Living a SPIRITED life filled with wanderlust, emotions and everything in between

Tag: memories Page 4 of 6


I read a post over on Raising Men’s blog. Read it here.

I couldn’t have said it better myself. I can and do love doing shopping on my own. Things have been so busy with studies, work, life….

Everyone deserves a time-out. Go on treat yourself.

P.S I don’t make excuses to have time-outs. I say it out loud that I need some “me time” or retail therapy ALONE.

After all the studying, which is far from over, I’m now sitting at work, googling holiday destinations where South African Citizens DO NOT require visas… I’m thinking of a quick getaway…. Even local, doesn’t matter.

I’m also in two minds about getting that second tattoo… Really want it but scared beyond *insert suitable word/phrase here*

I’m so going shopping on Friday, after Dude leaves for work, and I drop Dudie at school *insert evil laugh* This is a win win situation as they get on with their normal routines whilst I have a “time-out” without disrupting their free time. See I’m being considerate!

For now, I have to keep my head down and do some work! I’m off on Friday and Monday again! Jealous?? Don’t be! I’m writing on Monday!

Happy Wednesday


P.S. I’ve got family visiting over the weekend, so I have to cramm as much as possible before they get here… And hopefully on Saturday morning/Sunday morning/Evening…. But after my exam, we are going SHOPPINGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!! 3 Girls and a Dudie style!

After Parties and fairies

So Dudie turned 3! We did a small intimate lunch on Sunday at home. The weather was awesome and we had the jumpolene out too. Thank Gloria, no one requested to swim ‘cos Dudie still has a post nasal drip cough thing going on… Anyone know what I can give a 3yr old who suffers with Sinusitis… ( I really don’t want him on long term meds but even I have to take antihistamine daily…)

After everyone left, we hurriedly gave an overstimulated and exhausted but very happy Dudie a bath. He fell asleep whilst I was dressing him. He truly was sound asleep as the dogs kept barking at his window but he didn’t even bat an eyelash.

On Monday, we slept a tad later… Dudie and I had breakfast together and I took him to school for his official party. We took cupcakes, chips, juice and fruit squares…. He loved it. They even made him a special birthday crown. On Monday afternoon, he got  to open his gifts and we had left over cake AND ice-cream. Together. For Dinner. Not as we had hotdogs too…………. We really over did it. And I can feel that my black pants had to stretch over my thighs this morning. Our baker, my friend’s 11yr old daughter, made us a delicious chocolate cake decorated as a soccer field. And 24 matching cupcakes. What an awesome cake… And yummy too. I will have to download some pictures to post.

On Fairies:

I have a fairy tattoo. Although, Dudie always asks to see my “Dragon”. So I’ve decided to get another tattoo and I wanted it to be my birthday gift from me to me… Well my birthday is the 19th.  Even though I have a general idea of what I want I’m still unsure. I’ve used the Tattoo parlour in Menlyn but since they no longer exist I need to know if anyone can recommend a reputable shop? In Pretoria. Preferably, the EAST. Please.


P.S. Yesterday’s morning conversation with Dudie:

Dudie: Me a boy, Mamma a girl, Daddy….. I don’t know

Me: Daddy is a boy.

Dudie: No. Daddy not a boy.

Me: Daddy is a Big Boy.

Dudie: No, Daddy NOT a boy. Oh, there’s a Cement mixer….


We’re looking for George?

Dudie insists that it is called Jordan. And even if rectified two seconds later he refers to Jordan. We let it be. Whilst Dude went to park the car, Dudie and I made our way to the check in counters. They weighed our bag. Please note that we use one bag for the 3 of us as the pack horse aka Dude says that he can’t manage multiple bags and and and … The bag weighed 29kg’s. The guy just looked at me and asked me what my intention was with the car seat. I said that I was going to carry it to the plane but if he needs to check it in then so be it. He said that it’s best he does then he can justify the weight for 2 pieces… LOL. Thanks, guy for making a plan.

