Living a SPIRITED life filled with wanderlust, emotions and everything in between

Tag: family time


Bored? Teach your kids some skills with board games with #PrimaGamesFest + Win

Board games are still a part of me

Board games reminds me of so many childhood memories with my extended family. And to this day, a family gathering is NOT complete without at least one night of playing board games. We live in Gauteng and most of our family live in the Western Cape. So whenever we visit the family, you can bet on it that we will squeeze in a board game or two. In fact, it’s sort of become our tradition and Dudie, 8 years old, loves it!

I have one brother, 9 years younger than me. So growing up I felt like an only child. Don’t despair because I have loads of cousins and if you saw us together you would think that we were siblings. The endless fights BUT the closeness so surreal. Board games was also our escape from the madness of busy days and the boredom during school holidays. I don’t remember being BORED growing up!

Board games also kept us out of mischief as one time we burnt down Mamma’s beloved tree, but that is a story for another day…. I only told Mamma almost 20 years later what actually happened to her tree.

Competitive much? Try board games

Personality is linked to genetics, go google it… I’ll wait.

That being said both Dude and I are competitive by nature! And Dudie inherited THAT gene two fold. Holy moly, this child DOES NOT WANT TO LOSE! Be that as it may, we have subtle ways of reminding him that you WON’T always win in life, so you need to know how to handle that loss. Board games is one of the methods we use to get this point across.

When we play boardgames, we don’t LET him win. He has to win fair and square. We, rather I, won’t throw the game so that he can win. The lesson is sinking in and I see that he is much better at managing his competitive nature.

Parents should take advantage of board games

Growing up, the parents were always busy working so kids were left to entertain themselves. I was fortunate that Mamma was home to take care of us after school. My favourite after school activity, as you know it pours in Cape Town during Winter, was playing Rummikub with Mamma. Hours of endless fun and bonus learning!

Now being a parent myself, I see the  learning opportunity and take full advantage of games in general.

Preparing this generation for Life to come

Workplace situations – perseverance, tolerance, team work, communication, conflict  resolution, negotiation skills… Are these not SKILLS that employers are trying to hone in on?

Why are YOU not instilling these skills into the next generation? They are the FUTURE!

It need not be so complicated. It starts with baby steps, and by that I mean, start with a game. PLAY with YOUR kids. Learn from one another AND teach/build/enhance their skills whilst brushing up on YOUR OWN SKILLS. Inevitably, these skills become their coping mechanisms through life. And the BONUS is that YOU are BONDING with your family x.

Communicate with each other – I mean like talk to each other IN PERSON! No technology involved other than actual people talking face to face, in person. Yes, we live in a technologically driven world BUT sometimes you need to step back, switch off those devices AND just talk to the person. No text, no whatsapp, no facetime, no snapchat – Just talk like we used to in the “olden days”…

We tested some games for the #PrimaGamesFest

I consider these games, tabletop games BUT in our case, BEST played on the floor.

#PrimaGamesFest review


This game is FUN for adult and child alike! It’s easy to understand and once you get the hang of it, you and your kid(s) won’t want to stop. Hours of endless fun to curb some cabin fever this winter. Once you have mastered Rummikub, try Rummikub with a twist to spice things up a bit! Make sure you get a little helper to clear up AFTER you’re done playing 🙂


Little sibling, aka Troll, clearing up after the game is done

Boomblast stix

Now this game is something you MUST try with your family and friends. It’s listed as a “teen” game BUT even my 1 year old cracks his belly laugh when we play Boomblast stix. *we don’t let Troll play with it! He is our spectator cheering us on 🙂 I’m going to do a proper video of this one soon!

King Pong

It’s all about your accuracy and speed. I’ll show you OUR version, we still need loads of practise AND then I’ll show you what it actually needs to look like 🙂

World’s smallest Doodletop

For the doodlers – You MUST try this one! I am NOT a doodler but I thoroughly enjoyed this doodletop. Probably because it requires minimal input from MY side… My Dudie thinks everyone can be an artist with a doodletop 🙂



Boardgames and games are a wonderful form of entertainment and this year, to showcase Prima Toys’ amazing products, we are very proud to be launching the first ever Games Festival. The festival highlights all our hottest game and boardgame products from the traditional ones like Rummikub and Snakes & Ladders to the brand new King Pong, Boomblast and Flipside!

