Spirited Mama

Living a SPIRITED life filled with wanderlust, emotions and everything in between

Tag: Shit I do (Page 3 of 4)

This too shall pass…………………..

I hope it passes quickly. At least I’m seeing the humour again. So slowly but surely I’m coming back….

I am keeping my head above water. I’m dreaming of our mini getaway this weekend all whilst I’m running my “To Do” List in my head. My list is freaking me out. And I need to submit an assignment on Monday too. I’m hoping to submit before we leave so that I can have worry/stress free break. I have reports/list/memos/etc that I need to get done and here I’m blogging. I’m blogging about being swamped when in fact I should really just put my head down and get on with it.

Looks like I’m pulling an all nighter tonight. And possibly Friday!!!!

In other news my frog, aka Dudie, has advanced to level 3 at his Swimming school. We’re so proud of the frog.

We going to the Oktoberfest on Friday night. Yay! This will be our first as every year we say we’re going but never go.

Saturday morning we fly out to George. I’m dreaming of sitting at the beach, having seafood and an ice-cold savanna. Savanna goes down well with Seafood 🙂

On that note, I bid you farewell. Donations of positive energy will be much appreciated.

Spirited Mama

Fragile. Beware

My mind is screwing me again…. All those little voices….. All those ideas on how to fix a problem….

I’m trying a new approach. “The road less travelled” in Spiritville. I somehow end up making the same mistakes, then want to beat myself up for not seeing the signs, but then I end up sulking and I desperately try and claw my way out of the hole.

Same shit. Different Day. Same cycle???? WTF? Why? How? Am I just not wired properly?

I know that it’s going to be hard. I know that it’s going to be ugly but I’m hoping that the reward will outweigh all the hardships/obstacles on the journey….

P.S. I can feel an ugly cry coming so I’m signing off for now.

Dial 6 for Room Service

So I made it through the first day and although I had good intentions of relaxing from 3:30ish, I only finished at 18:30! And we have a networking Cocktail function from 19:00…. So I made my way to the networking session and decided that I’m really not up to it and I made a run for it.

I’m cold because every venue you enter has the aircon on full blast as if it’s 30 degrees outside…. WTF! In fact, I think its equally as cold inside and outside. I returned to my room. I’ve ordered some room service and I’m now lying in a warm bed with the aircon slightly turned up in my room. I’m going eat in bed. I’m going to jump on my bed. I’m going to sleep diagonally across this bed tonight, all because I can 🙂

I’m going to have one “moerse” looongggg HOT bath! With loads of bubbles. I’d like to have a pretty cocktail but I’d like to have it in my PJ’s! Not sure that I’ll be allowed at the bar in my PJ’s. The Hotel is amazing. It has 3 escalators and lots of lifts and pretty chandeliers and very comfy couches. The rooms are great. Very spacious. a view from the lift on my floor, I’m quite high up.








So for now, I’m lying in bed try to coax myself into doing some work….I think I’d much rather stare out the window.

P.S. Tonight I have the TV remote all to myself yet there’s not much to choose from? Murphy, seriously!

P.P.S I’m so going to sleep in tomorrow. Will probably miss the morning session but I’m so not going to let this opportunity pass by!


I went all Martha on myself!

I read this post about Doing it all by Raising Men and it got me thinking about how I think pretend to be superwoman. And whilst superwoman is flying high suddenly she gets hit by some turbulence and crash lands. But she gracefully gets up, dusts herself and takes to the sky again. This process is on repeat in my world. How do I stop it? Do I want to stop it? After much deliberation, I’ve realised that “that” crash landing is my coping mechanism. I quit smoking in January this year and although I’ve been temtped when facing trying times I’ve stuck to my guns and have not smoked again.

My crash landing is generally somewhere between me having a very very FUGLY cry or me sitting alone in the dark after the everyone’s in bed not being able to focus on anything as I have a gazillion things/ideas/plans/voices wreaking havoc in my head. Sometimes I might even have  a hissy fit and just let rip (read: throw my toys out the cot and scream at Dude). I really try not to take it out on Dudie but damn it’s tough. With Dudie, I kinda do and say stuff without the usual emotions involved. (True story – as Dude pointed this out to me). It really sad ‘cos I can see him distance himself from me at times.

