Living a SPIRITED life filled with wanderlust, emotions and everything in between

Tag: choices Page 10 of 11

Jacobs Coffee……. What’s your forte?

Coffee and me

I used to be addicted to coffee. In my youthful stage, I lived on coffee, coca cola, chocolate and cigarettes…

<I don’t do decaf – its like smoking a light cigarette because it’s healthier… Really! That’s a fucked up analogy in my book>

Then I kinda became an adult and thought ok, now I need to watch what I eat ‘cos my metabolism is no longer working on its own. I need to get that Bitch to work again with minimal effort from my side. So I cut down on coffee. I love the rest way way way too much. So I cut down from 12 cups to 4. And then 2. And then at some stage none.

I gave up sugar 3 yrs ago, so no sugar in my tea/coffee. My reasoning was that I eat chocolate almost daily so I really don’t need the extra sugar. I really don’t miss the sugar at all.

<I don’t even give Dudie sugar. He gets black sugarless rooibos or sugarless milo or sugarless cereal. My Dude, of course dies a small death ‘cos he feels that the child needs that sugar but I justify it with the fruit juices and chocolate that he ingests. This boy loves chocolate almost as much as I do.>

Why Jacob’s Coffee?

Now, coming back to coffee! I can’t stomach cheap coffee. And yes, I would donate an organ to buy the Jacobs coffee we so faithfully buy. When it looks as if we’re low,  half way through the jar, on coffee I have a mini anxiety attack and dash to shop to get some more. As you know, Murphy likes to fuck up my day and I’ve driven around way too often looking for Jacobs coffee. So when we got back from Cape Town, I realized that the coffee was finished! I had my anxiety attack and then had two choices…

  1. Have some Ricoffy – Dude’s employer gave them a moerse tin and a 2kg sugar – fuck knows why.
  2. Have the last sachet of Nescafé that I took  at the Conference venue when my office went on a Strategic Planning Session.

I chose option 2!!!! Before Dude could! And when Dude asked: “Where’s the Coffee?” I answered: “There’s some refreshing Ricoffy in the cupboard”. He gave me the evil eye as he explained that he wanted needed Jacobs…

<I just had a light bulb moment – I will contact the good people at Jacobs and just open an account. That way they can debit my bank account and I always have coffee. Wonder if I can arrange terms???>

So what’s your favourite coffee?

Spirited Mama

P.S. Remind me to tell you about the fraudulent activity that has taken place on my Credit Card. Sigh, I need to wait a day or two for a replacement card. Do these peeps not know how many awesome deals I’m missing out on Groupon. My Dude refuses to borrow me his card!

A frog or Not…swimming lessons starting soon

So, tomorrow Dudie starts swimming lessons… <Dudie is the frog ‘cos he is as happy as a fish in water.>

Do I have a frog or not?

Yay, for the fact that I won’t have a mini heart attack everytime Dudie wants to play outside close to the pool but NAY on the price tag of Little Swimmers! Oh my Gloria, why should swimming nappies be so expensive? At home we just go “All Natural” but I don’t think that the Swimming Instructor/ other parents/ swimmers will appreciate the view…

My Dude seems to think that we can recycle the swimmer for at least 2 uses but Dudie pees in that swimmers as soon as I pull it up over his behind! Now, I refuse to recycle a swimmer let alone one that was pee’d in. Also, is it just me but is it only Huggies that are genius with swimmers?

Yesterday, we went in search of a swimming cap for Dudie. Mofo, what a mission. It doesn’t look like anyone stocks kiddie swimming caps anymore. Or I just missed them. After opening and fitting numerous caps, we eventually settled on one but I think that it’s not really made for him.

Ready to swim

With that we’re ready for tomorrow:

Swimming cap


Little Swimmer (unused)


One very eager beaver

One very nervous mommy

Can you swim?

My Dude can swim. Me – well I’m water safe. Was thinking that maybe I’ll enroll myself too and hopefully they can do Stroke correction with me. My freestyle looks more like I’m drowning. HAHAHA. But at least I can float …

Spirited Mama

Taking to the streets

Why I’m taking to the streets

I decided that I just simply can’t afford to work anymore. Soon I won’t be able to afford the trip to work and back daily… So, I’ve decided that I’m taking to the street alongside a colleague with this sign board…..

