Living a SPIRITED life filled with wanderlust, emotions and everything in between

Tag: Communication Page 1 of 2


Bored? Teach your kids some skills with board games with #PrimaGamesFest + Win

Board games are still a part of me

Board games reminds me of so many childhood memories with my extended family. And to this day, a family gathering is NOT complete without at least one night of playing board games. We live in Gauteng and most of our family live in the Western Cape. So whenever we visit the family, you can bet on it that we will squeeze in a board game or two. In fact, it’s sort of become our tradition and Dudie, 8 years old, loves it!

I have one brother, 9 years younger than me. So growing up I felt like an only child. Don’t despair because I have loads of cousins and if you saw us together you would think that we were siblings. The endless fights BUT the closeness so surreal. Board games was also our escape from the madness of busy days and the boredom during school holidays. I don’t remember being BORED growing up!

Board games also kept us out of mischief as one time we burnt down Mamma’s beloved tree, but that is a story for another day…. I only told Mamma almost 20 years later what actually happened to her tree.

Competitive much? Try board games

Personality is linked to genetics, go google it… I’ll wait.

That being said both Dude and I are competitive by nature! And Dudie inherited THAT gene two fold. Holy moly, this child DOES NOT WANT TO LOSE! Be that as it may, we have subtle ways of reminding him that you WON’T always win in life, so you need to know how to handle that loss. Board games is one of the methods we use to get this point across.

When we play boardgames, we don’t LET him win. He has to win fair and square. We, rather I, won’t throw the game so that he can win. The lesson is sinking in and I see that he is much better at managing his competitive nature.

Parents should take advantage of board games

Growing up, the parents were always busy working so kids were left to entertain themselves. I was fortunate that Mamma was home to take care of us after school. My favourite after school activity, as you know it pours in Cape Town during Winter, was playing Rummikub with Mamma. Hours of endless fun and bonus learning!

Now being a parent myself, I see the  learning opportunity and take full advantage of games in general.

Preparing this generation for Life to come

Workplace situations – perseverance, tolerance, team work, communication, conflict  resolution, negotiation skills… Are these not SKILLS that employers are trying to hone in on?

Why are YOU not instilling these skills into the next generation? They are the FUTURE!

It need not be so complicated. It starts with baby steps, and by that I mean, start with a game. PLAY with YOUR kids. Learn from one another AND teach/build/enhance their skills whilst brushing up on YOUR OWN SKILLS. Inevitably, these skills become their coping mechanisms through life. And the BONUS is that YOU are BONDING with your family x.

Communicate with each other – I mean like talk to each other IN PERSON! No technology involved other than actual people talking face to face, in person. Yes, we live in a technologically driven world BUT sometimes you need to step back, switch off those devices AND just talk to the person. No text, no whatsapp, no facetime, no snapchat – Just talk like we used to in the “olden days”…

We tested some games for the #PrimaGamesFest

I consider these games, tabletop games BUT in our case, BEST played on the floor.

#PrimaGamesFest review


This game is FUN for adult and child alike! It’s easy to understand and once you get the hang of it, you and your kid(s) won’t want to stop. Hours of endless fun to curb some cabin fever this winter. Once you have mastered Rummikub, try Rummikub with a twist to spice things up a bit! Make sure you get a little helper to clear up AFTER you’re done playing 🙂


Little sibling, aka Troll, clearing up after the game is done

Boomblast stix

Now this game is something you MUST try with your family and friends. It’s listed as a “teen” game BUT even my 1 year old cracks his belly laugh when we play Boomblast stix. *we don’t let Troll play with it! He is our spectator cheering us on 🙂 I’m going to do a proper video of this one soon!

King Pong

It’s all about your accuracy and speed. I’ll show you OUR version, we still need loads of practise AND then I’ll show you what it actually needs to look like 🙂

World’s smallest Doodletop

For the doodlers – You MUST try this one! I am NOT a doodler but I thoroughly enjoyed this doodletop. Probably because it requires minimal input from MY side… My Dudie thinks everyone can be an artist with a doodletop 🙂



Boardgames and games are a wonderful form of entertainment and this year, to showcase Prima Toys’ amazing products, we are very proud to be launching the first ever Games Festival. The festival highlights all our hottest game and boardgame products from the traditional ones like Rummikub and Snakes & Ladders to the brand new King Pong, Boomblast and Flipside!

