Living a SPIRITED life filled with wanderlust, emotions and everything in between

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Winner Announced

The winner of the Avene Eau Thermale hamper is……

Simone Hansen


Contact me so we can arrange your prize.

Thank you @autographpr thank you for the amazing prize.

Spirited Mama


Siblings – building solid lasting relationships

The thought of Dudie growing up alone has always haunted me and for a very long long long time I wrestled with the idea of having another child. Well 2016 was apparently the year that we decided was a good year to grow Spiritville. In case you were not aware, yes we have a resident alien aka baby, due in Feb 2017…

The idea of having another little person to take care and be my responsibility until the day that I leave this earth is causing some lots of anxiety. But the idea is growing on me and luckily at a much faster rate than my belly…We are excited and nervous and happy and scared all at the same time. There is no handbook to guide you to raise your perfect little angel. We can only hope and pray that what we are doing and teaching our kid(s) will be sufficient for them to become admirable, strong, focused, resilient young adults someday…

Another pressing thought that has been weighing me down is the age gap between Dudie and the resident alien…they will have a SEVEN year gap. Now, I have always said that I am not cut out for two babies and if I ever had another child I will not have them on top of one another. A seven year gaps does give me some sort of a paralysed feeling because doing the math I realised that we would have a teenager and a toddler in the house. When Dudie starts high school, grade 8, then the resident alien would start grade 1…

This morning I found an article on ALL4WOMEN, fostering a strong relationship between siblings. It resonated with me not only because I have a sibling and although we have a 9 year age gap, I’m the older one, but also because I don’t think my parents actively tried to foster a stronger relationship between us. We, my brother and I, are steadily working on our relationship currently. Perhaps my parents just thought that we were generations apart and that they were unsure of how to salvage the gap in our relationship… I am keeping my anxiety at bay and trying to be proactive to foster a relationship between Dudie and his unborn brother…Oh yes, IT’S A BOY!!!

images (2)

I will constantly try my best to ensure that MY TWO boys will know that they are blood brothers and no matter what nothing and no one can take that away from them. What they make of their relationship is up to them but for as long as what I am around I will encourage, love and support their relationship.

Happy Friday!

Spirited Mama

P.S. Mamma had a biopsy but now we wait with baited breath. We will only know what the plan of action/way forward is next week once all the doctors have decided…If you missed it then read the post When CANCER happens…My family fights back


So in my family we have been dealt a low blow this past Sunday.

Here’s a rough breakdown of the lead up to this past Sunday

2014 – My mom’s younger sister, aged 44 at the time, was diagnosed with aggressive breast cancer. Almost immediately had a mastectomy and chemotherapy followed by radiation therapy. In 2015 she was cancer free and we had a huge family celebration in her honour.

2016 – My mom’s youngest sister, also aged 44 at time of diagnosis, is diagnosed with breast cancer. Almost immediately,May 2016, had a double mastectomy. She is cancer free and will not be having chemotherapy nor radiation therapy. Last Sunday, the family had a huge celebration in her honour. Unfortunately, we missed it as we live in Gauteng and had already decided and booked flights to Cape Town for 5 August. I was sad that I missed it but something was knawing at me that we should just stick to our original dates and go to Cape Town as planned on 5 Aug.

So earlier this year I had a mammogram and sonars to check if there is anything to be concerned about… Well there are some minor issues but it’ll be monitored very closely. The doctor suggested that someone in our family should do the genetic test for CANCER. Well let’s just say that if the test results are positive and we have the cancer gene well then it’s a matter of When and not IF you get cancer. Let me just say that medical aids DO NOT cover the test and its about R10 000….So the youngest sister was waiting for confirmation from her medical aid to see if they were willing to assist with any sort of payment for this test… WE WAIT patiently.

Back to the past weekend, my Gran aka MAMMA (I literally feel as though she is my “real” mother. Dude says that I am like her 7th child) has been on/off sick with flu then apparently gall stones. On Saturday we see my Gran and we were shocked to see that she did not look well. She had lost weight and she was just not looking like her old self. She laughed and joked with us for a few hours and eventually we left. On Sunday, we get the call that she is not well and will be taken to Casualties. So most of the family treks to the hospital to go see Mamma. (Bear in mind that we have a very very  very big family. Security was taken aback that we ALL came to see the same person). We arrive to find her smiling smiling and all happy and bubbly in casualties. They do some tests and inform us that her liver is enlarged and is pushing against her lungs, which is causing difficulty breathing. Later, they discover a huge mass in her left breast and now suspect breast cancer. They run some more tests and think that it may have spread to the lungs… They have been doing tests ALL the time. We wait to hear the final results and what the way forward would be.