We left a rainy Johannesburg on Saturday morning only to arrive to perfect blue sunny warm skies in George 1 hour 30 mins later… The trip was rather uneventful, well it was because we had no major tantrums or Dudie trying to destroy the plane as usual. We did have a toilet run and OMG this lavatory was even smaller than usual. I’m not kidding. I couldn’t turn in there. Dudie sat on toilet and I almost fell out the door. Seriously, how do they expect you to do a nappy change in there when I can’t even assist my 2 almost 3 yr old in there. And I don’t think you want me to leave the door open either ‘cos all you’ll hear is the exhilarated shrieks of Dudie “look Mama, I made a big one!”

So we arrived an hour earlier for our rental pick up but my Dude flashed his pearlys and of course most women die at the sight of his dimples(yes, I’m being biased but I’m allowed to cos his MY Dude) and in no time we had a car 🙂

We set off and took whichever turn we felt like. If someone said left, Dude would turn left. Even if it wasn’t one of us in the car…. I suspect my Dude also hears little voices… But our first stop was Herold’s Bay.

We had ice-cream and we ran and ran and just enjoyed the beach. We found the most private unspoilt beaches on this adventure of ours. We found quaint little towns. Friendly locals and the most delicious seafood.

Dude found a proper butcher to buy some meat as he wanted to braai. I did mention that we were staying at a Hotel of some sorts and we might not have self catering facilities or braai areas… Being in the Wilderness and all the area is protected…

He bought loads of meat. We checked in and then realised Fck, so where do we braai or even store the meat and hopefully find a picnic spot the next day. We spoke to reception and they advised that we try the Backpackers lodge down the road. The only catch was that you need to support their bar 🙂  Well, we headed straight there. On route we found this little fella


The peeps at Fairy Knowe Backpackers Lodge welcomed us. Them and all their dogs, they have a few and different breeds. Staffies, bull terriers, a lab etc… We love animals, all three of us so it was no surprise when these dogs wanted to spend time with us too. We braaied. Dude had some beer and I had Savanna, Dudie had coke. <It was a holiday for everyone so the child was allowed fizzy drinks.>

They had swings and I even braved the tyre swing much to Dudie’s delight. For the 3 days we did nothing but behave like tourists. We soaked up the sun, enjoyed the beaches, drove around because Dudie was having a nap, and just took in the scenery.

Dude was in his element as he got to fish in the Ocean and off the jetty. We saw a whale’s tale and loads of Dolphins at Victoria Bay. If ever you go past Victoria bay, go visit the “Shell Shop”. It’s small but filled with magical treasures.

We even found bubbles there. Dudie and I blew bubbles on the beach (I’ve wanted to do that before but we always end up at the beach sans bubbles) what fun we had. Would you believe me if I told you that the restaurant only had 2 beers left on Monday afternoon…. True Story – There was a party of some sort over the weekend and they were awaiting their delivery when we sat down for lunch.

Our departure was scheduled for 17:50 on Monday afternoon. I only realised that this was the last flight for George when we arrived at check in. Now, it seems that in a small town where everyone is relaxed, the airport gets locked up. We arrived earlier as we were on standby. We checked in without any hassles. I don’t even know if anyone checked the weight of our bag… We boarded at 17:20 and by 17:30 the cabin crew were arming the doors!!! That’s when I realised that in this town you can’t be late for your flight. They will leave you behind! You will NOT put them under duress. We were taking off at 17:40 on a scheduled flight that was due to depart at 17:50. Great. Thanks, I appreciate the fact that we got home slightly earlier. I just don’t think that’ll go down well at OR Tambo International. With all the passengers, me included, trying to kill the person at the check in counter….’cos the flight left early….

With our departure we left the rain behind in Johannesburg and upon our return we left some clouds behind in George. We had great weather. Thank U God for our glorious time away and for our safe return

Thank you George/Wilderness/Knysna you will be missed. This was the start to frequent getaways…. We left our footprints there

Amazing Race Cape Town

And so our time had runneth out in Cape Town…. We needed to return our rental car by 13:00 and our flights were at 15:50. All in all, that meant that we could check in early and have lunch with my brother, his fiancée and their daughter.