The hottest #PrimaGamesFest products:

For Toddlers and Children

  • Twist & Turn
  • Disney 4 in 1 Game
  • Frozen Matching Game
  • Frozen Activity Packs
  • Lion Guard Surprise Slides
  • Lion Guard Matching Game
  • Peppa Pig Dominoes
  • Disney junior Surprise Slides
  • Minnie Play & learn educational game
  • Disney Princess Brainstorm
  • Sofia the First my nail studio
  • L.O.L. Surprise Game
  • L.O.L. Puzzle


For Teenagers

  • Flipside
  • Boomblast
  • Kingpong
  • Rubik’s Cube


Family Games

  • Wikipedia
  • 20 Questions
  • Rummikub
  • Hotel Tycoon
  • Anti-Monopoly


For more information go to or

WIN the King Pong Game!!!

All you have to do is share this giveaway post on Facebook + tag a friend!

*Make sure that you share publicly and tag me so that I know you have entered*

And GO!!!

Spirited Mama


T’s & C’s

**Competition closes 31 July 2018. Winner will be announced on 3 August 2018.
Open to South African residents only.
Winner will be randomly selected. 
No correspondence will be entered into once a winner is selected.
Winner will be announced on my social media accounts and notified via email.
I reserve the right to disqualify invalid entries.

***Disclaimer – The games were sent to us for review but the views and opinions expressed are my own.***



My kids make me angry or is it just me needing to express my emotions?

Do my kids really make me angry?

My kids have a set routine and we follow their routines quite efficiently. They know what to expect and when to expect it and this in turn sees them as generally “good” kids. The problem is that I feel they make me angry when they don’t do what I want them to do…when I want them to do it.

I don’t think I have the right to be angry BUT in that moment I am angry and I can’t help it! I breathe, I tell myself to calm the fuck down. It’s not the end of the world BUT to me it feels that I have lost control.

So I’ve been toying with this anger for a while and Tuesday was one of those nights… Our electricity went out just after 8pm. For the record, Troll, 1 yr, goes to bed anywhere from 6 – 7 pm. No issues, no fuss. Dudie, 8 years, goes to bed 7:30 PM but now during school holiday we leave him until generally around 9/10 PM.

Back to Tuesday. Electricity goes out just after 8PM. Granted we have a generator but we had done everything that we needed to so there was technically no reason to use the generator other than to be able to power the aircons. It’s freezing at night.

Troll sleeps in his own room and does not co-sleep with us AT ALL. We expereinced a terrible week of co-sleeping whilst on holiday earlier in teh year and I vowed that we would NOT repeat that again. So we decided it would be a good idea for the rest of the family to catch up on some sleep and turn down early.

Around 9PM, one of the neighbours switched on their generator. WTF! Both dude and I were like, “that generator is going to wake Troll” as it sounds as if it is coming from next door, closest to his window…. And BAM! Baby wakes up and is pissed as hell. So I quickly cuddle him in our bed for some warmth and pray that he just goes back to sleep. That must have lasted 20 minutes…

Troll decided he wants to play because why else would he be in our bed… The dilemma we had was that his room was freezing cos NO aircon! Troll is also a bad, all over the bed, sleeper. So in between Dude and I trying to get him to settle, Dude eventually pipes up that Troll is NOT going to sleep and we should just let him be.

 Where the anger stems from?

So many possible solutions here but let me point out a few:

  • If I have settled my kids, then why are they not settled??? I don’t know how to help you.
  • I feel that I have lost control of the situation.
  • What am I doing wrong? Parenting is kicking my ass. If I can’t manage my kids at 8 years and 1 year, what will I do when they are teenagers…
  • I am tired and just want a good night’s sleep.
  • I’m under pressure and stressed at work.
  • This situation is not conducive to my current mood and is quite inconvenient and inconsiderate right now…
  • I expect my kids to be more mature… How I can think this crap is beyond me. Note to self – THEY ARE KIDS!

I really need to get a grip on these negative thoughts!

How I am managing my anger

I know that many parents feel this way too. It’s not intentional BUT these feelings creep up when I least expect it. Some days I manage the anger well and others NOT.