The hottest #PrimaGamesFest products:

For Toddlers and Children

  • Twist & Turn
  • Disney 4 in 1 Game
  • Frozen Matching Game
  • Frozen Activity Packs
  • Lion Guard Surprise Slides
  • Lion Guard Matching Game
  • Peppa Pig Dominoes
  • Disney junior Surprise Slides
  • Minnie Play & learn educational game
  • Disney Princess Brainstorm
  • Sofia the First my nail studio
  • L.O.L. Surprise Game
  • L.O.L. Puzzle


For Teenagers

  • Flipside
  • Boomblast
  • Kingpong
  • Rubik’s Cube


Family Games

  • Wikipedia
  • 20 Questions
  • Rummikub
  • Hotel Tycoon
  • Anti-Monopoly


For more information go to or

WIN the King Pong Game!!!

All you have to do is share this giveaway post on Facebook + tag a friend!

*Make sure that you share publicly and tag me so that I know you have entered*

And GO!!!

Spirited Mama


T’s & C’s

**Competition closes 31 July 2018. Winner will be announced on 3 August 2018.
Open to South African residents only.
Winner will be randomly selected. 
No correspondence will be entered into once a winner is selected.
Winner will be announced on my social media accounts and notified via email.
I reserve the right to disqualify invalid entries.

***Disclaimer – The games were sent to us for review but the views and opinions expressed are my own.***


Moyo Zoo Lake Winter set menu feast

Comfort food with Moyo Zoo Lake… A family affair

Comfort food this Winter

Winter is here in full swing and with this cold weather ALL I want to do is eat. But specifically heart warming, comfort, soul food. It’s NO secret that I love good food AND so does my family, specifically my kids… I mean they are MY offspring so it’s just fitting that they have a palate for good food 🙂 You can find YOUR Winter comforts at Moyo Zoo Lake, Johannesburg!

Moyo means heart. It is a translation from the Sanskrit language, Swahili

A family affair at Moyo Zoo Lake

As only the Spirited family can, we turned this opportunity into a family affair. For me it’s not about going out sans kids. I’m more of a “is the venue kid friendly” person as the kids tag along to most things we do. We choose to include our kids in our daily existence AND in turn expose them to life’s little pleasures.

A fine dining establishment that is family friendly. So friendly, they make you feel at home, and they entertain your kids when they are being somewhat uncooperative… wink at Troll who refused to sit at the table and walked around the restaurant. Our lovely waitron, Steven, even gave Troll a rosewater hand wash on his walk about 🙂

The comfort food we ate or rather devoured

A picture speaks volumes so let me show you what we devoured… By the time we reached dessert we were stuffed BUT I always save a space for dessert. *sometimes I eat dessert first 🙂 * And as Dudie would say, “Mom I have space in my dessert tummy”. Apparently he has multiple tummies for different courses 🙂 *my smart egg this one

Moyo Zoo lake winter set menu feast

Our Winter set menu feast we chose

For starters: I had the Camarao Croquettes, Dude had Angolan Beef Bone Marrow Trinchado. I actually shared my starter with Dude and Troll, who in turn responded, Mama mmm mmm 🙂

For mains: I had 4 Africa Lamb Chops, Dude had Seafood Samp Paella Potjie. Ladies and gentlemen if you go to Moyo Zoo Lake – GO HUNGRY! None of us could finish our food. The servings are very generous.

For dessert: I had moyo Mess, Dude had Red Velvet Beetroot Cheesecake. Now let me just say that Dude DID NOT even want me to taste his dessert!!! How even, this man would not even give me his spoon to lick. He can’t stop praising this dessert.

Dudie ate from the kids menu. Meatballs with linguine. The portion size was enough for an adult. Troll ate the complimentary bread 🙂 and a little bit of everything that was on everyone’s plate.