On Monday we visited Mamma in hospital and spend as much time as possible with her, given that we only had limited time and were  only allowed in one at a time. I got a brief period to tell her that I love her. The hardest part was saying goodbye as we had to come back to Pretoria on Monday evening. I told her that once we have more clarity on this  situation I will fly back to come see her.

Mamma is our go to person. She is the MATRIARCH of this family! She is So incredibly strong for all of us. She is happy and bubbly but I worry that none of us are there after visiting hours. None of us really sees what she is enduring. None of us knows what she is going through for as long as what I have been on this earth Mamma has always been smiling. (Hou altyd die blink kant bo – roughly translated into always keeping a brave and happy face) never letting it show if anything gets to her or gets her down.

I have been crying ALOT and as I sit here now I just can’t help myself… I have prayed and given this situation to GOD. As much as I want Mamma to make a full recovery, I don’t want her to go through any unnecessary trauma of surgeries etc…My biggest fear is her quality of life after surgery(ies)… I have seen what CANCER can do and it’s not what I want for Mamma. Mamma is the type of person who will be here the one day and gone the next. And everyone that knows her will know that that is how she wants to be remembered. All I want is for HER to make her OWN decision as to what she wants to do. This past weekend I saw that my family might not accept Mamma’s decision…and I worry that they will bully her into something that she did not want. It’s the hardest decision to just let go and let GOD be because we all want more time with a loved one but like I said it kills me to think of what quality of life she might have afterwards… Nothing has been finalised and no decisions have been made as yet.

I pray for my MAMMA…

Spirited Mama


This was a random image I found on Pinterest…

Random ramblings

It’s FRIDAY!!!! Whoohoooooo

Well in Spiritville this week surely took its own damn time. Even though we had a mini break on Wednesday as it was Voter’s Day ( I sincerely hope you made your mark as I did – your vote will only matter if you vote. Period. End of Story. I die a small death every time I hear someone say “my vote doesn’t matter so I why bother”. It is because of such attitudes that we miss the plot and that our RAND plummets every time there is anything remotely political being publicized.)

It’s been cold and warm in the same week, I think I even felt it on the same day too. Just love Pretoria Winters. But it does mess with your wardrobe a bit as you are not sure what would be appropriate attire. Well LAYERING is all that I can say…

On my drive in to the office this morning I realised that I really can’t imagine having weetbix for breakfast. I would much rather prefer some cooked oats. Well I didn’t have the luxury of time (for breakfast) this morning although I did manage to wash and dry my hair in record time, I made a quick pitstop at KFC. I was going to get the oats but then I couldn’t find it on the menu. However, the A.M. Riser caught my eye and that is what I got. Best R21.90 ever spent.


Oh how I miss my coffee. Decaf is just not cutting it for me. It didn’t do the trick when I was with child almost 7 years ago and it’s definitely not cutting right now either. I have done the hot chocolate, hot milo, cold milo, tea etc…but I JUST CAN’T GET OVER MY COFFEE….

Have a great FRIDAY.

Spirited Mama

P.S. I have an official viewing of our Resident Alien later today. We will be taking Dudie along this time. That boy is so excited to see the baby.

Hong Kong

We recently took some time out and went to Hong Kong for some R & R…..It was amazing and hot and wonderful. Filled with crazy adventures and my S Health App going bezerk at my daily step count cos whoa baby I must have clocked a month’s steps in 7 days….

