Living a SPIRITED life filled with wanderlust, emotions and everything in between

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Laryngitis and Lindt Chocolate Bunnies

Ok, so after we attended my brother’s wedding in Cape Town we got back and I was still feeling under the weather… Ok ok, that’s an understatement. I was “vrot siek”!!!!

I got back to work on Tuesday, I was supposed to be at work on Monday but due us not being able to get seats on a flight home we spent and extra day in Cape Town. We did nothing but behave like tourists. We went up Table Mountain. We went to Lagoon Beach in Milnerton. Had drinks at Wang Tong… Then off to Canal Walk where somehow we ended up at Cape Town Fishmarket and had the yummiest food…. Yes we were hungry but the food was glorious!

We headed back to my Aunt’s place and laughed and chatted and repacked and got ready for bed… (we were to be at the airport at 4:30am — SERIOUSLY— as we were on standby and we didn’t want to miss a seat to get home).  We I fell into bed just after midnight and when my alarm went off at 4am I was dead on my feet.

We left a little late but got there just after 5am waited and eventually was told that we will be put on the next available flight. Now bear in mind that it was Post Cape Argus Cycle Tour weekend and getting a seat on a aeroplane is well almost impossible  – even to those who paid the full airfare… So I took Dudie t the side, we played in the terminal building a bit, the boys went to get coffee and we ended up flat on the floor very close to the standby counter drooling over our weekend pictures.

Dudie eventually drifted off to sleep on my lap.  <Why do we always need to pee at the most in opportune times? Murphy!!!> Luckily, we were checked onto the 7am flight so it wasnt too long of a wait. When we left on Friday morning it was raining in Pretoria. When we landed in Johannesburg it was raining! WTF! We got home. Unpacked like SPeedy Gonzalez, and all fell into bed for a nap!!!! We woke late afternoon and teh boys went to get takeout whilst I tidied up a bit.  We packed and got ready for work and school and just had hot baths and back to bed.

It was a tiring yet amazing time spent with family. We created memories that we will treasure forever. And my Dudie is strengthen his  with the family more and more…. <We’ll be back in April guys>

But back to the point. I managed to get through my work day, without a voice on Tuesday. On Wednesday, I headed to the Doctor, as a precaution because the voice was just not coming back. And I lost it the previous Friday already….Well, turns out my vocal chords were badly swollen and with all the bugs, colds and flus going around I was not doing myself a favour by going to work. I was booked off for the rest of the week with strict instruction to stay in bed and rest. As Dudie was also suffering with post nasal drip for 2weeks things in the Spirited Household was not all fun. interrupted sleep. Snot. Coughs. Aches and pains… And just when you think you’re on the mend someone gets the sniffles again…. I was about ready to put us all into a freakin bubble.

I had intended to do the 21km “Old Mutual Om die Dam” race at Hartebeespoort Dam on Saturday but was given a very firm “NO Racing” instruction by the GP too. So what do you do when you are booked off sick???? I absolutely can not stay in bed for more than 24hours unless I’m hospitalised and they force me to. I have too many other things that I want to do than lie in bed all day 🙂

This is what I did:


Drop Dudie at school, late of course. Off to the GP. Get home. Administer meds. straight to bed. Fetch Dudie as the guilt just get s to me that I can’t fetch him everyday cos I get home too late.


Drop Dudie, even later than yesterday. Off to shops to pick up few thing. Off to Makro, for a road trip must have – another cooler box just smaller cos we need a plug in “inside” too. It’s just no fun having to stop to grab stuff from the back. LOL. Fetch Dudie early again….


Drop Dudie midway through his music lesson – total mommy fail….LMAO! STraight to the shops. Hunt for that perfect bikini 🙂 I found one. Just not convinced it’s  “that” one. Off to other shops for a jacket that I made the store assistant locate on the system for me. Fetch Dudie and veg out in the lounge. We even set up the tent in the LOUNGE! That’s how we roll…

Amongst all of this Dudie was loving the fact that I couldn’t talk…I couldnt say NO or reprimand him. I raised my voice a few times out if frustration for the boys but they obviously didn’t even realise that I was upset…. I consumed copious amounts of Lindt chocolate Bunnies, this is in preparation for EASTER! Of course. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it. LOrd knows you can go into shock when you consume too much chocolate. So I was not about to take a chance.

