Living a SPIRITED life filled with wanderlust, emotions and everything in between

Out of town as well as mind. Thanks MIL…..

So im in the  Free State for work matters. Im staying in the Anta Boga Boutique Hotel. What a lovely little place. So as i now lay myself to rest, i must add that it is under plush goose downs, i was informed that meetings have been postponed and i get to lie in and enjoy a late breakfast.

i miss my Dude and Dudie….

Cheers for now

Spirited Mama

P.S ive been missing due to work but also some major drama with the mother in law. Lets just say that our relationship has gone sour and i dont know if we could ever be whole again. We will be civil but thats it. I’ll do a post soon….



The Struggle…


Be happy take 1059*87692374896255…..


  1. Enjoy the time out. Sorry about the drama

  2. Sorry about the drama! Hope the issues can be resolved?

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