I want to start making notes of when, where and WHY I became angry. Hopefully, this might point out some triggers for similar situations.

More and more I find myself talking to myself, sometimes aloud. This is not as crazy as you might think because sometimes we need to SAY SOMETHING OUT LOUD and hear YOUR OWN VOICE. You might have that much needed ah-ha moment.

I’m trying my hardest to model good behaviour.

I need regular time-outs! Nothing fancy, just a time-out to do me… some times a walk outside the house to look at our roses bushes does wonders…

Parenting and emotions

Parenting is NOT for the faint hearted! Parenting is very very hard sometimes. It’s an emotional roller coaster. As a woman, I already have dozens of emotions and hormones doing all kinds of crazy things to me and on top of that I still have to keep my emotions in check when parenting. That being said, Parenting is also my greatest achievement!


Spirited Mama quotes


I just can’t imagine living without my offspring…

Spirited Mama



Dinner conversations

We are fortunate in the Spirited household that I work half day. Dudie and I get home anywhere between 13:00 – 15:00, depending on the extra mural activities for the day. EXCEPT on Fridays. We do not compromise our FRIDAY! We have no extra murals and all shopping excursions is left for any day of the week EXCEPT Friday!

Granted Dudie and I are home early during the day and generally Dude is home by 16:00 everyday. We get to have to have a family dinner roughly 18:00 -18:30, you know those ones we see on TV and think fcuk how do they eat that early everyday…well half day JOB = early family dinner time

Dinner conversations in our house

Our dinner time conversations are roughly about catching up on each other’s day and reminding one another to look at our “schedules” on the board. I am OCD with schedules and lists…I don’t like MAJOR surprises or curveballs. I like to plan and know what’s happening. On most nights this is how it goes…

(This is how it plays off in Dude’s mind)

Me: blah blah blah…so the other kid at swimming blah

Dudie: (interrupts whilst I am still talking) Daddy can I tell you something? Blah blah Blah

Dude: Stares blankly and says WHOA one at a time.

My Dude basically has a hissy fit because we are talking simultaneously. Well let me just add that Dudie sometimes forget to wait until someone is done speaking before going off on a tangent with his own story. That boy will sometimes ask and answer the very question he has just posed to you.

I want to die everytime I have to repeat myself cos who listens to the mom/wife anyway? Dude is so guilty of this. he will literally look me in the eye and “listen” but 5 minutes later asked me  to repeat what I said cos he didn’t hear me….

Conversations filled with fun and laughter

Our dinner conversations are filled with fun and laughter but sometimes we prefer to have some quiet time too. But the other night the boys were cracking jokes. I moaned  the resident alien is super busy and kicking the daylights out of me. Dudie comes to check and gets a kick on the hand. I said every time the resident alien moves I poke him. Dudie pipes up: So poke him! I snort laughed and sprayed them and the spinach rolls with coffee….which was in my mouth. I did apologise because being pregnant I constantly need to pee and a laugh/sneeze can make me pee my pants #pregnancyjoys Unfortunately for them I sprayed the coffee, fortunately for me I managed to hold my pee.

Oh and NO, there is still NO baby. This boy is making keeping us in suspense. Last week Wednesday, Dr was convinced things are happening, I.e. My cervix is softening and I was 1-2cm dialated. yesterday I walked around at Monte Casino. BUT NOTHING!!!

I will see the Dr later today and we will figure out what is happening with this boy.

Spirited Mama


Competition between siblings


I can’t believe how competitive Dudie is with the resident alien, who is still in utero. He is literally competing with his brother even though his brother is still very comfortable and snug in my ever growing belly. Last week I was spoilt with a surprise baby shower for the resident alien. A lovely gesture from some of my colleagues. and some even took the initiative to get Dudie a gift or two.

Do you have a baby shower for your second or third child?

When I fetched Dudie from school , I had the leftover cake in the car. By the time we got home Dudie had eaten the “Baby Noah” off of the cake, dug little holes into the cake and was ready to eat the pretty blue booties. I was slightly annoyed as it just felt as if he was jealous and acting out. (How pretty is this cake and it was SO delicious!)


When he saw all the gifts the baby received his immediate response was “he is so lucky to get all these gifts”. He was fine when he realised he also got some gifts though.

