Living a SPIRITED life filled with wanderlust, emotions and everything in between

Category: Grooming

*Win* an Eau Thermale Avene hamper

At the #jozimeetup bloggers event a few weeks ago, I won a spot prize, the Eau Thermale Avéne Hamper. What an incredible spoil! The prize was sponsored by AutographPR and some of you may remember Nicole Sparrow’s post “Please iron the sheets”. So for my pic, I used a towel because I’m a wife/mom/home exec/doctor/nurse/friend/lover/disciplinarian, etc, etc and frankly don’t have time to iron the sheets…

I have sensitive skin and don’t dare chop and change my skincare regime, just willy nilly… If I find one that works and use it forever. Until I tried Avéne…The hamper included the following:

  • Micellar Lotion
  • Mattifying Fluid
  • Soothing Moisture Mask
  • Cicalfate Restorative Skin Cream
  • Cold Cream Shower Gel
  • Sunscreen SPF 50+
  • Thermal Spring Water (If there is one product you MUST try, this is it! So many uses. Some miracle water…)

The products are easy to use. I hardly have 5mins to perform a skincare routine in the morning. It’s slightly easier at night when everyone has gone to bed but then the chores are waiting. I use the mask and do some chores whilst I wait for it to perform its magic on my face.

The result is that my skin is as soft and smooth as Troll’s bottom. The cold cream gel wash is excellent in the shower as my skin feels moisturised just by washing it. The Thermale Water is apparently great for nappy rash. I can’t attest for that as thankfully we have had no issues thus far. But it is great for nicks and cuts as well as razor burn. During Winter my skin gets super dry and itchy, thanks to the Gauteng climate, but I sprayed my legs with the Thermale Water and Voila! No more itchy skin. Dudie seems to suffer from eczema and this water also soothes and calms his skin…I can see the difference.

I am sensitive to sunscreen so I always use a sunscreen separately from my moisturiser. As soon as it is included in the moisturiser – my skin suffers a breakout. On Dudie’s match days I like to add a little extra protection. The Avéne sunscreen is a fabulous add on as my family doesn’t look all pale and ashy as with other sunscreens.

I am very happy with the results thus far. My skin is definitely happy too…

Now, who would like to WIN this hamper??? The hamper is worth R2000 and you will receive exactly what I received, courtesy from AutographPR

Here’s what you need to do to enter this giveaway:

  1. Subscribe to my blog
  2. Leave a comment on this post
  3. Like my Facebook page, click here
  4. Follow me on Twitter @spirited_mama1

For an extra entry: Tweet about the giveaway and remember to add a link to this blogpost giveaway in your tweet.


Good luck! Winner will be announced on Friday 28 July 2017.


T’s & C’s

**Competition closes Friday 21 July 2017.
Open to South African residents only.
Winner will be randomly selected.
No correspondence will be entered into once a winner is selected.
Winner will be announced on my social media accounts and notified via email.
I reserve the right to disqualify invalid entries.

Spirited Mama

Pass the toilet paper

We go through a crap load of toilet paper monthly and we are only 2 adults and 1 child + resident alien in utero in the Spirited house. I am flabbergasted at the copious amounts of toilet paper we flush away. You know I can literally hear the “ka-ching” sound when I hear the toilet flush.

Considering how I was constipated for the first 4 months of this pregnancy (thankfully that is no longer an issue), I am starting to wonder  can I really make such a big difference in the usage of toilet paper. I pee ALOT. Like all the time. I only buy BabySoft and believe me I have tried to sneak in other brands BUT my family knows the difference. Have you seen the price tag on Toilet Paper??? It costs a fucking fortune only for you to wipe your ass and flush that fortune down the toilet. Literally!

Alas, I will continue to buy the BabySoft as I do think that there are certain “luxuries” that we deserve. We all have certain luxuries/privileges that we are not willing to forgo just to save a buck. (Do you know that my Dude believes he can only eat Woolworths cheese and that Dudie seems to think that he can only eat Lays chips? A post on luxuries/privileges best left for another day.)

Some days I think if the toilet really made the “ka-ching” sound when you flushed it would sound like a Casino in our house.

On that note let me go use the toilet. Please pass the toilet paper.


Spirited Mama

P.S It’s FRIDAY!!!!! I just sat through Dudie’s music concert at school – it was cute to watch the little people perform for the audience. Seems my resident alien enjoyed the music too.

Doctor Dentist dreams

So what does your offspring want to be when they grow up? Or should I ask what are your dreams for your offspring?

Dudie is 3 (Going on 16)turning 4 in October. He is obsessed with rocks/stones… This child collects rocks. He picks them up as he goes on his merry way and they generally end up in my bag/pockets or in Dude’s bakkie etc… But we have rocks from every place that child ha s been too. We sometimes keep the nice ones and sometimes chuck the normal ones into our garden. So we don’t really get rid of them but we redecorate the garden with them. We think he’ll do something in the lines of Archaeology/Geology, but we’ll see. He might just want to cash in on his trust fund… Note to self- start trust fund for Dudie!

