Living a SPIRITED life filled with wanderlust, emotions and everything in between

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Work work work work….


Rihanna’s “Work, work, work, work…” could literally be my meme today…

Work…enough said

It has been a really challenging Monday. From the time I walked into my office at 7:45 right up until I left now. I have barely had time to pee, that’s how intense it has been in my office. I was planning on working a little longer but my NEED for food right now has been so excruciating that I just packed up and left. I have eaten all my snack bires, fruit and cranberries. There is literally nothing left in my drawer😆 (Note to self-replace snacks at work).

I am beyond tired. I really want to catch up on series but also read my book. Never,ind the fact that I have draft blog posts hanging in mid air and another exam on friday.

I am waiting for Dudie to finish his Golf lesson so that we can literally just go veg out at home. The bonus is Dude is home already and busy cooking supper.

It’s going to be an early night for the Spirited household. Let’s hope Tuesday is kinder to me… can the holidays come already…..

Spirited Mama

P.S. I could eat supper now and just go to bed already.

My weekly schedule


People listen up – working half day does not equate to doing half the work….In fact you do a full days work in half the time. Last week I wrote about the Benefits of a half day JOB

It is not all moonshine and roses. I do the school run mornings and afternoons. There is NO sick day to just lie in bed. The kid needs to get to school and extra-murals so I have to drag my ass out of that bed, in sickness and in health EVERYDAY!

Dudie once told me “Mom, when one is sick you need to stay in bed right?” Me – yes boy. Your body needs to rest so that it can get better. Dudie – well you NEVER get sick hey? I rest my case!

This is what my weekly schedule looks like. It is not cast in stone and on most days we are home way earlier than our schedule predicts.

Time / period Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
05:00 – 06:00 Wake up and get ready Wake up and get ready Wake up and get ready Wake up and get ready Wake up and get ready
06:15 – 06:45 Get Dudie ready Get Dudie ready Get Dudie ready Get Dudie ready Get Dudie ready
06:45 – 07:00 Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast
07:00 School run School run School run School run School run
08:00 – 12:30 MOM at work MOM at work MOM at work MOM at work MOM at work
13:00 -14:00 Collect @ School Squad training – Swimming Collect @ School
13:15 – 14:15 PlayGolf Home
13:30 – 14:30 Private Swimming Collect @ School


Cricket Practice
14:30 – 15:30 Squad training – Swimming Violin lesson Private Swimming 


Collect @ School
15:30 – 15:45 Home Home Home Home  
16:00 – 17:00 Homework Homework Homework Homework  
18:00 – 19:00 Dinner time Dinner time Dinner time Dinner time  
19:00 Bath time and get ready for bed Bath time and get ready for bed Bath time and get ready for bed Bath time and get ready for bed  
19:30 Bed time Bed time Bed time Bed time  

The empty spaces in between are reserved for Mom to do a shop run/read/gynae/appointments/etc… Sometimes we get home earlier than anticipated and homework is done by 4pm. On a Friday Dudie doesn’t get homework so when we walk into the house we just plonk onto our beds and just do whatever we please. Certain Saturdays we have sporting fixtures so that means we are on the field, wherever that may be as we do not always play home grounds either, by 7am. Weekends are downtime for family outings/activities/etc.

Some times we manage to squeeze in a walk with the dogs during the week. But basically this is how it goes. By looking at our schedule we were never able to do these things when I worked full time. I used to get home by 6pm and then it was a mad rush to get things done. We are blessed that Dude always gets home by latest 16:00 so when I wasn’t there he would just jump in and cook and start on homework etc. But we also never get time with Dude in the morning as he leaves rather early. Some days I will get up extra early and bake something for breakfast and make him a steaming cuppa just to say thanks. We know he wants to be there but at this stage it’s just not possible. We get the best of him in the afternoons.

Yes we are busy but we love it. In fact I can’t imagine what we would be doing if we just had nothing to do. My day is way more hectic than some of my colleagues who work full time. I just can’t see myself in that rat race again, hence why I wrote Happiness vs my full time salary.

Spirited Mama

P.S. I am starting to wonder how we will fit in the resident alien’s schedule….

Benefits of a half day JOB

Yes, it is NOT all moonshine and roses but it does have ALOT of benefits. The biggest pitfall is you earn less than you normally would. (As an aside – my salary is actually NOT too bad compared to most full-time employees….)And you do a full days work in half the time. Nowhere has anyone ever said you will do half the work. EVER. You are supposed to be superhuman.

I am out of the office between 12:30 and 13:00 EVERYDAY! I do not compromise my time anymore. I get Dudie and do the usual school run with extra-mural activities, shopping, etc… We are generally home by 3pm with the exception on Fridays. Then we are home, if we didn’t have any errands, by 13:00 – 13:15.