I’m still a bit croaky but on teh mend. I’m at work but ready to dash out of here to gp pack for our Road Trip.

We’re road trippin tomorrow!!!!!!! Happy Dance!


P.S. I need to do soem work but will post soem pics from our Cape Town trip soon.


I’m up to my eyeballs in work but I’m mellow and chilled in the office as the only thing that I can think of right now is working on a playlist for our Road trip…

Dudie has told me what he wants and thank goodness it’s not anything nursery rhyme related/the wheels on the bus (my wheels might come off if that’s on my playlist…) instead my child has a very open mind to all genres of music. JUST like ME 🙂 And I love that he loves music so much.

He wakes to blaring (yes, sometimes we are blasting the music early in the morning) and it really get us me into the mood for the day ahead. I put the music on just before I get into the shower so by the time I get out, he’s rolling around on his bed or dancing in front of the mirror in my room. Sneaky sneaky but it gets him out of bed without me having to moan about it constantly.

<On Sunday – Dude turned the music down in the room as he was still sleeping when I put it on. LOL But I just went to put it back on in the living room 🙂 LOUD!!!>

Right now some favourites for both Dudie & I (in no particular order except maybe Maroon 5, are:

Maroon 5

Bruno Mars

Cee Lo Gree


Lighthouse Family(Classic)

Deseree – Life – I have forgotten how much I like it until it played on Trace the other day and Dudie, who is way too young to know it, pipes up “Mommy, I like that music”

Justin Timberlake – Suit & Tie

Daughtry – No surprise (classic)

Alicia Keys – Girl is on Fire


These are just a few that I can think of off the cuff but I can assure you our list is endless. Just for teh record I will pack 1 sing along nursery rhyme book. But that’s where I draw the line.

What are your favourite road trip songs?

Spirited Mama

P.S. I’ve been extremely bloated teh last few days and the other day I let a fart slide…. Dudie says “Mama your peop says hello” LOL – where did I ever get this precious child.



Road trippin

Amongst all the craziness and business of life – We are going on a mini break!!!! Whoop Whoop!!!!

I’ve booked accommodation at Sudwala Lodge Mpumalanga.. Initially, I thought we might travel sans Dude, as he might NOT be getting leave… But he’s on leave too 🙂

This will only be my second trip to Mpumalanga and I’m totally elated with the thought of  a mini road trip. breakfast/lunches at the Food stops/Wimpy/Steers/etc (I’d be happy to have a pie and coke from the Garage too.) I’m making a list of things to do whilst we are in the are, so if you have any suggestions please feel free to share….

Dinosaurpark – a real must for all three of us 🙂

Sudwala Caves – although I don;t know if Dudie is going to “dig” this….

God’s window

The Kruger National Park – I’m so close how could I not go there….

I’m also taking our passports along just in case we decided to cross the border….

Any suggestions for “things to do”?

We’re counting down the sleeps and making big black “X” on the calendar days that have passed. Watch out MP, we’re coming for you…

Spirited Mama

P.S. Do we need to take malaria meds?

P.P.S. Other exciting news is that I’m planning our “Annual vacation for 2013”. It’s rather late as we said we’d do it early in the year, maybe March, but we’re going to Mauritius in June!!!!

1 Year Blog-aversary….

Sooooooooo, it’s been 1 year to the day that I wrote my first blogpost. I’m sort of in disbelief that I’ve been blogging for a year. Where did the time go?

Although it’s Saturday and believe me I would’ve  loved to lie in…(Thanks Murphy – just today the Dudie decided to sleep past his normal waking time(6-6:30am…) he was actually still asleep when I left at 7:25am. I am at WORK!!!! I have to work today. And next Saturday too! We work from 8am – 1pm. As I left home, I made a U-TURN back to KFC for a “Eggs Benedict and cappuccino” breakfast, the drive through cost me an extra 15 minutes, so  I was late for work. BooHoo. I enjoyed my breakfast. I enjoyed the morning drive. Open highway, I could really drive. Fast. And I did. And I loved it. (I am a speed junkie. I have to constantly remind myself that I need to obey the speed limit. I do, when I have my family or fellow passengers BUT when I am alone… My music is blaring, and I’m exhilarated by the thrill of the open roads…)

Within 30minutes of getting to work, we got Latte’s and croissants…And 10minutes later more coffee and muffins… Let me just say that I’ve overdosed on coffee, half of the muffin s still staring at me and my croissant well I think I’ll give it to Dudie… Way to much food for my liking! Even though I love food, it just too much right now.