Two weeks ago we had a family trip to the Dentist. Now, touch wood, to this very day I do not have a single filling in my mouth. I have all my own teeth. So I’m a happy camper thanks to a minimum of 2 annual trips for general checkups to the dentist all the days I spent under my parents roof. I wanted to preserve Dudie’s teeth and decided that a family trip was necessary. Dude is a bit reluctant a she always ends up making follow up appointments for a cavity/filling oor something…

The Dentist, I found a new one and I really think that we will stick with him for a while even though I have to pay them and then claim a refund from my medical aid – who short pays me R600 for our family trip!!!! Medical Aids suck – but then again I can’t imagine not having it either. The horror! I pay R5795 per month for the 3 of us. Every single month I die a little because quite frankly I could buy a new car/ second property/ have a holiday fund…. But then I console myself with the thought that we can utilise private facilities and that’s what I’m paying for… sigh…

I got the thumbs up from the Dentist. Dudie got a “well done Mom and Dad – this kids got no issues here”. Dude – had to make an appointment to redo a filling and fill a new tiny cavity. As we left – Dudie pipes up “Mamma, no sweets for Daddy” 🙂

Dudie has decided to be  a dentist when he grows up. He makes us sit on a little blue chair and he examines your mouth/teeth and then proceeds to brush/scratch/inspect with his tools (which is a makeup brush set- don’t fret it’s a spare one that is reserved for the dentist). On a different note, on Tuesday he told me he wants to be a doctor whilst we were lying on his bed having a bedtime chat. He then proceeded to stick a dolphin in my ear and a very hard plastic dolphin was lodged in  my right nostril too. I had to be very still so that the stuff would stay put during the exam else he had to re-insert it. And he is not very gentle. I prefer the Dentist child over the Doctor child…

Here’s to good teeth! Now get brushing. Dude says that I’ll brush my teeth away someday 🙂 I think 2minutes to brush is not enough time. I take more like 5 – 10 mins…

Spirited Mama

P.S. One of my best friend’s dad, he passed a way when we were only 7/8 yrs, used to tell me “Jy’s drie maar jou bek is sestien”!!! True story – whenever I see her mom she reminds me of this. Scary, how alike Dudie and I are… Even Dude says that we are so similar and that’s why we can get under each other’s skin…

P.P.S. Dudie gets a very limited amount of sweets. Even if he gets a small packet of sweets I remove half before he gets it. That way he think he finished all of it… Sneaky sneaky 🙂

 On Monday 1 April, we did a 5km fun walk/run at the Grove Mall in Lynnwood. We did it in 55 mins 🙂 Yay!!! we got our “A” into ‘G” and started. We are doing the next one on Saturday.

Tomorrow we’re doing the Mazda Athletics Club fun walk/run at 06:40am. Let’s see if we can improve the 55 mins….

And I won… A blowdry at Tanaz

Thanks to Tanya at Rattle and Mum, I won a blowdry at Tanaz. Thank you so much. Up until I read about a Blowdry bar i had no idea this even existed??? I am way too impatient to sit in a salon for hours on end just to get my hair done…This will defintely be a treat as my hair will not see a hairdryer well until I’m in the mood to blow dry it… Way too much frolicking to do….

Much appreciated

Spirited Mama

Any takers…..

I need a bank account makeover. Like seriously! If I want to get my hands onto a few beauties, I need a volunteer to contribute to my bank account….. I’ve been oohing and ahhing over these but I can’t decide what takes preference right now. I really can’t justify spending a small fortune when I could and really should be making some wise better financial decisions….

But really how gorgeous are these:

Tip: You can find them over at ZANDO













P.S. Are there any tech savvy people out there who can assist with ads and wordpress compatability? I am just NOT that person. And it’s nerve wrecking….

And then I won! A real prize, this time

Stacey at There’s a lionheart in our Bath tub! has made me a winner wena! (I’m not sure what it means but that’s what is said in South Africa).

When I saw my email yesterday it read “Hey there, You’ve won!” I was doing a happy dance and was bouncing up and down on my chair and then I thought “What if she made a mistake and the email was not for me”. “What if I’m not the winner?” Immediately, I emailed her to say thank you and just to put my heart at ease that I did in fact win the prize.

Stacey, thank you so much. I’ve embarked on a “Loving me Journey”. I’ve detoxed. Now I’m going to tone. And hopefully come end of April, I will be rocking my size 32 Levi’s down in Cape Town.

<Yes, last month I could wear them and then something happened. Not sure what. I keep reminding my Dude to not put my Levi’s in the tumble dryer, but he never listens…>


This is what I’ve won. Mama MioToning Serum!!!!!  I’m so excited to try this. I feel like a 2yr old child who was just told that they could do something that they were always told not to do.

Tomorrow is a holiday

So tomorrow is Human Right’s Day in South Africa. And as a citizen I get the day off. Yep, it’s an official H.o.l.i.d.a.y!

I’m not going to give you a lecture about the history of South Africa and how we got to a public holiday. Most us don’t know the history/don’t care/just want the day off! <Use what’s relevant to you to justify your day off>

I’m exercising my Human Right tomorrow and will be doing my hair at a real salon and then doing some shopping at the Woolies Quality Sale.

<Tomorrow, it’s 75% off>

P.S. The kids get the day off from school too. I think that we need to change that ruling. The kids and the teachers get so many holidays. Why do they need a day off when th erest of the working class get a day off. Just saying…

P.P.S Daddy Dude is on child duty!


Enjoy your day off. I’m already starting to go slow at work!!!!!

Hip Hip Human Right’s Day!!!

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