!!!

I’m detoxing…

I’ve decided to follow a little two-week detox program. You know that infamous bullshit 13 day metabolism diet…. Well, I did almost 2yrs ago albeit I cheated here and there, but I still lost 8kgs.

Background – Two weeks ago, I saw a specialist person about my physique… She advised that for my physique, considering height and all those unicorns, I need to lose 16kgs.

<We were on holiday for a week and I gained 2-3kgs. I can feel it on my hips.>

So this is how I decided that I need to take action. And we’ll be visiting Cape Town at the end of April. Need want to get back into my Levi’s…

<I’ve always been on the trim side of life but after having my son, it’s not as easy to just shed those unwanted kilograms.>

This brings me back to my 13 day challenge. It’s advisable to start on a Sunday, then you only have one miserable weekend to deal with. I was going start this on Sunday but because my Dude couldn’t make up his fuckin mind when we’re going for our Sunday buffet lunch, I have a voucher, my plans were skewed! Along with other fck ups, I’ve now started today, Tuesday 20 March. Perfect! I finish on Sunday 1 April. So I have 2 weekends to deal with…

Today’s menu:

Breakfast – Black coffee, no sugar ( No problem as I gave up sugar in tea/coffee 3yrs ago- don’t even miss it. I do get alot of sugar in my chocolate though hence why the bitter coffee)

Lunch –  2 boiled eggs and cooked spinach (I’m going to zap my spinach in the microwave)

Dinner – Grilled steak ONLY!

It’s 9am and I’ve consumed 1L of water and 3 cups of black coffee. I need to pee all the time…..

So here’s to me. I’m detoxing and hoping to be 10kgs lighter after day 13! And I can’t wait to slip back into my Levi’s.

P.S. If followed correctly, you can lose 9 – 12 kgs.  I’ll update when the challenge is over. And no, I do not do before and after pictures.

P.P.S. I’m not a gym person but I swim regularly (maybe twice a year). Do you know that when you have a swimming pool it’s so much effort to drag your behind into that pool. It’s easier to lie next to it and dream about getting into shape. We also have one of those exercise bikes. I used to cycle 10km’s a day. Then I stopped… Last night I thought I’d try again. I could only manage 2km’s… I also found my skipping rope. My son laughed hi a.s.s off when I was gasping for breath. After 30 seconds fo jumping.

P.P.S. I need to get fit again.

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