But as we know nobody is perfect. We all have our flaws. And we all try our best. And our best is all we can give. So with that in mind, if you need to have a cry – cry. Put on some mascara and lipgloss and you’ll be ready to face the world again 🙂

Yesterday, after I missed my bus and then the next bus was delayed and then I git a later train, etc, etc, etc… Still, I got home in record time but my mood was a bit “off”. not sure why but as I walked into to the doorway, Dudie greeted me very enthusiastically with a smile but from a distance. When I approached him he ran off. Everytime I tried to get close to him, he ran off. My heart was torn, a bit. But after him showing me how he can do a tumble(bomme la kisie – for those of you that understand that term) and how the fish and oscar can too, and after telling me about his teacher and who know what else he was mumbling, he eventually let me hug him. And then he came to tell me arms stretched out that he loves me to the end of the earth and back(and then when you get to the word back – we hug). My heart melted and I forgot all about that rejection… By the way this is how I tell him how much I love him, all the time.

He saw Dude wanting to chuck the Ultramel custard and went all “Pleease can I  have custard?” We tried to explain that the custard has been in the fridge for a few days, well we don’t really know how long, and we not sure that it’s still edible – He can’t have. Immediately, my light bulb came on, as I realised that I have custard powder in he cupboard. Well , I organised the Dudie, who of course offered to help.

I then made a bread pudding and custard. My kid thinks I’m the greatest as I can make custard 🙂

Exhibit A








exhibit B – My portion










And this is how I went all Martha Stewart on myself. I’m so proud of well I handle the “ups” but I’m not so sure about the “down” period. Luckily, in my opinion, it seems that the recovery period in “down” is so much quicker than before.

P.S. Today’s school drive conversation with Dudie

We drive past a building with animal statues every morning. And it’s the best game ever to spot as many animals as possible. I watch his reaction in my mirror whilst driving ‘cos you know I still need to keep an eye on the road too.

Me: I see the Giraffes

Dudie: I can’t see

<There was a bus driving next to us and I was trying to slow down and not influence the traffic too much but I could see my plan was not working quick enough for him.>

Dudie: The bus needs to go fast. I can’t see!!! I can’t see! Jusses(yes, I know it’s bad to use the lord’s name in vain – but who hasn’t). Come on man!

Me: You know that’s not nice. I know that you’re frustrated but maybe you can express yourself in a different manner.

Dudie: Rolls his eyes at me… Oh my Gosh! Jusses. Come on man!

I nearly pee’d my pants trying not to laugh. This child is not even three. I sent Dude a message about the incident and very politely mentioned that “jusses, Come on man” is his saying…. I’m yet to receive a reply.

P.P.S Let me get on with being super careerwoman now.


Another Award for me! Really, it’s not in my head

I’ve been nominated by the two awesome bloggers for an award. Yes, me. Thank you, ladies. You’ve just made my day…. I will post about all the balls that life threw at me and my little family soon enough. But the most important thing is that we’re through it. We made it. We’re stronger because of it. And I know that my little family bond is even stronger.

Back to the Award:

Jess over at From there to hear, aka Miss Preggy – I take my hat off to you. I don’t know if I would have coped as a single parent. And you do it so well. Good for you for being a super mom to Aiden! I remember the “sleep deprived” phase where I know I could’ve hurt someone really badly, not my child though, but random strangers who stared at me/someone who asked about mommyhood…. Is was tough on Dude & I, sharing that phase. I can’t even imagine what you are going through.

Melinda over at Diaries of a white mother raising a black baby – Initially when I started thinking about blogging, i couldn’t find a name that was “me”. Maybe that’s why I took so long to start my journey. But here I am. And I’m loving it. I always thought of myself as spirited. Not always the good kind though…. But these days, I think I’m more Good! You are Courageous! From what I have read – You are a super mom to Emma & Ben. And I hope that someday  – you too will see that.









This award was re-designed by Reluctant Mom. She got an award and then started awarding fellow bloggers and so on and so on…….. Cheers Celeste! I might not always comment but I do read your blog daily.

7 random facts that you might not know about me:

1. I thrive under pressure. I really really do perform well when I’m stressed. I just choose not to function in “crisis” mode.

2. I’ve cut down on my chocolate tremendously – But I fear that the cut back is now what’s causing some constipation? Is that even possible? I eat fibre and fruit like Bugs Bunny would eat carrots but I am still not ‘regular”. I’ve also put it down to stress.

3. I have re-ignited my craft flame. I have done small little projects around the house. I’m so proud when I can stand back and look at my handy work.