Dudie doesn’t get homework on a Friday so by the time we get home that child is like a caged animal who has been set free. I allow him to watch TV/play his Playstation/just lounge around as he wishes. All whilst I too just plop onto my bed in my lazy state ‘cos come Friday I am beyond tired too.

So essentially a half day JOB means that I am there for all his activities. For all of his sporting fixtures – this kid plays cricket, golf, hockey, soccer and swims. Homework is done by latest 16:00 everyday. Dude gets the benefit of knowing that the family is sorted by the time he walks in the door, which is usually around 16:00. We actually have some good quality family time together. Dinner time is 18:00/18:30. Bath time is 19:00 and bed time is 19:30. And then the adults can have “time-off”.

I sent Dude this article, as I found that it was an interesting read. He agreed that the benefits of a half day JOB outranks the financial gain for a full-time salary.


We have time for afternoon snacks, and Seattle Coffee stops whilst we go through the car wash. No more rushing like a headless chicken to get things done. And yes we eat together as a family EVERYDAY. In retrospect, our environment is alot more calmer than it used to be. And considering that our resident alien will be arriving in less than 15 weeks – well it’s definitely more beneficial to work half day.










Happy Friday!

Spirited Mama

P.S. Try to stay cool as we are experiencing a HEAT WAVE in Pretoria. Even one of the dogs is feeling it… A refreshing night swim1477583964944


Ronald McDonald I suggest you find another job…

FILE - In this file photo released by McDonald's Corp., a familiar Ronald McDonald in his trademark yellow jumpsuit is shown. Some branding experts think the McDonald’s Corp. clowns’ floppy red shoes and flaming-red hair are too hackneyed for iPod-savvy kids. (AP Photo/McDonald's Corp., file)

Image courtesy of Huffington post.

Ronald McDonald things are not looking good for you. It would seem your JOB is in danger. You might soon be a statistic….

Seriously, hands up if you are scared of clowns! Clowns give me the creeps. I don’t think I will ever have a clown at one of my kids birthday parties… I totally get why kids get freaked out. Have you seen a clown lately?

I have nothing against anyone who chooses to be a clown as a profession but it surely would NOT be my choice. Last night, when I had a million other important things to do, Dude and I were chatting and catching up on the News24 feed for the day. Did you read the Creepy Clown Madness article?

Firstly, click here if you have not read the article.

Secondly, it scared the bejeesus out of me and both Dude and I were reminded of the movie “It” that we saw when we were kids.

Thirdly, Did you know “Coulrophobia – the fear of clowns – may affect as many as one in 10 people, said Matthew Lorber, director of the child and adolescent psychiatry department at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York” scary statistic but is in fact real and not your imagination.

After getting over the initial shock and fear I found so much humour in this as it reminded me of Ronald McDonald. Now, I am not the biggest Mcdonalds fan but can I just say that McDonalds Hong Kong ROCKS! Also, Ronald McDonald I am worried about you as I doubt whether after people see the Creepy Clown article you will have a bad rep….and quite possible be unemployed. I also found this article online

McDonald’s Is Scaling Back Ronald McDonald Appearances Due to Creepy Clown Sightings

Now let me stop clowning around and get to work. Ronald, I don’t know what the fcuk you are gonna do…

Spirited Mama

Happiness vs my full time salary…


Money is not everything BUT it sure does make everything a bit easier!

I am battling with a huge decision to go back to working half day. Working half day = half the salary

Now, this is not a new venture as I had this same debacle when I changed jobs in 2013… It was very beneficial to my family as Dudie got the best of his mom. Now here I sit at the crossroads again

The resident alien is due in February 2017. Of course I can justify taking the half day job to give the resident alien the best of me too. I am just scared shitless as I would again take half a salary. Only difference this time – I have another person to take care of. Yes my Dude is AMAZING. And happily supports our family but I have this huge chip on my shoulder called “Independence”!

In January this year, I started working full time again and boy oh boy did my extra salary come in handy…SHit we even acquired another property…

What kills me is that for me my family comes first. I have a flexible work environment but I do feel that I am doing the resident alien an injustice by working full time. In more ways than one, I have technically made my decision already but I just can’t help but worry about balance sheets and bank statements.

This morning I came across this post, Being a stay at home parent is a luxury, on Harassed Mom’s facebook page and people the lights went on! This describes how I have been feeling. How I am currently feeling. Why do I need to prove anything to anyone? I had my cushy fancy job at Wits Univeristy and I traded it for a half day job. I must admit I felt worthless. Some days I still feel as if I am wasting my talents in this job BUT if I look at what it means for my family the benefits outweigh the title

Why do I need to prove anything to anyone? I had my cushy fancy job at Wits Univeristy and I traded it for a half day job. I must admit I felt worthless. Some days I still feel as if I am wasting my talents in this job BUT if I look at what it means for my family the benefits outweigh the title any day!  I am there for every match, practise, knee scrape and concert! Dudie is sooo flabbergasted if I say I  won’t be able to come watch something that fo him it is incomprehensible…how can Mom NOT be there? I just can’t imagine having the crazy full-time job and 2 kids at home, homework, supper, bath time and hope and pray that the husband and I can squeeze in some “us” time too.