We did fly out in business class and had those luxury lie flat beds…what a way to travel. If there is one thing that should be mandatory for a bucket list it would be to travel in business class on a long haul flight…Thank you for your hospitality SAA. <Sidebar – one day when I am big I want to travel in Upper class with Virgin or first class with Emirates…just for those PJs>

When we left SA it was Winter, when we arrived in Hong Kong it was full blown Summer, like 38 degrees and humid as hell Summer. We loved it though. We even loved the light afternoon showers on two days that cooled us down whilst shopping at the markets. The city came alive at night with its bright lights and the streets were buzzing with people. I was in awe at how at 11pm it seemed like it was possibly 4/5 PM…We travelled by bus/train/taxi…and yes it was surprisingly easy to find our way around the city and various islands.

The fruit in this place is absolutely amazing. As my resident Alien, aka new baby, is still killing me with the ALL DAY vomiting and morning sickness(yes I puke even through my prescribed meds) the sweet fruits like melons, pineapples and grapes brought some respite. I had actually forgotten what my first pregnancy was like until this morning sickness violently kicked in. Now before you go bonkers I did get an all clear from my doctor to travel beforehand and had to solemnly swear that I would eat only proper cooked foods and NO sushi…

We ended our holiday with a trip to Hong Kong DisneyLand. Now let me point out that it is a crap load of money just to enter the park but it is so worth it! Dudie kept saying it’s his bestest day ever.

We left Hong Kong with suitcases that were ready to pop, no literally. I had Dude sit on each and every bag as I closed it up before we left… I made them vow not to attempt to open those bags until we are back home in South Africa. We arrived back to whopping 4 degrees in Johannesburg.

Here’s to planning our next holiday…Dude is already thinking of island destinations to take a newborn…

Spirited Mama

P.S. So I took my shoes off for the duration of the return flight…an low and behold I could not get the damn shoes back on when we had to get off in Johannesburg. I was very close to just walking barefeet  cos I just could not get my swollen feet into the shoes. Note to self keep flipflops in carry on luggage next time.

Our resident ALIEN…aka baby

YES, we are having a baby. It’s happening. This baby will be making an appearance very close to our 10 year wedding anniversary. So what an awesome gift! When I showed Dudie a scan and an early foetal development video he aptly responded….is that the baby? looks like an alien.

Of course everyone is totally beside themselves with JOY and so too am I . I was very reluctant and hesitant but it seems things have a way of working out for the greater good. I am longing and yearning for this baby as much as Dude and Dudie.

It’s going to be an adjustment as it’ll be like starting over. Dudie will be 7 when this baby arrives.
So here’s to us having a super awesome sorted baby routine in no time….Hey don’t judge I can wish can’t I. At this stage I can’t think of sleepless nights, breastfeeding, purity and nappies etc…

Spiritville is growing…

Spirited Mama

P.S. did I mention that I will be in my final year of studies when this baby arrives…OMG we will cross that bridge when we get there.

Hello…..Back from my GAP year!

Hello 2015!

I can’t believe it’s been soooo long since I’ve blogged.  I’ve missed it. Very much so. There were days when I wanted to blog and I signed in all BUT then I just sat there and stared…  I’m not sure how or why I was taking this GAP year, which initially I planned as a GAP month or 3 but it ended up being more than a year.

It feels weirdly odd but good to be here again.


So many things have happened.  The good, the bad and ugly cries.  But also so many amazing good things have happened.  I might share but for now I am easing into 2015. And I’m trying to take it slow.  To stop and enjoy life.

My mind is in a tizz and I feel like I should be organising myself or making little to-do lists but I just can’t seem to bring myself to a point of “Begin”… I’m not entirely sure what 2015 has in store for Spiritville but for now I am stopping to smell the tulips….


I am in a mellow yellow kinda mood.

Happy 2015!



Still here….


Whilst ET tried to call home, I wonder what he would do with all the technology of today, I’ve been working halfday, baking and cooking like Masterchef and really just enjoying my “free”time.

Technically, it’s not free time as the half of the day when I’m done at work is already filled with various activities but that’s life i suppose.  We’ve been indulging in our family time and spend more quality time together.  Can’t wait for Summer to hit the pool, or in my case swim off the extra weight….I pray it works.

The cooking and baking is definitely evident in my entire household, we all bought new clothes.  Need to make healthier variations.

I’m not even going to attempt catching up with my reader ‘cos its just not going to happen.

On that note, I’m less stressed at work.  Just when I do want to throw a Tantrum it’s time to go home.