We were entertained numerous times whilst we dined in style


As in my video, this was about the 3rd or 4th performance of the night, and clearly Dudie is enjoying the melody BUT notice how focused he is on eating his dinner? In his own words, “Mom, these meatballs are huge BUT so delicious!” I was hoping to take a picture of his bowl for you but alas this child was halfway done eating by the time I got back to the table.

Moyo Zoo Lake has a Winter Set Menu Feast for you

You have the option of either a 2/3 course meal from the Winter Set Menu Feast.

Did I mention that Moyo Zoo Lake stocks Brampton wines?

Brampton wine at Moyo Zoo Lake

Brampton wine at Moyo Zoo Lake

Included in the cost is a R5 donation to StreetSmart. So Moyo Zoo Lake is covering YOUR donation, so to speak! Here’s the Winter Set Menu Feast currently available at Moyo Zoo Lake until 31 August 2018.

Winter seat menu feast at Moyo Zoo Lake

Winter set Menu at Moyo Zoo Lake

Call ahead and make a booking. Be sure to ask for a cosy spot next to the fireplace. This was perfect for the Spirited family!

From the mouth of my Dudie, “Mom, we need to come back soon AND I think I need to celebrate my birthday here too!”

Here’s to comfort food and a Moyo experience to warm you during this chilly Winter!!! Spirited Mama

This picture sums up the evening perfectly!

Moyo Zoo lake restaurant kids menu

Dudie enjoying Moyo’s food from the kids menu

Moyo Zoo Lake you have outdone yourselves! You get a perfect score from the entire Spirited family. Click here for Moyo Zoo Lake details.

Spirited Mama


**Disclaimer: We were invited to dine at Moyo Zoo Lake but the views an opinions expressed are my own**



Dinner conversations

We are fortunate in the Spirited household that I work half day. Dudie and I get home anywhere between 13:00 – 15:00, depending on the extra mural activities for the day. EXCEPT on Fridays. We do not compromise our FRIDAY! We have no extra murals and all shopping excursions is left for any day of the week EXCEPT Friday!

Granted Dudie and I are home early during the day and generally Dude is home by 16:00 everyday. We get to have to have a family dinner roughly 18:00 -18:30, you know those ones we see on TV and think fcuk how do they eat that early everyday…well half day JOB = early family dinner time

Dinner conversations in our house

Our dinner time conversations are roughly about catching up on each other’s day and reminding one another to look at our “schedules” on the board. I am OCD with schedules and lists…I don’t like MAJOR surprises or curveballs. I like to plan and know what’s happening. On most nights this is how it goes…

(This is how it plays off in Dude’s mind)

Me: blah blah blah…so the other kid at swimming blah

Dudie: (interrupts whilst I am still talking) Daddy can I tell you something? Blah blah Blah

Dude: Stares blankly and says WHOA one at a time.

My Dude basically has a hissy fit because we are talking simultaneously. Well let me just add that Dudie sometimes forget to wait until someone is done speaking before going off on a tangent with his own story. That boy will sometimes ask and answer the very question he has just posed to you.

I want to die everytime I have to repeat myself cos who listens to the mom/wife anyway? Dude is so guilty of this. he will literally look me in the eye and “listen” but 5 minutes later asked me  to repeat what I said cos he didn’t hear me….

Conversations filled with fun and laughter

Our dinner conversations are filled with fun and laughter but sometimes we prefer to have some quiet time too. But the other night the boys were cracking jokes. I moaned  the resident alien is super busy and kicking the daylights out of me. Dudie comes to check and gets a kick on the hand. I said every time the resident alien moves I poke him. Dudie pipes up: So poke him! I snort laughed and sprayed them and the spinach rolls with coffee….which was in my mouth. I did apologise because being pregnant I constantly need to pee and a laugh/sneeze can make me pee my pants #pregnancyjoys Unfortunately for them I sprayed the coffee, fortunately for me I managed to hold my pee.

Oh and NO, there is still NO baby. This boy is making keeping us in suspense. Last week Wednesday, Dr was convinced things are happening, I.e. My cervix is softening and I was 1-2cm dialated. yesterday I walked around at Monte Casino. BUT NOTHING!!!

I will see the Dr later today and we will figure out what is happening with this boy.

Spirited Mama


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