The resident alien is coming. I think I need to give him the best of me too. Who knows perhaps I can find alternative income sources soon. At this point, my brain is fried but I need to take stock and perhaps sit in a quiet spot somewhere and figure out what is out there/ what I can bring to the “proverbial” table in the world.

I have been doing some research and perhaps I am looking in all the wrong places. I found the workingmothersexpo. Think I need to get myself there to find some inspiration!

Why is it so hard to be a working mom???? Change is inevitable. CHANGE is coming! I am scared BUT I am excited!

Spirited Mama

Looking for a new JOB

I’m officially putting myself back on the market. I’m looking for a normal Monday – Friday JOB in Pretoria. So If anyone is hiring please point me in that direction.

Thanking you in advance.

Spirited Mama

P.S. I’m so over the commute between Pretoria and Johannesburg, it’s no longer fun/funny! And the National Bus strike is just making it more tricky… I’m having a mini meltdown as I’ve found the “ideal” school for Dudie but I’m not sure that my HR is going to be enthusiastic about adjusting my working hours. And I’m even less enthusiastic as I think that essentially it might mean that I take a pay cut…..

P.P.S. I really feel my faith and patience being tested.

Out of town as well as mind. Thanks MIL…..

So im in the  Free State for work matters. Im staying in the Anta Boga Boutique Hotel. What a lovely little place. So as i now lay myself to rest, i must add that it is under plush goose downs, i was informed that meetings have been postponed and i get to lie in and enjoy a late breakfast.

i miss my Dude and Dudie….

Cheers for now

Spirited Mama

P.S ive been missing due to work but also some major drama with the mother in law. Lets just say that our relationship has gone sour and i dont know if we could ever be whole again. We will be civil but thats it. I’ll do a post soon….



So whilst I am trying not to lose my mind at work…. This is my snack of choice… but only because I can’t have alcoholic beverages whilst on duty and in public!!!!

I’m so not happy about work right now. And this madness continues until the end of next week!!!!!!

afternoon snack

Cheers for now. Catch you on the sane side…

Spirited Mama

Where to find a holiday school?????

Help please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So Dudie has started Grade 000. Great! All is going swimmingly BUT!!!!! This is a huge BUT! We love his school and his teachers. But this might be the last year that he is there. They have a Private Primary School but it is not on our route. It’s actually way out of our way….Although, on the plus side they give preference to the kids in their Nursery School.

Dudie has been accepted by a very sought after Montessori Nursery school for 2014. Yay! But, I’m not sure that I want to move him there because we don’t want to move him there and then move him again when he has to start Grade 1…. So I really think that I should let the school know that we will not be taking that spot….sigh….

We have been doing the research and we have found a few independent schools, that we really like but it will curb our spontaneous getaways(sob sob)…..

Can you recommend private schools in Pretoria? I’d really appreciate personal experiences….

We do however have a DARK Cloud looming…What do you do about holiday times? I don’t have a nanny/domestic that I can rope in over the holiday. Our family lives in Cape Town. So we basically fend for ourselves in GP. Currently, his school only closes for December but we do take frequent breaks during the year, in case anyone thinks that my child is at school 340 days in the year 🙂

Are there any holiday programmes available in Pretoria? Holiday Schools? We will take leave as and when possible but I would really like to know what other working parents do????

For the record I’m not comfortable leaving Dudie home with a caregiver even if it is family because of:

a) our swimming pool (yes, he does take swimming lessons but he is no olympian)

b) our beloved dogs (we do not leave Dudie unattended with our breed)

c) I don’t want him catching up with soapies during the holiday time ( I would prefer that he be stimulated with age-appropriate activities)

So this is my dilemma… Please let me know how you manage to survive work/parenting/life…

Spirited Mama

P.S. I’m looking for new employment closer to Pretoria as I commute daily. I am more than willing to take a back office, sit quietly and just not be seen but still get MY salary every month…. SO if anyone is hiring, please shout!!!!!

Look who’s working today?

Yes, I’m back at work but I’m not going to exert myself with tedious processes. I’m still recovering from sick leave and guess what I walk in here at 8:30 and I find 2, yes only 2, colleagues in the office…

It seems some colleagues decided that they needed time out so these were the reasons given below:

1. Sick

2. Kid is sick

3. Still sick

4. Running late

Now, after you’ve stopped giggling and after you’ve secretly conspired which excuse you can use to take “time-out” for yourself…. I’m going to catch up on my “private email, harass the financial planner, blog, read blogs, relax, have coffee, go have a scone, play some games, etc etc  etc…



Happy Monday!!!!

Spirited Mama

P.S It’s festive Season. Go on take a “time-out”…. You know you want to 🙂


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