Competition between siblings is real

What gets to me is that it seems that he expects to get something if the baby gets something. How can I change that mentality? How do I make him realise that if one gets the other doesn’t necessarily HAVE to get as well. (I actually know of people who buy birthday gifts for all their kids, even if it is just the one kid’s birthday.) I’m sorry that shit just won’t fly with me. Perhaps I need to give it some time. Consistency is key here. We have had numerous conversations about it and will continue with these conversations because frankly there is no need to be competitive. We love our children and strive to treat them both equally and fairly.

I get that Dudie is only 7 years old and suddenly he needs to share his whole world with someone else, his brother. This brother that he has been yearning for… It’s a HUGE adjustment for all of us as we will now be a family of four.

How do you deal with competition among siblings? How do you handle it? Any advice?

Spirited Mama




Is your child armed and ready?

I found this post  on “The MOM Diaries”

I Lost My 3 Year-Old While Playing Hide And Seek PLUS Safety Tips!

Reading that headline – My heart sank. Now I have not personally had such an experience (hopefully I will not) but it can HAPPEN to ANYONE. Kids are fast and incredibly creative/inventive/sneaky/escape artists etc…

I AM the paranoid mom. I bought the baby strap to keep Dudie in tow when we went out. People were disgusted that I put my child on a leash -guess what he is safe and with me was my very diplomatic response. I had people asking me in very hushed tones where I bought that strap cos they were too embarrassed to ask out loud. Hell even my Dude was not impressed with me. I stuck to my guns.

I don’t allow my kid to play amongst the clothing rails in a shop. Neither do I allow him to run up and down an aisle. He is always within my sight. Some people find this too overbearing but in hindsight I say rather safe than sorry.

Playgrounds at restaurants freaks me out and totally stress Dude out. Dudie doesn’t often play in the restaurant. We are there to eat as a family as we would at home – we eat together as a family. We do allow “some” play time in some restaurants where “we” are comfortable and where we can see Dudie.

It got me thinking. Is my child armed and ready  with the necessary emergency information? Not emergency information that is written down somewhere for him but does he “know/remember” his emergency information. He knows our names and our surname. He knows my number (and is way too happy to give it to anyone willing to listen. this includes random marketers) He knows his home address.

My question to Dudie – What is Dad’s number?

Dudie – In an emergency I will call you and you can just call Dad.

Me- We are together almost ALL the time. What if I can’t talk or if I have an emergency, how will you call Dad?

Dudie – Uhm , ok is it that 082 number?

Me – YESSSS! Now let’s start practicing it again please.

Is your kid equipped for an emergency?


Spirited Mama

P.S. Dudie now knows the number!

Blog content


I have been asked before how I come up with content for my blog. Because sometimes it is witty/funny/helpful and who would have known informative. Well the answer is simple really….

My content is my real life experiences. No really the very thing that you are laughing at is actual events in my life. Sometimes I read my own posts and think whoa I wish that was fiction but then I think I wouldn’t be a Spirited Mama without my Spirited family in My spirited life.

I started my blog as a cheaper alternative to therapy. And yes it has been liberating but it is also an honest reflection of my life as well as my choices in life.

So stick around if you fancy a laugh because I can guarantee it’ll be cheaper than visiting a therapist. You know they say that we all carry our own cross/burden/load well sometimes hearing what others are facing in life can make your load seem lighter.

Spirited Mama

1 Year Blog-aversary….

Sooooooooo, it’s been 1 year to the day that I wrote my first blogpost. I’m sort of in disbelief that I’ve been blogging for a year. Where did the time go?

Although it’s Saturday and believe me I would’ve  loved to lie in…(Thanks Murphy – just today the Dudie decided to sleep past his normal waking time(6-6:30am…) he was actually still asleep when I left at 7:25am. I am at WORK!!!! I have to work today. And next Saturday too! We work from 8am – 1pm. As I left home, I made a U-TURN back to KFC for a “Eggs Benedict and cappuccino” breakfast, the drive through cost me an extra 15 minutes, so  I was late for work. BooHoo. I enjoyed my breakfast. I enjoyed the morning drive. Open highway, I could really drive. Fast. And I did. And I loved it. (I am a speed junkie. I have to constantly remind myself that I need to obey the speed limit. I do, when I have my family or fellow passengers BUT when I am alone… My music is blaring, and I’m exhilarated by the thrill of the open roads…)

Within 30minutes of getting to work, we got Latte’s and croissants…And 10minutes later more coffee and muffins… Let me just say that I’ve overdosed on coffee, half of the muffin s still staring at me and my croissant well I think I’ll give it to Dudie… Way to much food for my liking! Even though I love food, it just too much right now.