P.S Credit for this note goes to my colleague who for now we’ll call “Smiley”












Spirited Mama

New Consumer Watchdog on the prowl

 Self proclaimed consumer watchdog and RIP Isabel Jones

I’m officially dubbing myself as the new consumer watchdog via my blog. I’ve wondered way too many times why I buy certain things. Maybe it’s because the ad was great/enticing/cunning/just a great ad/ whatever it may be I fell for it. Then I get to try *insert relevant product here* and voila it doesn’t work the way it’s supposed to. Or it doesn’t do what it’s supposed to. Many of you might be familiar with Isabel Jones and I must add that I was taken aback when I heard of her passing, RIP Isabel Jones. I thought “Who would tell me about “What not to buy” or “What is just a load of crap” etc. Somewhere< I actually thought that “I” could be a consumer watchdog. I don’t want to have a TV show, ok maybe later but just a few cameo appearances nothing major. > But I could definitely give you a couple of reviews that would shock the nation.

I hardly drink alcohol. I gave up smoking. But I do love shopping! I do love shopping! <for the record I don’t think shopping is a girls thing. My Dude gets more excited about a sale than me. I am not kidding.>

Shopping is my vice. Online/in person/ though an agent, doesn’t matter. <My friends think that I’m a groupon junkie – for the record I love groupon.>

Epic fail with some consumer products

1. Vacuum bags  – this worked maybe for a week and then it popped in my cupboard, spilling items. You know the ones I’ talking about? The storage bags where you can store crap, use a vacuum to suck out the air and flattened it. Basically it gives you much needed space in your cupboards.

2. Manicure set – Woe is me – when I tried this battery operated thingy I thought that I was about to grind off my hand never mind my nail. I hardly have time to do nails so this was a way of getting an express mani. This thing is a serious hazard. I’m going to donate it to Dude – he can use it in the garage. Think of it as a mini grinder.

3. Potato peeler – that supposedly makes those yummy spirally potato stick things. I must admit I’ve never tried it because I don’t know how to assemble it and every time I try to assemble it the thing falls apart. We bought this product a good couple of years ago.

4. Russell Hobs Take two coffee maker – I loved the idea because it was coffee on the go. BUT I drink hot coffee. By the time you’re done brewing the coffee is not even warm it’s luke warm. Epic fail Russell Hobbs.

5. Pineware frying pan – Yesterday I bought a frying pan at PnP hyper. It was on special and I’ve been wanting to buy a smaller one as we have a big one but I want or rather need a smaller one. I assemble the knob to the lid and 1, 2, 3 it breaks. The knob. Now I have a frying pan lid with a screw attached but no knob. I have to go and exchange it today. Can I bill PnP for my fuel? It’s costing me an extra trip and no one is covering my fuel. So what I saved on the purchase price I’m spending on fuel.

Spirited Mama

You just can’t win. That’s enough ranting for one day. Just a quick question – Has anyone registered for E-tolling? It seems that no one is taking this seriously. But how can we when the fuel is higher, the food is more expensive and the electricity as well as the rates and taxes. I don’t think that I’m going to get a e-tag. Sorry Sanral. Government – you need to give back the Pension money…

Today, I am deaf to the world ( I choose to be)


I stole borrowed this picture from justbetweencousins and thought that this is exactly how I feel today. I have no ears. Today, I am deaf to the world, including Dudie and Dude!  

Today, I choose NOT to hear anything

So Easter has come and gone and boy was it a busy jam packed four days. In South Africa, we celebrate Good Friday (it’s a public holiday), Easter Sunday and Easter Monday (another public holiday).  Did I mention that Dude had to work all weekend, including Good Friday and Easter Monday….

<Dude has an awesome super important job and if it wasn’t for him and the other employees most of you would not see your relatives or go on holiday breaks etc. <Dude works mostly over all the important holidays, e.g. Easter/ Christmas/school holidays. I’ll tell you more about how we take family holidays during school terms on another day. For now, it works as Dudie is not bound to school terms yet. So we get to gallivant whilst everyone else is working.>