4. My child turns 3 in 2 months, and I have not done anything party related. Hell, I’m not even sure we’ll have a party. Dude suggested that we go visit Ushaka………

5. In the last four/five days I have consumed more alcohol than I have in the last month. I used to be a no worries type person. Will have a drink or two/three…..six or so… Now, if I have 2 savannas it’s a lot ,for one night.

6. Recently, Dude & I reminisced bout our relationship. We’ve been together for 11yrs. Lived together for 4yrs. Married for 5yrs. It’s been quite an adventure. And I’m still looking forward to more ….

7. I am in no way fussed about my workload that just keeps piling up at work. Seriously, I’m one person that can only do my best and if that aint good enough then I’d better find another JOB!

I’m suppose to nominate 5 -10 other Blogs, but please may I sit out on that round. Also, all teh blogs that I have seen nominated , I would’ve nomimated too. I can’t believe I never took to blogging sooner. It’s such a great outlet…

I will still have to fill you in on all the drama that unfolded in Spiritville in the last two days! MOre to come soon.





When Life happens

Life lately

Ok, maybe you’ve noticed that I’m in a bit of a “challenging space” in my head, it seems. And maybe you haven’t. That too is ok. We’re all human and like John Lennon said “life is what happens when you’re making other plans” or something to that effect. I’ve been pinning things/emotions/ideas/solutions/problems/etc in my head. I’m not kidding, my head is buzzing. Non Stop. I literally wake during the night processing my thoughts…. WTF!

I’ve realised that I’m delusional. I set an alarm to wake 45 mins earlier so as to squeeze in a 30min exercise session. At home. I am not a gym person, so we’ve semi converted my Dude’s lapa into our mini workout area. Trick is that no one has really actively used the workout area since… I can’t even remember when. My Dude has decided that maybe we convert our spare bedroom into our “new” workout area… Great plan! I have all these ideas about making it all funky and stuff. But will we use it? I don’t know… He probably will, I on the other hand will have a million excuses not to 🙂

Life happens

On that note, I need/want to get into shape. And I’ve decided that Winter 2012 is when I’ll pull myself towards myself and just DO IT! Well, The alarm was set on Sunday evening. Morning morning I snoozed until past the time I needed to get ready for work. Tuesday, same shit different day. Wednesday, well I attempted to lift my lovely Feather Down Duvet off me and quickly decided that tomorrow is another day. Who said you need to start a fitness programme on a Monday? Why can’t it start Thursday….

I still hear voices

On the thoughts in my head, I’m getting there. I’m battling with myself and it seems I’m losing the fight. I’ve realised that after a lengthy discussion with a relative, I’ve opened up some wounds. In me. I’m raw. And I’m trying to cover it up. It creeps through. I’m not sure how to deal with it. I’ve been picking up my pieces as I go along my day/days. I’m emotionally tired/ Spiritually drained. Physically, I’m exhausted.  But I kick my self under the butt each morning to get going.

I see the change in my behaviour, and I don’t like it. I’m less patient. Less tolerant. Abrupt. Sarcastic. I’m trying to change it. But I don’t handle change well. Why I don’t know. I just don’t.









As if I don’t have enough to deal with, I/we are also looking for a new school for Dudie. He has outgrown his current school. I/we can see that he needs more….

Spirited Mama

Friday Funnies

Just to kick start the day.

Did you know that it’s Friday the 13th?????

Personally, I’m not superstitious but my Dude is.

Are you?

P.S. What I noticed it  that my morning events were a bit skewed but I took it in my stride, laughed it off and now I’m my merry self!

P.P.S I need to take the car for a valet because of the morning events. I backed out the driveway and forgot to remove the coffee from the dashboard. It was a bit chaotic as we were running late. Well, the coffee spilled over the passenger seat. Then Dudie pipes up “Mommy I messed”. Well he messed his pancake in the back and when I took him out of his car seat, there was toothpaste everywhere…. Ai, he insisted on brushing his teeth in the car.







This is why I’ll never dive professionally. Phew! I can barely swim properly… LMAO









Oh Thank Gloria, I’m well insulated. Heaven forbid she should fall…







Prison break. LMAO.


Happy Friday folks!

P.P.P.S  I’m busy with a Spanish course. Oh my, I’m so confused…I’ve got an online tutor too. Everyone walking in the office looks at me as if I’m weird ‘cos I’m trying to repeat the Spanish phrases….

