Living a SPIRITED life filled with wanderlust, emotions and everything in between

Tag: Recreation

Cartoon Network Live characters

Cartoon Network Live is ALIVE!

Opening day of Cartoon Network Live

Yesterday, we attended the opening of Cartoon Network Live at the Teatro, Montecasino, Johannesburg. Man alive, am I happy that this day had finally arrived as Dudie was driving me crazy with the constant “when are we going to the show” or “Mom, come see the ad is on TV”. As a parent I take precaution in what and how much details I divulge to my 8 year old. BUT, he saw the Cartoon Network Live invite on my laptop, stupid me left it on the table and forgot that this child CAN read!

This child called me at work to ask when I’m leaving because we can’t be late for the show. Then he called again, whilst I was en route, to check how far I am from home. Alas, we made it to the show on time.

Cartoon Network Live!, features Cartoon Network’s most popular heroes from Ben 10, The Amazing World of Gumball, Adventure Time and The Powerpuff Girls, in an interactive and spectacular stage production for kids aged 5+.

We were seated and waited in anticipation! It was incredible to see all the wonderment and excitement as the Teatro was filled with gleeful children waiting to see their favourite characters LIVE on stage.

Cartoon Network Characters come ALIVE on stage

Adventure Time, Finn the dog and Jake the human - Cartoon Network characters on stage

Finn the dog and Jake the human, Cartoon Network Characters

The audience erupted as familiar Cartoon Network characters stepped out on stage. The kids were in their zone, screaming gleefully as they recognized their favourite characters. What stood out for me was the story line that these beloved characters brought to life. From inspirational songs to interacting with the audience. To instill a value that “GOOD TRIUMPHS OVER EVIL”. To be the best friend you can be and to just believe in yourself.

Kids tend to “listen” to their peers and in this instance I think they were more zoned in to the message from their beloved characters. This live production is filled with song and dance but also very important messages for our kids. We just need to listen to the message. After the show, Dudie aptly told me how this was the best show ever and that the characters have some important messages for the kids. *this is my smart egg this one 🙂 *

I prefer live productions, especially for kids. It ignites their imaginations and allows for human interaction as opposed to staring at a screen!

The production brings together an international, award-winning creative team to ensure a quality family entertainment stage show for audiences of all ages. The show is directed by award-winning director and choreographer Bart Doerfler, known for his work on The Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Universal Studios Hollywood, The Walt Disney Company, The Ringling Brothers Barnum & Bailey Circus, Holiday On Ice and Dreamworks. Besides Bart Doerfler, the creative team consists of Stephen Emmer (Musical Director), Cynthia Nordstrom (Costume Designer), David Smeets (Lighting Designer), Michael Al-far (Video designer) and Marinus de Graaf (Set designer).

Cartoon Network Shows and Dudie’s schedule

We are fortunate to have multiple channels in our home and that everyone, EXCEPT me, can watch what they feel like. Dudie is constantly tuned in to Cartoon Network. His favourites Cartoon Network shows include the likes of Ben 10,  The Regular show (aka Mordecai & Rigby), The Amazing World of Gumball, Adventure Time AND Teen Titans!

Now before you judge how much screen time is allowed in my home, Dudie has very limited TV time during the school week but has free reign Friday – Sunday. That being said, he prefers to spend his weekends outside BUT he has an endless supply of pvr’d episodes, he does this himself, should he decide to catch up on some TV time.

About Cartoon Network EMEA

Turner’s Cartoon Network is a universally appealing boy focused, girl inclusive channel driven by its exciting slate of surprising comedy and adventure. The programming line-up explores the relatable themes of humour, friendship, imagination, action and adventure. Cartoon Network targets boys and girls aged 6-12 and aims to champion kids being themselves through its rich mix of entertaining and globally successful content.

The Powerpuff girls Cartoon Network

Cartoon Network’s -The Powerpuff girls

If you’re stuck for some school holiday fun best you make your way over to Montecasino for the Cartoon Network Live production! Your kids will thank you…


3rd July 2018 – 15th July 2018


Ticket Price: R175 – R390 – up to 50% off all off-peak shows

Tickets are on sale now through and Computicket.


