Living a SPIRITED life filled with wanderlust, emotions and everything in between

My birth day. 33 today


So today is my birthday. Every year I find myself wondering if my mom actually remembers my birth. The time. The surroundings etc. I can remember Dudie’s day as if it was yesterday. It is etched in my memory. And I can’t wait for the resident alien’s day to arrive. I am grateful and abundantly blessed to be able to celebrate this day. So many people don’t get to celebrate their birthday. I am happy just being with my Dude, Dudie and resident alien in utero. I have no checklist to tick off those boxes of where you are suppose to be at 33years of age. My life is exactly where God has intended it to be.

I have no desire for fancy gifts just wealth, health and prosperity – in which ever forms they may come. I am learning to accept the things that I cannot change. More importantly I am accepting me. I am enough for me.

Happy birthday to me!


Spirited Mama

P.S Today I am also 24 weeks pregnant. OMG my clothes seem to have shrunk! I need to get a new wardrobe, at least maternity wear aint drab no more, all whilst Preparing for baby


Pregnancy anatomy….


Today is rough


  1. Happy birthday and all the best with the resident alien in utero!

  2. Happy birthday!! I will be 33 in exactly 3 weeks time. Hope you have an awesome day.

  3. Happy birthday! I hope it’s been a goodie!

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