Living a SPIRITED life filled with wanderlust, emotions and everything in between

You are MORE BEAUTIFUL than what you think!

I read a post The way we see ourselves on Cat’s Blog, Juggling Act of Life and all I can say is WOW! This is so true. We undermine and downplay ourselves/looks/personas/personalities/successes etc for what… For whom? Because in essence, we are our own best friend/worst enemy.

Growing up, I was tall and skinny practically all my life. And yes, being skinny has it’s perks but I never truly felt “happy” with the way I looked. Fast forward a couple of years and I became a healthy size 8 (32). Well, I still wasn’t entirely satisfied. Fast forward into marriage and a baby and voila I’m a whopping size 12(36)…. Am I happy? Most days YES! And some days I stare at mt thighs and squeeze the sides a bit and wish they were leaner. And the flabby arms, and let’s not forget that I lift my a$$ every now and then just to see what a firm buttock would look like.

What I’m getting at is that “We are never really happy with what we have” but I guess that’s what makes us human. It’s ok to NOT be happy all the time. It’s normal. It’s MY normal. somedays  I feel like  a supermodel, some days I just fell blah!  So instead of striving to look like the next supermodel, ACCEPT YOU FOR YOU. There is only ONE YOU! YOU ARE SPECIAL, DIFFERENT & UNIQUE.



Spirited Mama

I dare you to tell someone that they are beautiful. It probably won’t save the world but it might just mean the WORLD to the recipient.


Seattle Coffee Company.. I seriously love you!!!!!


Free Willy


  1. Thank you for the shout out. I do feel very strong about this

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