So we said our goodbyes to the family and took to the road. We realised that we were slightly behind schedule, as we still needed to detour to Kuilsriver to say goodbye to some family and collect the fish that Dude had bought for us to bring home!

We got to Kuilsriver at 12:30 ish. Our rental car was a 1.4 and I’m pretty sure that that car has never ever been driven that fast! LMAO. Ok, we were slightly over the speed limit at times. But we had else we would be late for everything!

We got the fish, said goodbye and off we went. Dudie threw a bit of a tantrum as he did not get to say goodbye the way that he wanted too. So I took a picture of him doing it the way he wanted to and sent it to the family. Child happy = PARENTS  who can now concentrate on getting to the airport. We realised that we needed to top up with fuel ‘cos the rental company will bill you if you don’t bring back a full tank. The only garage in sight was backed up with cars, fck knows why, ‘cos the fuel increase was only due later in the week. <thanks, Murphy!=””> We decided that we’ll check for a garage at the airport.

Of course we took the wrong offramp and drove through the industria and then realised that the garage is only accessible upon exiting the airport. We drove around the traffic circle as if exiting and backed up into the garage. Yes, we checked that all was clear and then reversed to the Garage. We filled up and then headed to return the car. Only that we went to the wrong office, as we went to collections not returns. We got to the returns office at 13:15. Phew. They did a check and let’s just say that we did not mention that we kinda hit the curb when we backed up into the garage. All was well, we loaded our bags and ran to teh terminal building. We siad goodbye to our friends, and returned their car seat in one piece. Thank you my child for behaving yourself.

We then got checked in. In the mad rush, my Dude checked both bags in, one was not locked and our house keys and car keys were in there. Never mind my hairdryer, our takkies, nice jackets, etc. My heart sank as I thought, Fck, they’ll have plenty of time to go through that bag as the flight only departs in a few hours!!!!

I decided that we’ll deal with whatever happens when we are back home. We found my brother and his sweet family. We had a lovely lunch and spent some quality time with them.

They walked with us to the security check and waved us goodbye… We hope to see them soon. As we boarded the plane I realised that Dudie was turning into the overstimulated overtired monster, as he had not slept a wink for the day. As we took off, he was bouncing around in his seat and within 2minutes flat he was snoring. He slept through the entire flight and within minutes of us landing he woke up and said, I don’t wanna bath!

The kind air hostess left him a cheese roll and bottle of water for when he woke. Boy was this child hungry when he woke up. He devoured his roll. We got our bags in the terminal building and with all the anxiety I had to remind my Dude that we can move to the side and then he can open the bag. I really did not want random people looking at my underwear that could very well have shifted during landing! With baited breath he opened the bag and all our belongings, including keys, were there.

Dear Airline staff, I apologise for the lack of trust I have in you. You have a new found respect with me. Thank you

We caught the bus to the long term parking and jump in our car an headed home. We unpacked and even did the washing and bathed the Dudie and sorted everything for Monday in a flash.

So that was our Amazing race in Cape Town.

Hopefully we’ll see you soon…

P.S. We left the seaweed in the trolley when we checked our bags in. Wonder what they thought when they found it….

P.P.S. We are off to George next weekend……Yay!

P.P.P.S This was the first Cape Town trip we did without staying with family. And I loved it. I know that alot of family is very pissed off about that but hey, get over it. This trip was about US not You!


Good food and wine

So after my Cape Town work was all done, this only ended at 17:30!, Dude & Dudie fetched me from the Hotel and we headed out for our weekend of pleasure before returning to Gauteng….

<We had a family breakfast and Dude’s Aunt joined us. I missed my first session but attended my 09:30. At 10:30, we checked out and my family andf I went to the Two Oceans Aquarium. What an awesome place. We had a lovely lunch at their resatuarant! We’ll be back soon. I did return to my meetings after lunch.>

We visited Dude’s dad, whom we haven’t seen in about 7/8 years…. Yes, not ideal but such is life. The way they soaked us up and welcomed us, you would never think that there was such a void in that relationship. It was amazing! Dudie got to meet his other grand dad and step granma and his two aunts! They loved my son! And I love them for it!