Spirited Mama


**Disclaimer: We were invited to attend the opening show but the views and opinions expressed are my own**



It’s Play “Let them play”

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Let them play…Those words still hover in my mind since the #PrimaTopToys event where the top toys were revealed for the Festive Season 2017! What a fun time the adults had playing with the toys. We got to let loose our inner child without worrying about what others would think of us oohing and aahing over kids’ toys. Let’s be honest, as a parent if you are not convinced will you really buy your child a particular toy?

Prima Toys is one of Southern Africa’s leading importers and distributor of toys and games; bringing the world’s most famous toy brands and characters to children across various African countries

I remember one of my first dolls was a Prima Toys doll, a gift from my father’s friend who I think at the time worked for Prima Toys….I wish I had a picture of her.
I’m not a typical girl who played with dolls but I do remember that doll…
Being at the event evoked an emotion, at the time I couldn’t put my finger on it. Whilst playing with the toys in the goodie bag, I remembered the doll and how that doll was a Prima Toys product.

Funny how destiny or fate works…who knew that many many years later I will cross paths with Prima Toys again.

I’m definitely a boy mom and I love the toys as much as Dudie. Troll at this stage is too little to comprehend what is happening. But, he is besotted with his Teletubbie, PO. He giggles and even has a soundbyte of the actual Teletubbies music.

Dudie, obviously, raided the goodie bag I received. He loved the toys BUT that Ben10 Omnitrix was his favourite….until I showed him the hamper that I won…Gracious, that child’s eyes were ready to pop out his head. Why? Because there was a Ben10 Omnitrix Deluxe in there. He wears an Omnitrix on each arm…

And he had just seen the TV ad a few days prior to teh event and really really wanted one. Well, that was me getting the Mom of the Year award from Dudie. Granted, my status might not last long, as any parent knows you can go from hero to zero in 2 seconds flat, but I’ll revel in it for now.

The phrase, “Let them play” has constantly been on my mind. As parents, we are so busy with life/work/kids/etc/etc and sometimes we forget to stop and just be present. Similarly, we forget to just let our kids play. And to play with our kids. Dude and I have had the discussion that it seems lately we have been in “survival mode”. We have consciously made a decision to stop and have at least one “play” session per week night. Weekends are more chilled and we all get to have down time. It’s the weekdays with school/work/extra murals that consume our time.

So Thursdays are reserved for “play” in the evening. Tonight we will play 🙂

Happy Play day!

Mom’s favourite, even though I have NEVER managed to get all the colours in the right order! But I will keep trying 🙂

Spirited Mama


This is not a sponsored post. Opinions and views shared my own.

How my GUESS watch saved me from a snake…


Yes, you read it right. This post is about how my GUESS watch saved me from a Mozambiquan Spitting Cobra.

So in 2015, we got lucky when I called a place for a last minute booking over the Easter break. I found it in the Dinokeng reserve. Now I have absolutely no qualms, even after this incident, with nature. I get that I am in the wild and in their territory and rightfully so I respect the wildlife. But fuck lately I am having more goosebumps and hair raising experiences than I would like….

Anyway, we were so chuffed to get this last minute booking. Arriving on Good Friday, to a place where you are told warned “Please close the gate after you enter the camp as the Big 5 roam free in the reserve”. Now, a rational person would have said fuck that I am heading back to civilisation, but NOT this Spirited family. No we will find these places. And we will conquer them.

We arrive and unpack. We are impressed for a Bush Camp. Only concern, the bathroom is sort of outside of the bedroom and kitchen. You need to step onto the porch to get to the bathroom door. Now  this doesn’t bother me but it sure bugs the hell out of Dude who is paralyzed at the mere sight of a spider, no matter what size. We decide to explore the camp and take a stroll across the lawn to the pool and recreation centre. This is about 500metres from our porch.

Inside the recreation centre we find a pool(snooker) table, table tennis, a tv area and a long dining room table…so I tell myself do not stick your hand into the pool table as you are out in the wild and need to be weary of snakes and spiders. I discover you can actually exit by the pool table as well.