So on that note, I’m patting myself on the back for my official 1st Anniversary! My blog started off with a very negative spin but with some humour, I hope… And it has transformed into my happy, ok sometimes not so happy but it’s filled with life and real emotions blog an I’m loving it…


I’m off to go get some water!

Happy weekend folks

Spirited Mama


P.S. We are going out with our Quadbikes tomorrow. This will be Dudie’s first “Official” quadbike outing. My nerves are shot. But I cross my fingers and my toes that all will be well and safe tomorrow….

P.P.S This will be the first time I get on my quad in almost 4years…. I hope I still remember how to ride. I have a manual bike…. Why is it so difficult to find tracks in Gauteng. Any riders out there please do tell about “happening spots”. The place we used to frequent closed down…

2013???? Already!!!!

Phew, to say that this festive season flew by is an understatement. Where did the time go??? For part of my festive season I do wish I can “rewind” and just relive that moment. Some moments were priceless and they are etched in my soul so deep that no can remove them. Family time is important but nothing comes close to “Quality Family Time”.  The love, laughter, joy and happiness that comes along with it is truly magical.

This Christmas I truly had a magical Christmas! We just soaked up one another. It wasn’t all rosy but the good definitely out weighed the bad.

Yesterday, I started working again. It’s was horrible yet liberating at the same time. As much as I adore Dudie, we all need that “alone ” time form one another. So when I announced that it’s school time he wasn’t overjoyed but wasn’t exactly sad about it either. This morning he had a skip in his step as we walked to his class. He was happy, singing and bare feet ‘cos his Teacher said that he can leave his shoes off….

SO for now, I’m catching up to 400 emails. Trying to snack on healthy stuff and keep myself well hydrated ‘cos damn it’s HOT in Gauteng!!!!!

Happy 2013 All!!!!!

Spirited Mama

Be happy

The morning after Christmas

It is just after 1am and I’m vegging out on the couch waiting for my washing machine to finish its cycle… I washed 4table cloths.  I cleaned the kitchen, mopped the floors and packed away all the food, read squeezed everything into the fridge as I’m worried it gets too hot and the food will go off.

What an awesome Christmas we had. We started with midnight mass at 23:00, Church need at 12:30ish, on route home Dude stopped to pick up McDonalds for us.  We had McD’s and champagne at 1am. Dude, my gran, her sister, myself, and all whilst Dudie slept. We played Christmas music, laughed, ate,drank, face timed family, and eventually got to bed just before 3am. Dudie script into our bed in the wee hours of the morning, I was too tired to notice. We eventually got up after 7, did a “just wing it” breakfast and proceeded to Finish the food.

We had gammon, leg of lamb, beef roast, chicken, seafood, oxtail,veggies, salad, etc…. Oh and ice-cream, trifle and cake….cupcakes too. All for 6adults and 3 kids. What a feast we had. And how delicious it was. We laughed and had champagne, tequila coffee, beers, savannas, water, juice and sodas…. We played dominoes, shared memories created new new memories too. This was definitely a very special Christmas for all f us. One that we will talk about for a very very very long time to come.

im having a leftover cheese burger and a glass of milk. Going to hang out my table cloths and then I’m off dreamland as I know it won’t be long until Dudie wakes up. That child does not sleep later than 7:30am…..

i do hope that you all had a blessed merry Christmas.




So we missed our flight

As in true Spirited Family style, we missed our flight… AGAIN! LMAO

Seriously, I’m so over stressing about the flight because somehow, even with all the bags being packed the night before, we still miss our flight. <Murphy?  maybe… But I think it’s in our plan 🙂 >

This WAS our plan:

5:30am                   Leave for OR Tambo (30mins)

6:00 – 6:30            Check in

7:00am                  Take off for Cape Town

This is how it actually went down:

6:15am                 Leave for OR Tambo

In between Dude driving as if we being chased by Devil himself and Dudie asking millions of questions, I shit you not this kid does not stop. <RECENTLY, we viisted the IRENE Christmas Mareket and a lady was watching us whilst we shopped. SHe mentioned that my kid ” does’t stop talking… My response – He’s only quiet when he’s sleeping. But sometimes he talks in his sleep too> I was trying to take pictures. And calmly remind my Dude that no matter how fast we drive, we WILL miss the flight. So let’s take it easy and we’ll get there when we get there…

Dude slowed down. Dudie asked less questions, ok slightly less or I may just have diverted it to Dude. I Do that when I’m mentally tired and Dude is around. I say – Ask Daddy, boy 🙂

So I got this

We arrive at the Airport. Dude dropped Dudie and I with our 3 suitcases, Carry on bag for me, carry on bag for Dudie, x2 stuffed toys, x3 Photo canvasses I made for the family, x3 books for Dudie, x1 Donald duck blankie for Dudie, etc etc

My trolley looked like a pack horse, with a Dudie on top of it all… Bags got weighed… *Ahem* let’s just say that they put them all on at once, Phew… Get into the check in queue and have a full on conversation with myself in my head * You’ve missed the flight best you go smile and be polite over at the standby counter*

I politely, and I may have bumped a few people out of the way, walked pass everyone and proceed to the standby counter. They’re busy with a shift change. I calmly wait and then a nice young man assists. He points out that we have missed our flight and where is the third passenger? I said that he  was parking the car and should be there in a few minutes. He proceeds to reserve seats on the very next flight and says you can go and chill in the lounge whilst you wait… *Ta Da* Cue Dude walking to wards us and I remember… Oh yes, Dude booked Business Class seats for us 🙂 Yes, Business Class.

So we make our way through the check in and take the lift to SAA’s Premium Lounge.  Sjoe, I just can’t get used to this life… Everyone is so relaxed. Your kid can run around but naked with snot everywhere and no one would give a rat’s a$$… Ok, I have NOT  tried that one and I don’t think I ever will. They have staff that will “babysit” whilst you relax/eat cake/have cuppacinos/whatever… And in true Dudie style, he made the Kiddie lounge “homely” aka unpacked toys, spread floor puzzles, messed with the muffin crumbs… within minutes.

When we finally boarded, Dudie was an excellent traveller. Everyone kept oohing and aahing over him. I’m telling you the air/mindset in Business class is very very different. Dudie really impressed us with his Good Behaviour. Reading and chatting like a “normal well behaved” toddler…We got to Cape Town and what a beautiful sight /day it was


Shortly after arriving Dude’s Aunt collected us and we set off for our adventures…

Drop off Aunt, say hi to the other Aunt. Stop by the house in Hout Bay, as there was some issues with the alarm, drive through to my cousin in Fish Hoek via Chapman’s Peak, wow, what a sight and pricey I might add… Had a quick lunch, Drive to Soneike to my Aunt, drop bags, settle Dudie before we head off to our function party, shower change, get glammed up, and reorganise our room so that we don’t trip and break a leg when we get back… Might I add that the Dudie was so comfortable that he said goodbye to us whilst we were still getting ready. At the Party, Dude asked me to check on Dudie, message came back with he’s all good and happy and still very awake at 21:20… (Bed time in our house is 20:00) I replied with emoticons and said that it’s ok he’s on holiday too. We partied until 3am… I was still good to go but knowing my child who wakes us at 6/7am even if I only had an hour’s sleep I knew that it was time to call it a night.

And true’s bob, Dudie woke us at 6am. He eventually woke everyone in the house LOL. We had a family breakfast and then sadly had to pack and leave. Next step was lunch at Oupa Charlie’s house. (aka Dude’s dad, whom he only recently reconnected with…) What a lovely afternoon. We braaied, we laughed and I think some silent tears were shed over Dudie. And yet once again, our child was the poster child of well mannered children 🙂

Off to my Parents(if you’ve read older posts you’ll know this is a touchy subject) for a quick visit. Dudie got a bath and I got to spend time with my niece. Oh how I love that little princess. She greeted us with loud chuckles and arms outstretched. Big drooly smiles and baby sounds…. As soon as she is out of sight I long for her.