We made our way to Langebaan quite late on Friday night but we got there safely. To a warm fireplace and some Port…. Our friends, whom we were staying with, have a daughter about six months younger than Dudie. Of course as we got out the car, the Dudie woke up and so did their daughter. We ate and caught up on each others lives and the kids only went to bed after midnight.

Saturday morning, we all had a bit of a lie in. We had a light breakfast and then set out on an adventure. We bought fresh fish to braai for dinner.

We took to the road with no real destination in mind other than the kids wanting ice-cream. We stumbled upon Jacobsbaai, a quaint little area surrounded by the ocean. Engulfed in a bay/cove which is calm yet just over a small hill the waves are crashing hard against the rocks…. We had lunch at the little restaurant which was warmed by a lit fireplace and the local folks. Charming and very homely. The yummiest seafood….

We strolled on the beach and gathered some treasures(read: sea shells and seaweed). We made our way to Paternoster and also to Tietiesbaai(that’s it’s realname). Quiet unspoilt beaches. Beauty in its purest form.

We headed back to Langebaan, where Dude made us the most incredible Seafood chowder and then followed up with some braaied Angel fish…. I ae way to much and possible consumed too much alcohol too. But it was all so much fun! Good food and wine. New memories created.

Sunday, we visited my Aunt, whom I haven’t seen in 2 years. Emotions were running high. Good emotions! Happy tears as family were reunited. They too just loved my family.

So here’s to many more happy tears and creating lots of new memories! We promise we’ll be around more often

P.S. We had dinner with another Aunt of mine on Thursday. I love you guys. And we cant’t wait to see you in October! Did I mention that my niece might become a famous model!!!!! I’m so excited for her!

Tea with a twist!

It’s Friday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TGIF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I need this weekend!

So I’ve been having a very productive & extremely busy week. Last night I get home and Dude & Dudie were at the swimming lesson. So I drop all my stuff and prepare an awesome “moer by” pasta… (sausage/mushrooms/carrots/baby marrows/onions/peppers/pasta & cream – Delish!)

That took all of 25 mins. By the time the boys walked in, I was dishing pasta into their bowls. So we sit for Dinner. The Dudie goes apeshit as he took a serving of only carrots – and refused to swallow. Eventually, he ate but all around the carrots. Dude get his bath ready and off I skip to go bath my son. After asking/raising my voice/begging/bribing with custard he eventually gets in the bath. Generally, I would wash him immediately, and then he plays until I’ve read his communication book/newsletter/bbm’d/ or check mail on my phone.Last night was no different, so I read book and newsletter. Make mental notes and then Dudie offers me “tea”. He put bath water into small little caps and containers, you know the ones that are thrown into the bath along with all the squeaky bath toys!

Immediately, I thought, there’s no way I’m drinking that! What if he pee’d in the water. Even if he didn’t, the water is filled with soap and bubbles/dead skin cells as I had just washed him…. So I thought – distraction! He was so happy that we were having a “tea party”. Everytime I had to drink my “tea” I’d say look and point in any direction and chuck the water over my shoulder… Well he was happy that we had “tea” and the bathroom floor was soaked as I kept throwing water on the floor.

After the whole bed time ritual – he asked instructed Dude to go put Dudie to bed as I have to work on my assignments. That worked well. I did end up working until past midnight but I did reward myself with proper teas and this………..









Amarula…. met ys……..Ja!

It was cold and I figured that I could just enjoy the drink without having my hand freeze. So I used my mug:-)

This morning conversation was about rules…He asked to take something to school and I explained that the school has rules about bringing stuff… Usually after I explain something, I ask him to repeat it so that I know how he comprehends my messages… Well, let just say that this was a complete miss as clearly he wasn’t listening…

Me: So what are rules?

Dudie: Cock a doo dle doo….

Me: Baby that’s a rooster. We’re talking about rules.

Dudie: Mama, the light is green. Go go go

And that’s where I left it.