Dude and I start playing table tennis. Dudie interjects and I say you play with Dad, I want to check that room past the tv. I walk past the front door where we had entered earlier and as I pass a huge gas heater I feel my left hand is wet. As if someone sprayed it with water…I stop and think that I just passed a gas heater, this whole camp is thatched roofs and if gas is leaking and a fire breaks out we are all fucked. So I backtrack…slowly walking backwards to check this gas heater. And right there on the floor next to the gas heater lies a Mozambiquan Spitting Cobra.


MOTHERBUFFER! With my mind racing and me calculating that if I run around this fucking 12 seater table this snake can surely just slither underneath and stop me on the other side, or if I scream or startle the snake it will have a go at me…very calmly I say ” Dude, take Dudie and go out by the pool table. Dude, huh? I repeat myself but this time a bit louder and with more concern in my voice. As they exit, I calmly walk around this table so that I too exit at the pool table.

Once outside I was freaking out. We ran speed walked to the owner and informed him about the snake. He checked my hand and arm for any scratches or cuts and said Sussie jy is Fokken gelukkig hy hou van jou blink horlosie” (sister you are fucking lucky he likes your bling watch). So off he goes in search of this snake.

We did inform the other visitors who we met along the way not go to the recreation centre as there is a snake. We get there with the owner and already there are some guests who wanted to catch the snake. The owner goes inside and calls me to the door to check if the snake that he caught is in fact the right one. At this stage I am shitting myself thinking what do you mean the right one. I said yip it is without even looking.

He confirmed it was a Mozambiquan Spitting Cobra and guess what they spit from any position. They do not need to stand up or flair up to spray you with venom. Although, it’s more the bite that you need to be careful of. Sadly, he killed the snake as he says the camp is full and the snake has obviously settled there so if he leaves it the snake will most likely just come back. And it might not be a happy ending next time. Can I just say that although relieved I was very sad that they had to kill the snake. Dudie, up til today, is still pissed that the snake was killed. He asked the owner, do you think God is happy with you killing his creatures? There was a veterinary Doctor as well who agreed it was best to kill the snake.

After all that commotion we headed back to our chalet. Slightly more cautious being there. Feeling exposed and vulnerable. Dude goes to the bathroom, and starts cussing…well you guessed it. There was a spider in the bathroom. On the door that he just closed. The very same door that he needs to touch to get out of there. He only saw this spider once he decided to use the lavatory. I was beside myself with laughter. I rescued him, after I laughed and laughed and laughed…

That night we did not sleep much. Me worrying about snakes and Dude worrying about spiders. The next day we were scheduled to go on a game drive. We arrive at the pick up and the owner says “Sussie jy het my so laat skrik, Ek was bekommerd oor jou. Ek is Bly jy is ok” We had a lovely sunset drive but thankfully didn’t see the lions. I think I had enough of the wild for a while…

Last night there. We wake up and Dudie is covered in red spots. Like everywhere. We looked for snake and spider bites but nothing. Then put it down to sand fleas…but we packed our stuff and headed straight to Dischem in Pretoria, about an hours drive from the bush camp. The pharmacist was chilled so naturally we were chilled. Got some meds and went to the comfort of our snake free home.

The next day Dudie looked even worse. We headed to Pretoria East Hospital and the trauma Doctor on duty said it was some sort of virus that Dudie had. Gave stronger meds and sent us home. It took a few days to clear but thankfully he was good as new in no time.

Suddenly I remember why we haven’t been in the bushveld for a while.

Did you know that the Mozambiquan Spitting Cobra is considered the most dangerous after the Black Mamba?

I am so grateful for my bling GUESS watch because this snake thought it was my eyes and had a go at it. I am the person wearing a blinging GUESS watch in the bush. I also always wear my sunglasses…

Spirited Mama

Hong Kong

We recently took some time out and went to Hong Kong for some R & R…..It was amazing and hot and wonderful. Filled with crazy adventures and my S Health App going bezerk at my daily step count cos whoa baby I must have clocked a month’s steps in 7 days….