So I left work early (11:30am) on Thursday to collect the Dudie and we headed off to the shops for a few groceries and some chocolate bunnies. All goes well until we get to the shop and Dudie knods off as I enter the parking lot. <He obviously did not have nap time at school as they finished early.> I decide to put him in his pram and dash through the shop as I only need 1 or 2 items. Blah Blah Blah. I’m a shopaholic and I cannot do 5 minutes in a shop. I need at least 30 minutes! So whilst Dudie was having a shit fit about wanting to watch “Happy Feet” – I think the shops are out to get me, why would you put on a fucking movie for all the kids to go ape shit about – I was tempted to ask the security guard to just watch Dudie, in his pram, whilst I go through the isles – I got my items. I stacked items below, on top and behind this child and when we got to the check out counter you should have seen the amazement of the shop assistant – I had quite a few items to unpack – and they were all neatly stored in my son’s pram. So we headed home where I carefully transferred sleeping child to bed and low and behold he managed to sleep a full 15 minutes. OMG! I took it in my stride and remained calm. I let him climb the burglar bars in the lounge whilst I made sandwiches. We watched Happy feet – we’ve watched the 1st and 2nd one a gazillion times – and ate sweets and had milkshake and happy times.  We also ate peanut butter straight from the jar with our special spoons.

I love spending time with Dudie.

BUT, I think I may have over done it – spending time with him. Right now, Dudie and I are sensitive towards each other. I need a time out. I now realise why some moms people have so much alcohol in their house!

Friday:                  Lunch with Friends

Saturday:             Farmer’s market and shops. And when Dude came home, we went to play games at the mall. We even went out for Dinner, with a very trying toddler.

Sunday:                Service of Light at Church (5:30am – Dudie woke at 5am and then I decided that we’re up so we might as well get going to church early)

Breakfast at church

Lunch at the Botanical Gardens

Monday:              We slept late – Dudie & I. Albeit Dudie interrupted my sleep from midnight. We got up at 9am. That’s sleeping late to me>

Easter egg hunt and lunch with my cousin and her family.   <I love how they love Dudie. How they soak him up.>

I have told Dude that I need a break. This child of mine drains me physically, mentally, spiritually, emotionally, etc. I love him but right now I need a break. I don’t want to talk. I want to sit here, browse the internet, blog, read blogs and eat my lunch. It’s cold in Gauteng, but still sunny. I’m looking forward to tonight , Dude will be making a fire and I hopefully get to curl up with a glass of wine and my book whilst Dude takes care of Dudie. A girl can dream…

What did you get up too?

Spirited Mama

P.S. Hats off to single parents. Oh, and we thank God daily for his school in our prayers. He even says “tank you for school”

Tomorrow is a holiday

So tomorrow is Human Right’s Day in South Africa. And as a citizen I get the day off. Yep, it’s an official H.o.l.i.d.a.y!

I’m not going to give you a lecture about the history of South Africa and how we got to a public holiday. Most us don’t know the history/don’t care/just want the day off! <Use what’s relevant to you to justify your day off>

I’m exercising my Human Right tomorrow and will be doing my hair at a real salon and then doing some shopping at the Woolies Quality Sale.

<Tomorrow, it’s 75% off>

P.S. The kids get the day off from school too. I think that we need to change that ruling. The kids and the teachers get so many holidays. Why do they need a day off when th erest of the working class get a day off. Just saying…

P.P.S Daddy Dude is on child duty!


Enjoy your day off. I’m already starting to go slow at work!!!!!

Hip Hip Human Right’s Day!!!

Dudie is moving on up!

Dudie, it’s official. You now sleep in your big boy bed. Yesterday, we packed away your cotand rearranged your room. Bed and all. You bumped your head a million times within 1minute of you being on the bed but you were happy! You kept telling Daddy and I to lie on your bed, with you. Eventually, Mommy left because mommy kept laughing and we’d have to start the “calming” process all over…

Dudie, I love you. And I love how you tell me “Love you”. Mommy’s so proud of you for graduating to your big boy bed. And it seems that you’re loving it.

Dudie. But you were still snoring albeit softly in your bed this morning.>

Cheers! It’s the Weekennnddddddddd BaaaaaaaaabbbbbbY

So this was my daily inspiration today

I remember that it’s Confucius who’s dishing out advice again.

2 Pieces of advice for Married Men

Never laugh at your wife’s choices;

You are one of them

Never be proud of your choices;

Your wife is one of them

this is exactly why need to find me

This is good. This resonates with me. This is exactly why I need to find me.

I read this over at Dear Max:

I am that person who likes to please others. I “need” to please others. It’s in my genetic make-up and I’m trying struggling to change it. And it’s getting the better of me…

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