So on that note, I’m patting myself on the back for my official 1st Anniversary! My blog started off with a very negative spin but with some humour, I hope… And it has transformed into my happy, ok sometimes not so happy but it’s filled with life and real emotions blog an I’m loving it…


I’m off to go get some water!

Happy weekend folks

Spirited Mama


P.S. We are going out with our Quadbikes tomorrow. This will be Dudie’s first “Official” quadbike outing. My nerves are shot. But I cross my fingers and my toes that all will be well and safe tomorrow….

P.P.S This will be the first time I get on my quad in almost 4years…. I hope I still remember how to ride. I have a manual bike…. Why is it so difficult to find tracks in Gauteng. Any riders out there please do tell about “happening spots”. The place we used to frequent closed down…

I went all Martha on myself!

I read this post about Doing it all by Raising Men and it got me thinking about how I think pretend to be superwoman. And whilst superwoman is flying high suddenly she gets hit by some turbulence and crash lands. But she gracefully gets up, dusts herself and takes to the sky again. This process is on repeat in my world. How do I stop it? Do I want to stop it? After much deliberation, I’ve realised that “that” crash landing is my coping mechanism. I quit smoking in January this year and although I’ve been temtped when facing trying times I’ve stuck to my guns and have not smoked again.

My crash landing is generally somewhere between me having a very very FUGLY cry or me sitting alone in the dark after the everyone’s in bed not being able to focus on anything as I have a gazillion things/ideas/plans/voices wreaking havoc in my head. Sometimes I might even have  a hissy fit and just let rip (read: throw my toys out the cot and scream at Dude). I really try not to take it out on Dudie but damn it’s tough. With Dudie, I kinda do and say stuff without the usual emotions involved. (True story – as Dude pointed this out to me). It really sad ‘cos I can see him distance himself from me at times.

But as we know nobody is perfect. We all have our flaws. And we all try our best. And our best is all we can give. So with that in mind, if you need to have a cry – cry. Put on some mascara and lipgloss and you’ll be ready to face the world again 🙂

Yesterday, after I missed my bus and then the next bus was delayed and then I git a later train, etc, etc, etc… Still, I got home in record time but my mood was a bit “off”. not sure why but as I walked into to the doorway, Dudie greeted me very enthusiastically with a smile but from a distance. When I approached him he ran off. Everytime I tried to get close to him, he ran off. My heart was torn, a bit. But after him showing me how he can do a tumble(bomme la kisie – for those of you that understand that term) and how the fish and oscar can too, and after telling me about his teacher and who know what else he was mumbling, he eventually let me hug him. And then he came to tell me arms stretched out that he loves me to the end of the earth and back(and then when you get to the word back – we hug). My heart melted and I forgot all about that rejection… By the way this is how I tell him how much I love him, all the time.

He saw Dude wanting to chuck the Ultramel custard and went all “Pleease can I  have custard?” We tried to explain that the custard has been in the fridge for a few days, well we don’t really know how long, and we not sure that it’s still edible – He can’t have. Immediately, my light bulb came on, as I realised that I have custard powder in he cupboard. Well , I organised the Dudie, who of course offered to help.

I then made a bread pudding and custard. My kid thinks I’m the greatest as I can make custard 🙂

Exhibit A








exhibit B – My portion










And this is how I went all Martha Stewart on myself. I’m so proud of well I handle the “ups” but I’m not so sure about the “down” period. Luckily, in my opinion, it seems that the recovery period in “down” is so much quicker than before.

P.S. Today’s school drive conversation with Dudie

We drive past a building with animal statues every morning. And it’s the best game ever to spot as many animals as possible. I watch his reaction in my mirror whilst driving ‘cos you know I still need to keep an eye on the road too.