We did fly out in business class and had those luxury lie flat beds…what a way to travel. If there is one thing that should be mandatory for a bucket list it would be to travel in business class on a long haul flight…Thank you for your hospitality SAA. <Sidebar – one day when I am big I want to travel in Upper class with Virgin or first class with Emirates…just for those PJs>

When we left SA it was Winter, when we arrived in Hong Kong it was full blown Summer, like 38 degrees and humid as hell Summer. We loved it though. We even loved the light afternoon showers on two days that cooled us down whilst shopping at the markets. The city came alive at night with its bright lights and the streets were buzzing with people. I was in awe at how at 11pm it seemed like it was possibly 4/5 PM…We travelled by bus/train/taxi…and yes it was surprisingly easy to find our way around the city and various islands.

The fruit in this place is absolutely amazing. As my resident Alien, aka new baby, is still killing me with the ALL DAY vomiting and morning sickness(yes I puke even through my prescribed meds) the sweet fruits like melons, pineapples and grapes brought some respite. I had actually forgotten what my first pregnancy was like until this morning sickness violently kicked in. Now before you go bonkers I did get an all clear from my doctor to travel beforehand and had to solemnly swear that I would eat only proper cooked foods and NO sushi…

We ended our holiday with a trip to Hong Kong DisneyLand. Now let me point out that it is a crap load of money just to enter the park but it is so worth it! Dudie kept saying it’s his bestest day ever.

We left Hong Kong with suitcases that were ready to pop, no literally. I had Dude sit on each and every bag as I closed it up before we left… I made them vow not to attempt to open those bags until we are back home in South Africa. We arrived back to whopping 4 degrees in Johannesburg.

Here’s to planning our next holiday…Dude is already thinking of island destinations to take a newborn…

Spirited Mama

P.S. So I took my shoes off for the duration of the return flight…an low and behold I could not get the damn shoes back on when we had to get off in Johannesburg. I was very close to just walking barefeet  cos I just could not get my swollen feet into the shoes. Note to self keep flipflops in carry on luggage next time.

Joburg Zoo

Anyone going to do the fun run on Sunday, 22Sept, at Joburg Zoo?

Seems there’s a road race as well as a fun run…

i’ll stick to the fun run as the last time i attempted a road race walk it ended with me having shin splints…

Anyone else going to the Zoo?


Spirited Mama

Happy Friday!!!!!

Getting my Sudwala on…

We arrived in good health and ready for adventures…

on Tuesday, we left home j 5am, and of course i had to stop at McDonalds for my Cafe Latte, a large coffee for Dude and a hot chocolate for Dudie. Topped up with diesel and then we officially hit the road. What a drive….Dudie asked that his dad sits with him so I was the designated driver. It was  all good until just before Witbank. The mist was BAD!!!!!  And we had mist for most of the drive. In some instances it was so bad that i had zero visibility. In kid you not. The rear lights ob the cars ahead were not even visible.

but we made it by the grace of God. I kinda ignored the GPS and drove towards Nelspruit. I was starving and decided i need to find breakfast. And knowing Dude, if we got to the resort first, we wold unpack, settle, or make breakfast andbi really wasnt in the mood. I just wanted someone to serve me some breakfast. i pulled into the Ultra city but instead of a Wimpy breakfast, we opted for the Farmhouse coffee shop. Excellent choice. Yummy omlettes and full english breakfast. Slushpuppies and Cafe Mochas….Delicious

I must admit that i do love it when people announce your arrival but they have absolutely no idea who you are, they assume that you are the family booked in at Chalet 109 🙂 the lodge staff announced, welcome Spirited. family, as we walked in….we unpacked in record time, i unpack everything-food, clothes, shoes, toiletries…and set off to explore.

we visited the Sudwala Dinosaur park, had more slushpuppies(did I mention it’s scorching hot here), had a sneak peak of the caves but decided to do the caves another day.

This morning, i baked savoury muffins, we had a morning walk(all dressed up in our Mr Price Maxed apparel-lol), Dude and I had a 45 min squash game, played foosball, etc,etc,etc

Tonight, we’re tired but hoping to recharge for tomorrow. Adventure awaits. We’re off to Pilgrim’s Rest, Graskop, and the Panorama route. O yeah, we’re going to see if we can find out exactly where Jock of the Bushveld lived.

cheers for now,

Spirited Mama

Road trippin

Amongst all the craziness and business of life – We are going on a mini break!!!! Whoop Whoop!!!!

