Show me yours
Over the weekend the Spirited family went to the Mall for some shopping/gaming/chilling….oh and eating out of course. Well, let’s just say that it was a bit touch and go for a while at Ocean Basket. Firstly, our waiter did not really understand us clearly. Seemed that he was battling to converse in English. Secondly, to avoid any mishaps, we left Dudie strapped into his pram and just pushed him up to the table. Confined child=semi-controllable toddler.
Well, 30 mins into our meal Dude pipes up “Dudie, you have ruined my Ocean Basket experience every single time. Next time, I’m coming alone!” Well, I thought that I should just give him a voucher to go eat at Ocean Basket for his Birthday!
As we progressed through the day, Dudie informs me that he needs to go poo poo toilet. Ok, now I’m not fond of public toilets and the thought of a baby change room gives me the hibbygeebees…. Well off we went to the family room and Dudie did his thing. I get him ready to go and I say “oh, mama needs to pee, just hold on”.
This followed:
Dudie: Mama, long pause, where’s your
Me: Huh? Excuse me. What did you say?
Dudie: Where’s your
Me: Baby, I don’t have one. I have a Girls have…
<Please bear in mind that there were other moms waiting to use the room, and the sound travels well in that room.>
Dudie: Please can I see.
Then he started begging. So after me bribing telling him that we’re off to play some games and that I can show him mine when we at home….
When we left the room, all the moms were giggling….I wonder why?
On a different note:
This morning I asked him if they are practising for the school concert yet? And what will they be doing? He informed me that they will be doing Nothing…. So I rephrased and asked if they will sing? He answered again with “Nothing” Then I asked what do you mean nothing. And he started singing this song…. And that apparently is what he meant by “Nothing”. So now, I need to check with his teacher whether the song is called Nothing or maybe he is just tired of my probing
Spirited Mama