Anybody in Pretoria want to have a cold one, let me know! Spiritedmamablog@gmail.coM tea/coffee/wine/beer/etc

for now let me watch Dudie swim, he’s just completed level 4!!!! And he dives! I can’t dive to save my life… Well done Dudie!

hope all is well with everyone

Spirited Mama


Greetings from…. Mauritius!!!!!!!!

Dear Blog

I apologise for neglecting you but things have been really busy in Spiritville.

Apart from having great family time, i’ve technically resigned from my JOB to start a new one only 7km’s from home!!!! We had to make plans, calculate and recalculate finances and then just decided stuff it We’re going to Mauritius! And that’s that.

So here we are on an all inclusive package. An over supplu of food, desserts and drinks….wow,, these guys serve loads of drinks….

it is hot, the beach is beautiful oh and Dudie cries to go to the kids club. He adores the ladies at the club. So off i go to have La Pointe, a yellow green cocktail-delicious, and to breathe in Mauritius…




Interesting Blog award from Reluctant Mom

***Happy Dance*** Someone thinks I’m awesome and I’m loving the attention.  Things have been hectic in Spiritville. Great things are happening but I’ll have to keep things on the down low for now…

Thanks Reluctant Mom!!! (((Virtual Hug))) And we did meet via The Moomie Forum. I still owe you wine and chuckles… I need to visit Cape Town sometime… Like your award button better. Nimbus 2000 Model courtesy of Reluctant Mom below:


Reluctant Mom was bestowed the “Interesting blog award by the Blurred Line” and then bestowed it on yours truly. I take this as a pat on the back ‘cos honestly I sometimes wonder “who reads my crap?” who would be interested in me? I’m ordinary and not a “cool” blogger. I blog just because I need an outlet from time to time. Ok sometimes its more frequent but hey like I said it’s cheaper than therapy.

The New Rules are:

  1. Thank the person who nominated you
  2. List 5 random facts about yourself
  1. Nominate a MAXIMUM of 3 blogs for the award – I know sometimes trying to find 5 is a challenge and it also dilutes the “play it forward idea”
  2. Ask the nominees 5 questions of your choice
  3. And finally, let them know you have nominated them
  4. But I really think we should keep this one – promise to never listen to Justin Bieber again

Thank you Reluctant Mom *curtsy*

Q’s from Reluctant Mom and A’s from Spirited Mama1:

One | What would you buy with five rand? If you figure that out let me know too ‘cos you can’t get bread/milk ? If I were still smoking I would buy loose draws 🙂 But considering that I’m a non-smoker I’d buy Wilson toffees – fck the shop at work charges so much I think I might only get 3 maybe 4.
Two | When was the last time you told a lie? And what was it? This morning as I’m trying to score a day’s leave this week… watch this space. Technically I need 2 hours off but come on why would I just take two hours when I can take a full day.

Three | When was the last time you went for a mammogram?  Was it as bad as you thought it was going to be? Never ever… Sigh – maybe it’s time to make an appointment. Oh and maybe get a once over from my v-jay jay doctor as I know I’m over due with my annual check up.

Four | What was the worst baby/child name you have ever heard? Le-A. Do you know how to pronounce it? Le-dasha-A ! That’s what her Mama gave her. I’ll be like WTF Mama????Ok it’s not that bad but my brain is on a go slow .

Five | What is the phrase you swore you would never use, and now you are sounding just like your mother and screaming it down the passage? Do you want me to give you a reason to cry? *sigh* i can’t stop it…Parenting is hardcore

3 Interesting Bloggers according to Spirited Standards:

Juggling act of life

Memoirs 4 my munchkins

My questions to the 3 bloggers:

1. Does Social Media control you?

2. If given a Personal Assistant for a week, what would you ask your PA to do for you?

3. What do you make of the Guptas using Waterkloof to land their plane? <SERIOUSLY, class=hiddenSpellError pre=”OR ” Tambo to board a plane. Would never have to miss a flight cos it’s half way 🙂 >

4. Shoes or handbags? Any please list the total you have.

5. Who would you choose as the next President of South Africa?


I really can’t making any promises about the Bieber cos I have family members who drool over this boychild and I have found myself humming to some of his tunes… But I’ll try my hardest.

Fingers crossed for a great week ahead.

Spirited Mama

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