Living a SPIRITED life filled with wanderlust, emotions and everything in between

Month: February 2012 Page 1 of 3

I’m in the job market again

Karma, I’m putting myself out there in the hopes that I’ll find a J.O.B closer to home. SOON. For my own sanity.

I think I found a temporary solution. This will allow me the flexibility to work around the little man’s schedule and pay me a salary and I’ll so luvvvvvvvvv this job. Can I do this from home?

I could just become a chocolate taster? Serious! Any vacancies out there?

Cadburys / Nestle/ Lindt/ Anyone in the chocolate industry can email me.

<The cadburys link appears to be broken?>

So this was my daily inspiration today

I remember that it’s Confucius who’s dishing out advice again.

2 Pieces of advice for Married Men

Never laugh at your wife’s choices;

You are one of them

Never be proud of your choices;

Your wife is one of them

this is exactly why need to find me

This is good. This resonates with me. This is exactly why I need to find me.

I read this over at Dear Max:

I am that person who likes to please others. I “need” to please others. It’s in my genetic make-up and I’m trying struggling to change it. And it’s getting the better of me…

Why do we want to be popular?

I used to fit into this catergory to. Until I decided that I really need to please “ME”. Trouble is knowing what me wants…

I had 2 days away from the cyber world and I come back to all the debates about the “Mommy Clubs” and what not… I too wanted to be famous when I grew up but hey it never panned out that way. Maybe I’ll get a break some other day but for now if you’re interested in this debate go check out: because it resonates with me.

<Hope you don’t mind>

I need me back (part 2)

I don’t know how long this search will be but I’m thinking probably a long long time. I don’t like the me that has been for the past 28yrs. Of course there are good memories that I wouldn’t trade for anything but wow, I need to find “me”. I don’t think that I’ve ever really been true to me.

<I sat here staring at this post wanting to add something but didn’t know what. Really, I was empty.>

P.S. I copied this image from a blog. I can’t remember whose. Sorry. If it’s yours please free to take the credit.

I need me back…

I have a sign <when I saw it I had to get it> outside the front door that reads:

I can only please one person per day and today is not your day. Tomorrow doesn’t look good either.

Currently, I’m finding it extremely difficult to please me. Maybe it’s because I’m not sure what me wants now…

I feel as if the life is being sucked out of me probably by me as everyone else seems seemingly happy and care-free. It feels as if everyone is out to get me. Bombard me with their opinions/choices.

When faced with confrontation – I run! No wait, I don’t face confrontation. I go into a paralytic state. I kid you not. I’m good with work and all but matters of the heart is another story. I can’t face anyone who’s emotionally involved with me. I work myself into a frenzy and really want the earth to swallow me temporarily and spit me back up when the confrontations are over.

Why? I don’t know. I’ve lived like this forever.

Spirited Mama

P.S. And then I married a man who faces confrontation before it even surfaces…

Just me

My life

My choices

My mistakes

My lessons


<Sometimes I just want to be left alone>

I can smell you

I am sitting here (in the office) minding my own business and daydreaming  about our holiday (2 more weeks) and in walks a stranger…. This person is here to consult with my colleague (three of us share a space) and is now seated diagonally across me but man oh man I can smell him.

Not ideal as I’m starved this morning, and any scent on my empty stomach is a no no and the card machines in the café are offline! Murphy, please go away already!

I was going to have something for breakfast, like a scone with hot chocolate, but now I’ll just eat my lunch for breakfast and walk to the other shops for lunch. Hopefully, their card machines are working.

<I do not carry cash, like ever. I currently have R9.35 in my wallet>

I like the convenience of swiping my card wherever I go. That way I get to just why I had spent X amount instead of just buying bread/milk. I just can’t fathom the bank charges on bread/milk!

Listening is a skill

Did you know that listening is a skill?

I just called our vet about the cat that our dogs hurt, accidentally! This is how it transpired:

Me: Hello N, I need to check what happened to the cat that our dogs hurt, accidentally? We brought the cat in on Saturday.

Lady N: Uhm, not sure. Let me check

<Now I hear her talking to her colleagues – Do you know what happened to the cat that Mrs S brought in on Monday?> Where did I mention Monday? WTF. Colleagues all respond: NO.

Lady N: Mrs S, I’ll have to call you back ‘cos we’re not sure what the outcome was…

Me: Thank you

There you have it. I really thought that I’m crazy but woe is me – I’m not that crazy!

P.S. It’s not our cat. Not sure who the cat belongs to.

Spirited Mama

I’m going to take over the world tonight. Well I hope to get some proper rest and then I have a pedi tomorrow morning! Yay! Hubby is on toddler duty tomorrow. I’ve made peacce with the fact that flings/chocolate/sweets can also be served as breakfast. Happiness to all.

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