Happy friday folks.



Please can I see yours?

Show me yours

Over the weekend the Spirited family went to the Mall for some shopping/gaming/chilling….oh and eating out of course. Well, let’s just say that it was a bit touch and go for a while at Ocean Basket. Firstly, our waiter did not really understand us clearly. Seemed that he was battling to converse in English. Secondly, to avoid any mishaps, we left Dudie strapped into his pram and just pushed him up to the table. Confined child=semi-controllable toddler.

Well, 30 mins into our meal Dude pipes up “Dudie, you have ruined my Ocean Basket experience every single time. Next time, I’m coming alone!” Well, I thought that I should just give him a voucher to go eat at Ocean Basket for his Birthday!

As we progressed through the day, Dudie informs me that he needs to go poo poo toilet. Ok, now I’m not fond of public toilets and the thought of a baby change room gives me the hibbygeebees…. Well off we went to the family room and Dudie did his thing. I get him ready to go and I say “oh, mama needs to pee, just hold on”.

This followed:

Dudie: Mama, long pause, where’s your

Me: Huh? Excuse me. What did you say?

Dudie: Where’s your

Me: Baby, I don’t have one. I have a Girls have…

<Please bear in mind that there were other moms waiting to use the room, and the sound travels well in that room.>

Dudie: Please can I see.

Then he started begging. So after me bribing telling him that we’re off to play some games and that I can show him mine when we at home….

When we left the room, all the moms were giggling….I wonder why?

On a different note:

This morning I asked him if they are practising for the school concert yet? And what will they be doing? He informed me that they will be doing Nothing…. So I rephrased and asked if they will sing? He answered again with “Nothing” Then I asked what do you mean nothing. And he started singing this song…. And that apparently is what he meant by “Nothing”. So now, I need to check with his teacher whether the song is called Nothing or maybe he is just tired of my probing 🙂

Spirited Mama

A walk in the Zoo

I’ve been meaning to take Dudie to the Pretoria Zoo for a while now but the weather has been rather iffy. It’s chilly in the morning but gloriously wonderful in the afternoon. We used to do the Funwalk in the Zoo monthly, even whilst I was pregnant. Then I gave birth, and in between surviving a new born and trying to be civil in my marriage(think that sleep deprivation does not suit either myself or Dude), and  Winter approaching I decided to hold off on the funwalks.

Well, we did pick it up again but then somehow it fell through the cracks again. Generally we have a “wing it attitude” over most weekends. But our special moment, every Saturday(or only if Mommy can really fall out of bed) is visiting the Pretoria Boeremark.

They start at 5am, and no there is no way in hell that I will be there at 5am. Albeit, I have been there at 6am on occasion. Lately, we get there anytime from 8am. They generally pack up after 10am. It’s fun. It’s great. And it’s refreshing.

Our ritual could be either:

1. Mommy buys the weeks fresh produce. Dudie gets to pull/push the rented trolley thing. Or he just happily sits in it and I have to pull/push him, shove a dozen things into my shopper bag and walk through a really crowded space. We buy 4-5 pancakes and a can of coke, then we proceed to the pond area to feed the ducks/geese/turkey/chicken/doves all the left over bread of the week.

2. We buy 4-5 pancakes and a can of coke, then we proceed to the pond area to feed the ducks/geese/turkey/chicken/doves all the left over bread of the week.

This is my Happy Space! And I indulge in it a bit longer every Saturday. Because the weather is good and the Dudie loves just being there. Even the Dude loves being there, on the weekends that he is home.

Oh, did I mention that I live 10 steps away from this market 🙂

Back to the Zoo, with warmer days approaching, I think it’s time for a trip to the Zoo again. Last time we went on the skytrain. I think I had more fun than Dudie….

P.S. Last week Sunday we visited the Mclaren Circus and Dude mentioned that it’s as if we came to the circus for me. I was that excited 🙂


Happy Friday Folks! Have an awesome weekend.

