Ok let’s update my weekly bucket list. This was last weeks list, and although I got off to a good start; “Life happened when I was making other plans”. But I think I managed…
1. Make cup-a-cake (Do you know that you can make a single serving in a coffee mug and add custard/ice-cream/whatever you want to it?) Done with custard! Delicious!

2. Share Breakfast with Dude (Maybe I’ll surprise him at work?) This didn’t materialise last week, although I made him breakfast foods on Saturday afternoon. Does that count?
3. Have a good Cuddle with Dudie Done – Friday night , Saturday & Sunday
4. Dance Done – Read all about it here
5. Share a bath with Dudie…(We haven’t done this in a while) Done. But On Monday, 4 June with Party hats and balloons – that’s how we roll.
6. Eat Ice-cream infront of the fireplace (it’s getting cold now so it’s time for fireplaces to be lit…) Done. Dude bought avalanches from KFC on Friday and we sat at the fireplace enjoying yummy ice-cream. This is what we had:

7. Print “Dad & Son” photo for his Father’s Day frame (I bought the frame in January already!) Done. Saturday. Last night I put the picture in the frame – WOW! It looks stunning. I wanted to give it to him this morning. I’ll probably give him his Father’s day gifts soon. I’m too excited to wait!
8. Attempt some craft project (I have a rough idea of what I want to do) Done, I surprised myself! I stole borrowed the idea from Marcia’s post at 1, 2, 3, blog It’s not that I don not like white backgrounds, I just feel that there’s so much colour in the world, Why not use it? What do you think???

9. Read/Read/Read (This weekend I got such great books for the Dudie. I love how he loves books! Just like me) – Work in progress. Currently reading 
Very interesting. I’m savouring this one! Loving it!
10. Camp out in Dudie’s room (Tent/sleeping bags, etc) Somewhat done. We “camped” in sleeping bags in the lounge on Friday but moved to the beds as it’s just too cold. And I need to hire a leprechaun to keep the fire going whilst we sleep.
So whilst I think about what my list is for this week, I have already done the following:
Monday: Played with Balloons and party hats. We even had supper with our hats on. A celebration! Everyday should be celebrated.
Tuesday: Bought a Spirited Package for my Dude. (Kitkat, Samoosas, Stoney – all stuff that he likes and dropped it off at his workplace this morning.)
<I was stuck in traffic and by the sound of it my Dude needed some cheering up at work! It made my heart leap for joy that I can give him some happy for the day(No there’s nothing wrong with that sentence. I wanted to give him happy)
That’s all folks!
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