Me: I see the Giraffes

Dudie: I can’t see

<There was a bus driving next to us and I was trying to slow down and not influence the traffic too much but I could see my plan was not working quick enough for him.>

Dudie: The bus needs to go fast. I can’t see!!! I can’t see! Jusses(yes, I know it’s bad to use the lord’s name in vain – but who hasn’t). Come on man!

Me: You know that’s not nice. I know that you’re frustrated but maybe you can express yourself in a different manner.

Dudie: Rolls his eyes at me… Oh my Gosh! Jusses. Come on man!

I nearly pee’d my pants trying not to laugh. This child is not even three. I sent Dude a message about the incident and very politely mentioned that “jusses, Come on man” is his saying…. I’m yet to receive a reply.

P.P.S Let me get on with being super careerwoman now.


When you’re kid starts disciplining you…

How do you discipline your child?

I was at my wits ends a while ago with disciplining Dudie. I am not a fan of smacking but once in a while a good smack on the bum does the trick. This might work for some kids NOT for DudiE. He thinks that a smack on the bum is hilarious. So I’ve resorted to the naughty thinking chair. In a corner, still within my sight but no TV/Games/Snacks/toys/anything that’s fun. He sits there for 2 minutes, then I go and give him “the Talk” about what he did and how it’s wrong, etc

I’m always dishing out time-outs. I even did it in a restaurant. Just took him to the baby room and that was that. Well, after time-out, we had such a nice time in the restaurant.

<I really don’t give a rat’s ass about the stares or the onlookers gossiping about my parenting habits. It’s my child and it works for us>

Does your partner discipline your child?

Dude was in awe of how well mannered the Dudie became. Then one day, I get home from work and Dudie breaks down in tears telling me something about music and how upset he is with Daddy Dude. Turns out, Dudie was in the wrong, Daddy Dude put Dudie in time-out and Dudie couldn’t comprehend the fact that Daddy can also discipline him. They are best friends like that… And now what…

Well, Dudie has realised that both Mom & Dad can discipline him and he’s cool with that. But it’s not always moonshine and roses…

When your child disciplines you

Yesterday I started cooking dinner and out of nowhere Dudie pulls up the chair (his small chair) and says “Mommy! Sit down. Blah blah Yada yada” Basically, he put me in time-out. OMG!!! Dude was having such a laugh but I was not impressed ‘cos I need to finish the food etc. I realised that I obviously upset this little man but I still have no idea what I did wrong.  After a few seconds Dudie came to stand in front of me and I said that I’m ready to apologise. SO, I apologized, and we hugged and I was granted permission to get up from the chair.

Not even 5mins later, Daddy Dude was banished to the chair. But Dude didn’t follow protocol and just got up after a while and walked off. Dudie scolded him and proceeded to tell him that he (Daddy dude) needs to sit on the chair. I explained that he needs to let Dudie know that he’s ready to apologise. He did and he too was granted permission to leave the chair.

This child of mine is as cute as a button. When time-out is over he happily puts the chair back in its rightful place.

Spirited Mama


And 2012 is the year that our child disciplines us…of course we realise that we are the adults and he is the child. At this stage we are engaging in role play to model desired behaviour in our child.

So you’re a boy and Mommy’s a girl

What makes me a girl and you a boy?

I’ve heard about it and quietly read the debates/discussions about when to talk to your child about s.e.x. When do they start noticing the difference between girls and boys. I have a 29 month old and Oh my Gloria he is inquisitive! My Dude seems to think that I shouldn’t be telling Dudie that Mommy has a vag.ina but I beg to differ.

<I think that’s why I have issues ‘cos when I was growing up it was all hush hush! Why can’t we just be honest and just call a vag.ina a vag.ina and so forth>

I’ve always walked out the shower naked. And Dudie is of the nature that he doesn’t even notice my wobbly a.s.s going pass him. He used to stare at my milk glands and all I use to say was ” Dudie that’s where you’re milk came from.”

Anyway, yesterday he asked ” what that Mommy?” I responded “my vag.ina.” Mommy is a girl and Dudie is a boy. And that was the end of it.

I don’t get why people fuss about gen.ital.ia. What’s the big deal?

Spirited Mama

P.S. This might be why I have issues. It was always hush hush when I grew up.

Do you tell your child the truth about girls vs boys?

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