Fruit is NOT his favourite

Fruit is not high on his list

FF = Fruit Fail!!!! (I’m coming up with new terminology daily)

I *heart* fruit and whilst I was preggars, I ate so much fruit until someone warned me about pregnancy related diabetes…  But I still *heart* fruit. Even now I’m munching on an apple. And I have a banana lined up for later.

I have a 2yr old who wants to die when I offer him fruit. I know for a fact that he eats it at school, so I’m not too stressed that he doesn’t eat it at home. But I’ve come across Fruit Pack. A fruit pureé that is package like a juice…… (I’m starting to smile). Just maybe I can pull this off and add to my “mommy bag of tricks”.

Fruit on the go

Fruit pack – fruit on the go

On Saturday, we skipped off to our Baby City for the usual:

Nappies (thanks to the Pampers bale packs), wetwipes, bubblewash and Fruit Pack.  I decided to get the apple and pear. I think you need to come up with a variety pack so that Dudie can experiment with all the flavours. Well, I showed it to the Dudie. His face lights up and he takes his first gulp. I hold my breath as I can see him swirling that pureé in his mouth and it looks like he’s about to spit it out. But alas, he swallows and say, mmmmmm.

Success! I have now decided that I will be doing fruit packs in his treat box. And this is what today looked like:

P.S. If anyone working for Fruit Pack reads this, please do a variety pack too.

P.P.S Dudie gets all meals and snacks at school but I still pack a treat box everyday. And I love the fact that he looks forward to his treats.

P.P.P.S When will this child just stop using nappies already? He says when he wants to use the loo and then happily comments “see nothing in nappy”. WTF?

Spirited Mama

Why God made Mums!!!!

I received this from a friend. I’m not sure who to credit for this. So, whoever you are – Cheers to you!


Answers given by second year school children to the following questions:

Why did God make mothers?

1.    She’s the only one who knows where the selotape is.

2.   Mostly to clean the house.

3.    To help us out of there when we were getting born..

How did God make mothers?

1.    He used dirt, just like for the rest of us.

2.   Magic plus super powers and a lot of stirring.

3.    God made my mum just the same like he made me.

He just used bigger parts.

Why did God give you your mother and not some other mum?

1.    We’re related.

2.   God knew she likes me a lot more than other people’s mum like me.

What kind of a little girl was your mum?

1.    My mum has always been my mum and none of that other stuff.

2.   I don’t know because I wasn’t there, but my guess would be pretty bossy.

3.    They say she used to be nice.

What did mum need to know about dad before she married him?

1.    His last name.

2.   She had to know his background.

Like is he a crook?

Does he get drunk on beer?

3.    Does he make at least one million a year?

Did he say NO to drugs and YES to chores?

Why did your mum marry your dad?

1.    My dad makes the best spaghetti in the world. And my mum eats a lot.

2.   She got too old to do anything else with him.

3.    My grandma says that mum didn’t have her thinking cap on.

Who’s the boss at your house?

1.    Mum doesn’t want to be boss, but she has to because dad’s such an idiot.

2.   Mum.

You can tell by room inspection.

She sees the stuff under the bed.

3.    I guess mum is, but only because she has a lot more to do than dad.

What’s the difference between mums and dads?

1.    Mums work at work and work at home and dads just go to work at work.

2.   Mums know how to talk to teachers without scaring them.

3.    Dads are taller and stronger, but mums have all the real power ’cause that’s who you have to ask if you want to sleep over at your friends.

4.   Mums have magic, they make you feel better without medicine.

What does your mum do in her spare time?

1.    Mothers don’t do spare time.

2.   To hear her tell it, she pays bills all day long.

What would it take to make your mum perfect?

1.    On the inside she’s already perfect.

Outside, I think some kind of plastic surgery.

2. Diet.

You know, her hair. I’d diet, maybe blue.

If you could change one thing about your mum, what would it be?

1.    She has this weird thing about me keeping my room clean.

I’d get rid of that.

2. I’d make my mum smarter.

Then she would know it was my sister who did it not me.

3. I would like for her to get rid of those invisible eyes on the back of her head.


Spirited Mama

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