I’ve booked accommodation at Sudwala Lodge Mpumalanga.. Initially, I thought we might travel sans Dude, as he might NOT be getting leave… But he’s on leave too 🙂

This will only be my second trip to Mpumalanga and I’m totally elated with the thought of  a mini road trip. breakfast/lunches at the Food stops/Wimpy/Steers/etc (I’d be happy to have a pie and coke from the Garage too.) I’m making a list of things to do whilst we are in the are, so if you have any suggestions please feel free to share….

Dinosaurpark – a real must for all three of us 🙂

Sudwala Caves – although I don;t know if Dudie is going to “dig” this….

God’s window

The Kruger National Park – I’m so close how could I not go there….

I’m also taking our passports along just in case we decided to cross the border….

Any suggestions for “things to do”?

We’re counting down the sleeps and making big black “X” on the calendar days that have passed. Watch out MP, we’re coming for you…

Spirited Mama

P.S. Do we need to take malaria meds?

P.P.S. Other exciting news is that I’m planning our “Annual vacation for 2013”. It’s rather late as we said we’d do it early in the year, maybe March, but we’re going to Mauritius in June!!!!

And we are out of here….

This is where we’ll be tomorrow


Doing some of this

Amongst all the wine-ing and dining with family and friends…Seriously, as we touch down we head off to a breakfast gathering… And it doesn’t stop we literally have gatherings for each and every meal time whilst we are there. And at different locations everytime… Luckily the sun sets late in Cape Town so we won’t even know that its way way past Dudie’s bedtime until he literally falls asleep whilst we drive… (Don’t judge, it’s a getaway for everyone. We’ll get back to routine on Tuesday or maybe Wednesday…)

And what would a trip to Cape Town be without following Dude’s tradition visiting Mariner’s Wharf- He will wait for them to open their doors but he will not NoT have his platter 🙂 Thank goodness we’re a family who loves seafood.

And hopefuly we get to do this on Monday,

SO on that note I say ta ta…

See you next week. Have an awesome weekend

Spirited Mama

Holiday… Come back, please….

Ok, so we (The Spirited Family) have been on holiday for the week and man it was good to do N.O.T.H.I.Ng although we did most recreational activities that were on offer.

We rode on the BUS! Dudie is Bus befok! I kid you not. This kid screamed like a “speen varkie” aka baby pig when he saw the bus and realised that we’re getting onto it. We did take several trips past our accommodation as Dudie threatened a tantrum when we wanted to get off the bus. So we rode the bus the entire week!

<On two mornings we decided that we’d rather walk than catch the bus. Did this kid freak out when the bus passed us! We had to promise to ride the bus later.>

We enjoyed good coffee from the Seattle Coffee Co and Dudie loved his “Baby Foamy”. I thought this was too cute. He also loved his cake ( a huge choc chip muffin).

We spent the week swimming, lying in the sun, playing games, running from monkeys, eating good food (Dude decided that we’re dining out all week – No cooking), visiting the crocodile sanctuary, riding the bus, riding the train, see the animals at the mini zoo, Dude taking us on the dam with a speed boat, collecting a balloon every day from Wimpy, enjoying our midday siestas with Dudie to recharge.

Thank you Dude and Dudie for an awesome family holiday! I’m planning the next.

P.S. Dudie asked if we could go in the train.. I said yes my child, we’re going in the big train next month to CPT!!!!

P.P.S. I love holidays

I don’t work O.V.E.R.T.I.M.E

I have been working overtime for 3 weeks now! This is the 4th and the last week. Fck! I don’t do well working overtime. It is not condusive to my health nor my lifestyle etc etc. My list is endless.

When I signed the contract for this J.O.B <3.5yrs ago> it stated that some overtime and weekend work is required. I’ve always justified why I should be exempted from that. But this year, I had<read:chose> to work as I wanted to score on the time off. Yes, this is the incentive so that you bank your annual leave. I needed it as I have already confirmed a weeks vacation at Sun City for my household.

So, today is Tuesday. One more hour before I go home. I just need to get through the rest of this week.

<On my outlook calendar, I can see our family vacation week!> I can smell it/taste it and feel it. Soon I’ll be reaping the rewards of my overtime.

J.U.ST Need to Get Through this week.

Spirited Mama

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