Why random facts?
In light of me trying to play catch up on my blog posts/admin/etc, I thought I’d share some random facts about me. To still keep some of my post lighthearted but not detract completely from my more serious post, e.g, my latest post, click here, in my current series 52 lessons for 52 weeks ( You can follow this series week by week to see what lessons I am teaching and/or learning as I go on my life’s journey.)
Random facts in no particular order
- I actually work. Like I have a day job. People seriously think that I do not work…how even? Do I dress up for the fun of it? Apparently, I’m so available to my kids that people really think I don’t work. In case you missed it, Mom of two little girls featured me in her series I Am More Than “Just A Mommy Blogger”.
- I have way to many pairs of shoes, that I actually never wear. Not because I don’t want to but because I have a few favourites that are my go to shoes. I have donated 30 pairs already and I’m currently busy with operation cleanup my cupboard…
- I have terrible #OCD tendencies…I freaking annoy myself, it’s THAT bad. Here’s a typical example; if Dude cleans the kitchen I WILL come back later and wipe the counters/stove/sink just so I know it’s clean according to MY standards. Believe me I have tried to let that shit go BUT it kills me to walk past the sink and it’s *not* clean…enough said
- I love a #Rubik’s cube but I have never actually gotten all the squares in the right order. As a household we, Dude, Dudie and I, are working on getting the Rubik’s cube in order. It’s a great way to pass time and just switch off for a while. We keep it on the dining room table so whoever walks past it will pick it up and give it a few twists.
- I am currently juggling a few balls in my life right now. If I play those balls correctly I may very well set up a little business this year.
- I always dreamed of being the “voice” in the Terminal building at airports. You know the one who announces “Passenger X this is your final boarding call for flight ABC 323. Please report to Gate 3.”
- I don’t take sugar in my coffee/tea. It’s been over 8 years now. I cringe if someone wants to add sugar to a beverage. BUT I do love chocolate. Don’t despair, I still get my sugar intake…
- I am very rigid with my kids routines. Especially the “Let’s get these kids to bed NOW routine”. Bedtime is 19:30 for both kids. For my own sanity and so that we can have some adult conversation without one of us being interrupted/falling asleep, etc…
- I love Tulips
I absolutely adore Tulips.
Feel free to comment with a random fact(s) about yourself below.
Spirited Mama