Off to my Gran, this was an adhoc visit. We literally popped in after 8pm… We eventually got to Hout Bay around 11pm. Dudie was passed out and Dude and I sat in the kitchen eating left over braai and chocolate cake…

Next morning we slept until 7am… Had breakfast whilst Aunt had a swim


This is teh view they wake up to each and every morning… We had a light breakfast and got ready to be tourists. We went down to Mariner’s Wharf. Hopped on the Red Bus and headed out to the Waterfront. As we got there teh swing bridge opened, much to MY and Dudie’s delight! I took loads of photos. Dudie spotted Christmas and almost made a run for it.


We had lunch at Mitchells Pub. That was awesome!!!! I’m so going back there.


We ended off our day with strolls around the Waterfront before heading back to Hout Bay, via Kirstenbosch etc… Dudie and I dosed off on route back to Hout Bay. You know the humming of the bus, the sun on you, the peaceful nature scenes.. I just couldn’t fight it. Sadly, we repacked our bags and had a stroll around the house in the garden. We headed out to the airport and very nearly almost missed our flight again… Luckily, it was slightly delayed and we checked right back into the Premium Lounge. On the flight back Dudie refused to part with his dinner. He loves seafood so when the steward came to collect the trays he said, that is my food. Leave it. 🙂

We were spoilt and loved in all our glory. We soaked up family and friends. We laughed, we danced, we ate, we played, we indulged…. We will be back soon.

Spirited Mama

P.S. Since we changed our focus of tripping to Cape Town, we made it about us, we’ve been having fantastic breakaways… Cheers to many more. I’m heading home. Wrapping gifts and having an Amarula or two 🙂

Middle ear infection, tattoos and lazy days

I haven’t blogged in a while. Life has been busy and fun and sometimes challenging…

It’s been crazy at work. I been off with Middle ear infection, i do have ear issues, and I’ve gotten a new tattoo…. Finally, I’ve been wanting it for 3 yrs but just never got around to doing it. Could’ve been that I was scared but I must admit it wasn’t half as bad as what I remembered from the first time.

I will post a pic soon. I have to run as I see a storm coming and I’d like to get Dudie and be home before the storm comes round.

So have a happy weekend. We’re suppose to go to a “Carols by Candlelight” picnic tonight but I’ll have to watch this weather. Won’t be carolling in the storm!

Spirited Mama

P.S. Tomorrow is the 1st of December!!!!! We get to put up our Christmas tree!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can’t tell you how excited I am. I didn’t think that I could hold out until now but finally tomorrow we decorate our house.

When do you put up your tree?

P.P.S We started our own traditions. Last year was our first Christmas alone, just the three of us. That was the plan but now it seems that my Gan and her sister will be joining us! Whoop Whoop. Those are two of our favourite people in the whole world.

And we are out of here….

This is where we’ll be tomorrow


Doing some of this

Amongst all the wine-ing and dining with family and friends…Seriously, as we touch down we head off to a breakfast gathering… And it doesn’t stop we literally have gatherings for each and every meal time whilst we are there. And at different locations everytime… Luckily the sun sets late in Cape Town so we won’t even know that its way way past Dudie’s bedtime until he literally falls asleep whilst we drive… (Don’t judge, it’s a getaway for everyone. We’ll get back to routine on Tuesday or maybe Wednesday…)

And what would a trip to Cape Town be without following Dude’s tradition visiting Mariner’s Wharf- He will wait for them to open their doors but he will not NoT have his platter 🙂 Thank goodness we’re a family who loves seafood.

And hopefuly we get to do this on Monday,

SO on that note I say ta ta…

See you next week. Have an awesome weekend

Spirited Mama

Feel Good moments

So I saw this on someone’s profile and absolutely had to steal it 🙂

This sums up exactly how I feel each and every time I look at Dudie, and being showered with hugs and kisses….. Gets me everytime. tehre was ever a spontaneous hug/kiss/holding hands/etc from either parent…. But that’s one of those sad posts and definitely not fit for today.>

 I love you to the end of the earth and back, baby boy! ALways and forever. Never too much!


Your Mom

P.S. I adore the fact that he makes me late every single morning because he makes me walk back to his door, because he didn’t “good morning me”… That means he wants to kiss me again. This can take a while some mornings!!! And even though I think that we are so late, I still share “our” moment.

P.P.S. The Dudie has now resorted to calling Dude and I by our first names. BUT only in public spaces. At home we are mom and dad. This child is way to smart 🙂


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