When I’m overworked!~

I come up with these thought….

Seriously sign

 I could use an Island holiday, with a funky cocktail.

P.S. I like the umbrella drinks….

My morning drink

So you may have read about my choice of coffee here. Yes, I’m besotted with Jacobs Kronung… But today was a total fail…

I woke up late so my usual routine was off balance. My feng shui was out of sync….

I make my Dudie’s coffee; he has milo and believes that when Mom & Dad have coffee so should he. <Oh the joys. I wonder what he’ll do when he realizes what real coffee tastes like.>

As I make Dudie’s cuppa, I make my coffee. This is how it went down:

  1. I add ½ a teaspoon of sugar to Dudie’s cup and to mine – Err, Problem – I don’t take sugar.
  2. I add Kilo to Dudie’s cup and mine – Err, I already added Jacobs Kronung to my cup and now MILO….
  3. I assess the situation and decided “whatever” and proceed to add hot water and milk…

We make our way out the door and head off to school and work. Dudie loved his coffee this morning as I do not always add sugar… <I don’t give my kid sugar willingly/easily>

I drop him at school and I start my trek to work. I get on the highway; take a sip gulp of my coffee/milo… And nearly veer off the road! I kid you not. It tasted horrible. I’m not sure if I should’ve added more coffee or more milo. It tasted like a cheap instant coffee that was watered down way way way too much!

I am at the Office and on my way to go and get a CUPPACCINO with CREAM! I need a pick me upper…


P.S. Other than that mishap, my day has been splendid. Granted, we were late but we are happy, safe and alive.

P.P.S It’s so awesome coming home to a husband who’s cooking a pot of soup and the fire is burning… Just the way my granny grew up except, she was the one making the soup and lighting the fire. Bwhahahaha

P.P.S. Both Dude & I have full time JOBS but he gets home and hour before me. He’s so helpful around the house. Don’t fret – he gets his rewards…

Jacobs Coffee……. What’s your forte?

Coffee and me

I used to be addicted to coffee. In my youthful stage, I lived on coffee, coca cola, chocolate and cigarettes…

<I don’t do decaf – its like smoking a light cigarette because it’s healthier… Really! That’s a fucked up analogy in my book>

Then I kinda became an adult and thought ok, now I need to watch what I eat ‘cos my metabolism is no longer working on its own. I need to get that Bitch to work again with minimal effort from my side. So I cut down on coffee. I love the rest way way way too much. So I cut down from 12 cups to 4. And then 2. And then at some stage none.

I gave up sugar 3 yrs ago, so no sugar in my tea/coffee. My reasoning was that I eat chocolate almost daily so I really don’t need the extra sugar. I really don’t miss the sugar at all.

<I don’t even give Dudie sugar. He gets black sugarless rooibos or sugarless milo or sugarless cereal. My Dude, of course dies a small death ‘cos he feels that the child needs that sugar but I justify it with the fruit juices and chocolate that he ingests. This boy loves chocolate almost as much as I do.>

Why Jacob’s Coffee?

Now, coming back to coffee! I can’t stomach cheap coffee. And yes, I would donate an organ to buy the Jacobs coffee we so faithfully buy. When it looks as if we’re low,  half way through the jar, on coffee I have a mini anxiety attack and dash to shop to get some more. As you know, Murphy likes to fuck up my day and I’ve driven around way too often looking for Jacobs coffee. So when we got back from Cape Town, I realized that the coffee was finished! I had my anxiety attack and then had two choices…

  1. Have some Ricoffy – Dude’s employer gave them a moerse tin and a 2kg sugar – fuck knows why.
  2. Have the last sachet of Nescafé that I took  at the Conference venue when my office went on a Strategic Planning Session.

I chose option 2!!!! Before Dude could! And when Dude asked: “Where’s the Coffee?” I answered: “There’s some refreshing Ricoffy in the cupboard”. He gave me the evil eye as he explained that he wanted needed Jacobs…

<I just had a light bulb moment – I will contact the good people at Jacobs and just open an account. That way they can debit my bank account and I always have coffee. Wonder if I can arrange terms???>

So what’s your favourite coffee?

Spirited Mama

P.S. Remind me to tell you about the fraudulent activity that has taken place on my Credit Card. Sigh, I need to wait a day or two for a replacement card. Do these peeps not know how many awesome deals I’m missing out on Groupon. My Dude refuses to borrow me his card!

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